Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Kurtág György


Place of Birth
Lugos [Lugoj, RO]
Date of Birth

György Kurtág was born on 19 February 1926, in Lugoj in the Banat region of Eastern Europe, a region assigned to Romania by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920. In 1940 he starts taking lessons in piano from Magda Kardos and in composition from Max Eisikovits at Temesvár (Timisoara, Romania). In 1946 he moves to Budapest and enrols in the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music. There he studies composition with Sándor Veress and Ferenc Farkas, piano with Pál Kadosa and chamber music with Leó Weiner.

In 1951 he graduates in piano and chamber music and in 1955 in composition. In 1954 Kurtág is awarded with the Erkel Prize by the Hungarian State (also in 1956 and 1969). Between 1957 and 1958 he studies with Marianne Stein in Paris and attends courses of Darius Milhaud and Olivier Messiaen. From 1960 till 1968 he works as répétiteur of soloists with the Hungarian National Philharmonia.

In 1967 he becomes professor at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, first of piano and then of chamber music. In 1971 he stays one year in West-Berlin as grantee of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). In 1973 he is awarded the Kossuth Prize by the Hungarian state, in 1984 the Béla Bartók-Ditta Pásztory Prize, and in 1985 the title Officier des Arts et des Lettres by the French state. Kurtág's international reputation began to take hold with Messages of the Late Miss R.V. Troussova for soprano and chamber ensemble, which had its premiere in Paris in 1981.In 1986 Kurtág retires from the Academy of Music, however he continues to teach a limited number of classes until 1993.

In 1987 he becomes member of the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich and member of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin. In 1993 he is rewarded with the Prix de Composition Musicale by the Fondation Prince Pierre the Monaco for his "Grabstein für Stephan" and "Op. 27 No. 2(Double Concerto)". In the same year he is awarded the Herder Prize by the Freiherr-vom-Stein Stiftung, Hamburg and the Premio Feltrinelli by the Accademia dei Lincei, Rome. Also in 1993 he is invited to stay at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin for two years as composer in residence with the Berliner Philharmoniker. In 1994 he receives two other prizes: the Austrian State Award for European Composers and the Denis de Rougemot Prize, bestowed on him by the European Association of Festivals. In 1995 he stays in Vienna for a year, composes and teaches master classes at the Wiener Konzerthaus. In 1996 the Hungarian state awards him with Kossuth Prize for his life achievements. He is invited in the same year by the Sociéte Gaviniés, the Royal Conservatory of the Hague, the Muziekcentrum Vredenburg Utrecht, the Concertgebouw NV Amsterdam, the Nederlandse Opera, the Schönberg Ensemble, the Asko ensemble, the Orlando Quartet, the Osiris Trio and Reinbert de Leeuw to stay in the Netherlands for two years.

In 1998 he receives the "Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen" by the Austrian Republic, the Music Prize of the Ernst von Siemens Stiftung, and the European Prize for Composition by the "Fördergemeinschaft der Europäischen Wirtschaft" and the "Fondation des Prix Européens". For the second time between 1998-1999 he is invited by the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. In 1999 he is also invited by the Ensemble Intercontemporain, the Conservatoire of Paris, the Cité de la Musique, and the Festival d'Automne á Paris to stay in the French capital for two years. In the same year he receives the Order of Merit in Sciences and Arts, Berlin. In 2000 he wins the John Cage prize in New York.

2001 brings him the Foreign Honorary membership of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the Hölderlin Prize by the City and the University of Tübingen, Germany. In 2002 the Kurtág couple settles in France, near to Bordeaux.

In February 2006, the 80-years old György Kurtág was celebrated on a five-day birthday festival (Kurtág 80) organized by the Budapest Music Center. The Hungarian State has awarded the Hungarian Republic Order of the Big Cross (civil section) to the composer. He received the Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition at Louisville University on April 20, 2006. In June 2010 György Kurtág was awarded with the Zurich Festival Prize, in February 2015 he has won the BBVA Foundation "Frontiers of Knowledge" Award in the Contemporary Music category.
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1987 Flowers, Chants, Hymn, Plays and Games for Cimbalom Hungaroton SLPX 12755 LP
1990 Musikprotokoll '90 ORF MP 90 ORF 08
1991 Carter, Elliott: Quintet; Donatoni, Franco: Blow; Kurtág, György: Quintetto; Ligeti, György: Zehn Stücke Stradivarius 33304
1993 Kurtág György: Dalciklusok
(Kurtág, György: Song Cycles)
Sony SK 53290 Own
1994 Kurtág György - Portraitkonzert - Salzburg, 1993. augusztus 10.
(Kurtág, György - Portraitkonzert - Salzburg, 10. 8. 1993.)
Col Legno WWE 31870 Own
2 CDs
1994 Ligeti / Kurtág / Orbán / Szerványszky BIS Records BIS-CD-662
1995 Kurtág György művei
(Works by György Kurtág)
Hungaroton HCD 31290 Own
1995 Kurtág György: Kafka-töredékek, Op. 24
(Kurtág, György: Kafka-Fragments, Op. 24)
Hungaroton HCD 31135 Own
1995 Kurtág - Robert Schumann: Hommage á R.Sch. ECM Records ECM 1508
1996 Kurtág György: Musik für Streichinstrumente ECM Records ECM 1598 Own
1996 Kurtág György: Kafka-töredékek, Op. 24
(Kurtág, György:Kafka-Fragments, Op. 24)
Ondine ODE 868-2 Own
1996 Kurtág György: Grabstein Für Stephan; Stele; Stockhausen: Gruppen Deutsche Grammophon 4477612 Own
1997 Kurtág György: Játékok
(Kurtág, György: Games)
ECM Records ECM 1619 Own
1998 Mentsük meg a Zeneakadémiát!
(Let's Save the Liszt Academy!)
Hungaroton HCD 31841
1998 Kurtág György: Művek szoprán hangra
(Kurtág, György: Works for Soprano)
Hungaroton HCD 31821 Own
1998 Kurtág György: Hommage á R. Sch. Op.15d; Florentz Jean-Louis: L'Ange du Tamaris, Op. 12; Ligeti György: Trio for horn, violin & piano ("Hommage à Brahms"); Pesson Gerard: Récréations françaises: bagatelles Arion 68414
1999 Ganz, Bruno: Wenn Wasser wäre ECM Records ECM 1723
1999 Kortárs magyar szerzők orgonaművei
(Hungarian Contemporary Organ Music)
Hungaroton HCD 31858
1999 Rückblick Moderne - Orchestermusik im 20. Jahrhundert
(Rückblick Moderne - 20th Century Orchestral Musik)
Col Legno 200041 8 CDs
1999 Solos - XX. századi magyar kompozíciók szóló fuvolára
(20th C. Hungarian Works for Flute)
Hungaroton HCD 31785
2000 Marlboro Music Festival - 50th Anniversary Album Bridge 9108
2000 Ligeti / Kurtág / Veress - Wind Quintets CPO 999315
2000 Kim Kashkashian - Bartók / Eötvös / Kurtág ECM Records ECM 1711
2001 Tihanyi Gellért: Kurtág/Bartók/Faragó/ Stravinsky/Reich BMC Records BMC CD 048
2001 Vékony Ildikó: Szálkák
(Vékony, Ildikó: Splinters)
BMC Records BMC CD046
2001 Psy: A cimbalom varázsa
(Psy: Charm of the Cimbalom)
Hungaroton HCD 32015
2002 Bartók Béla: 44 Duos for Two Violins
Ligeti György: Ballade und Tanz
Kurtág György: Ligatura - Message to Frances-Marie Op. 31b (The Answered Unanswered Question)
ECM Records ECM 1729
2002 Kurtág, Szőllősy, Sáry, Serei, Sári, Gyöngyössy BMC Records BMC CD 074
2002 Musik der Zeit 1951-2001 Wolke Verlag ISBN 3-923997-98-1 2 CDs
2003 Viola Space - Japan 10th Anniversary BIS Records BIS-CD-1379/80 2 CDs
2003 Kurtág György: Signs, Games and Messages ECM Records ECM 1730 Own
2004 Piano Four Hands - Two Pianos in the XX Century Dynamic 439
2004 Music Colors - Hungarian Contemporary Music (1989-2004) BMC HMIC BMC PCD 015 Not for sale - only for promotion
2005 a la Carte - szólódarabok gordonkára
(a la Carte - Solo Works for Cello)
Hungaroton HCD 32288
2005 Die Revolution der Klange - Musik im 20. Jahrhundert Arthaus Musik 102072
2005 La langue maternelle - Mother Tongue - Bartók, Ligeti, Kurtág, Eötvös L'empreinte Digitale ED 13211
2005 Leaving Home: Orchestral Music in the 20th Century Arthaus Musik 102073 DVD
2006 Kurtág György: Játékok
(Kurtág, György: Játékok (Games))
BMC Records BMC CD 123 Own
2007 Kurtág 80 BMC Records BMC CD 129 Own
2007 Kurtág, György: Játékok; Szálkák; Grabstein für Stephan Ricordi Oggi STR 57002 HAL Own
2008 Kurtág György: Játékok 2.
(Kurtág György: Játékok (Games) - Selection 2)
BMC Records BMC CD 139 Own
2009 Kosmos / Crumb - Kurtág - Stockhausen - Bartók - Eötvös NEOS NEOS 20802
2009 Harpchipelago - Kortárs magyar kompozíciók hárfára
(Harpchipelago - Contemporary Hungarian Works for Harp)
Hungaroton HCD 32630
2010 Ligeti and Kurtág at Carnegie Hall BMC Records BMC CD 162 Own
2013 Mariann Marczi: Splinters - 20th Century Hungarian Works for Piano Odradek Records ODRCD307
2015 In memoriam Haydée - Játékok, átiratok szóló zongorára és négy kézre
(In memoriam Haydée - Games and Transcriptions for piano solo and four hands)
ECM Records ECM 5508 Own
DVD / BluRay
Cité de la musique, Paris - Live concert recording
2016 Kurtágék Kurtágtól játszanak
(György and Márta Kurtág play Kurtág)
BMC Records BMC CD 233
2016 Sir Simon Rattle Conducts and Explores Music of the 20th Century Arthaus Musik 109222 3 Blu-ray Disc
2016 Sir Simon Rattle Conducts and Explores Music of the 20th Century Arthaus Musik 109237 5 DVDs
2016 Darmstadt Aural Documents - Box 4.: Pianists NEOS NEOS 11630 7 CDs
2019 The Masters Collection: Zoltán Kocsis Hungaroton HCD 32840-42 3 CDs
2020 Ildikó Szabó: Heritage Hungaroton HCD 32813 Includes World Première Recordings
2021 Kurtág György: Bornemisza Péter mondásai
(György Kurtág: The Sayings of Péter Bornemisza)
BMC Records BMC CD 279 Own
Title Type Year
... pas à pas ... - nulle part..., Op. 36 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1998 the 100-Year-Old... String orchestra 2002
...concertante... Op. 42 Concerto 2003
...couple égyptien en route vers l´inconnu... - Double Instrumental solo 2013
...couple égyptien en route vers l´inconnu... - Musée du Louvre [VIe dynastie, vers 2350-2200 av. J.-C.] Instrumental solo 2013
...c´ astăzi s´a născut... - Márta is 90 years old! Instrumental solo 2017
...elszunnyadni, - semmi több..., (Three Songs on Poems by Dezső Tandori), op. 50 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2019
...quasi una fantasia... Op. 27, No. 1 Concerto 1988
...tot ziens Jan... - In memoriam Jan Van Vlijmen Instrumental solo 2005
13 Pieces for Two Cimbaloms from "Games" Chamber Music 1982
14 Fragmente aus Rückblick - Altes und Neues (Hommage à Stockhausen) Chamber Music 1993
Four initiums from Hommage à Jacob Obrecht (Hommage à Dobszay László) Chamber Music 2005
Six moments musicaux Op. 44 Chamber Music 2005
Messages of the Late R.V. Troussova Op. 17 / Messages de feu demoisille R.V. Troussova Solo voice(s) with ensemble 1980
Songs of Dispair and Sorrow Op. 18 / Pesni unynija i pechali Op. 18 Choir and orchestra 1994
Die kleine Klemme, Op.15b / The Small Snag, Op. 15b Chamber Music 1978
Arioso - Hommage à Walter Levin 85, in Alban Bergs Manier Chamber Music 2009
Aus der Ferne III - Hommage à Alfred Schlee 90 / Voice in the Distance - For Alfred Schlee´s 90th birthday Chamber Music 1991
Aus der Ferne V - Alfred Schlee in memoriam / Voice in the Distance V - to the memory of Alfred Schlee Chamber Music 1999
Az hit... Instrumental solo 1998
Bagatelles Op. 14d Chamber Music 1981
Die Sprüche des Péter Bornemisza, Op. 7 / The Sayings of Péter Bornemisza, Op. 7 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1968
Brefs Messages, Op. 47 Ensemble 2011
Viola Concerto Concerto 1954
Farewell - … to my dear friend and closest colleague Andris Wilheim with painful love Instrumental solo 2022
Chroniques Hongroises / Hungarian Chronicles Film music 1991
Colinda - Balada Choir and solo instrument(s) 2007
Pieces for the Guitar Tutor Instrumental solo 1976
The memory of Sándor Devich Instrumental solo 2021
Erinnerung an einen Winterabend Op. 8 / Im Memory of a Winter Sunset Op. 8 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1969
Einige Sätze aus den Sudelbüchern Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs Op. 37a Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1999
Pre-Ludes / Vor-Spiele Instrumental solo 1974
Péter Esterházy: Fancsikó and Pinta [fragments], Op. 40 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1999
S. K. Remembrance Noise, Op. 12 / S. K. Erinnerungsgerausch, Op. 12 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1975
Fin de partie / Endgame Opera 2017
Friedrich Hölderlin: An.. (Ein Fragment) Op. 29 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1989
Goldberg Variations Film music 1992
Grabstein für Stephan Op. 15c Symphony orchestra 1979
Chor der Girls Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1959
Hamlet Music for the theater 1963
Sechs Stücke für Posaune und Klavier / Six Pieces for Trombone and Piano Chamber Music 1978
Herdecker Eurythmie Op. 14 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1979
Hipartita Op. 43 Instrumental solo 2004
Hommage à Bartók - □ □ □ - Mártának Instrumental solo 2008
Hommage à Jacob Obrecht Chamber Music 2005
Hommage à Mihály András, Op. 13 Chamber Music 1978
Hommage à R. Sch. Op. 15d Chamber Music 1990
Hommage à Yehuda Elkana 70 Instrumental solo 2004
Hommage á Eötvös Péter 75 Instrumental solo 2019
Hommage-message à Christian Wolff Chamber Music 2004
Three Songs to Poems by János Pilinszky Op. 11a / 3 Lieder auf Gedichte von János Pilinszky Op. 11a Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1986
Three Old Inscriptions Op. 25 / Drei alte Inschriften Op. 25 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1987
Seven Songs Op. 22 / Sieben Lieder Op. 22 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1982
Hölderlin-Gesänge, Op. 35 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1997
In memoriam Zilcz György Chamber Music 1975
Irka-firka születésnapra Chamber Music 1991
Signs Op. 5 Instrumental solo 1961
Signs, Games and Messages - Two Pieces for Bass Clarinet Instrumental solo 1985
Signs, Games and Messages for Wind Duos - Римма Далош: Любовь на месяц... (Hommage à Tristan) / Rimma Dalos: Lov Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Wind Duos - Ilona Rozsnyai in memoriam Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Wind Duos - Versetto [apocryphal organum] Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for Wind Duos - [... summaia a B. P. mondasinac ...] Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Miscellaneous Wind and Mixed settings - Ilona Rozsnyai in memoriam Chamber Music 1999
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 1 - Op. 5b - Signs I Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 2 - Op. 5b - Signs II Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 3 - Op. 5b - Signs III Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 4 - Hommage à John Cage (Faltering words) Instrumental solo 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 5 - Hommage à John Cage (for Frances-Marie Uitti) Instrumental solo 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 6 - Message-consolation à Christian Sutter Instrumental solo 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 7 - Message-consolation à Christian Sutter (alio modo) Instrumental solo 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 8 - Az hit... Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 9 - Pilinszky János: Gérard de Nerval Instrumental solo 1984
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 10 - Im Volkston Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 11 - In memoriam Ferenc Wilheim (for András) Instrumental solo 2005
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 12 - Souvenir de Balatonboglár (Birthday greeting to Judit Scherter) Instrumental solo 2003
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 13 - Thomas Blum in memoriam Instrumental solo 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 14 - György Aczél in memoriam Instrumental solo 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 15 - Socrates´ Farewell (Hommage à Job van Eck) Instrumental solo 2006
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 16 - Schatten / Shadows (for Miklós Perényi) Instrumental solo 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 17 - Kroó György in memoriam Instrumental solo 1997
Signs, Games and Messages for violoncello 18 - Árnyak / Shadows (for Miklós Perényi) Chamber Music 2002
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - ...angélique... (...eine Rimbaud-Zeitlupe) Instrumental solo 2004
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - ...hommage à Irvine 50 Instrumental solo 2003
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Alan Marks in memoriam Instrumental solo 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Arioso. For the birth of a new violin Instrumental solo 2003
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Csendes folyóvíznek (Hommage à György Geszler) Instrumental solo 1989
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - György Geszler in memoriam Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Karinthy: Cirkusz ...a magasban (in der Höhe) Instrumental solo 2008
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Karinthy: Cirkusz. Le tour de passe-passe Instrumental solo 2007
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Mesto, lacrimoso (for violin) Instrumental solo 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin - Molnár Klári emlékezete... Instrumental solo 2005
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 1 - Hommage à J. S. B. Instrumental solo 0
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 2 - Perpetuum mobile Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 3 - Plaintive Tune (Vibrato Study) / Klagendes Lied (Vibrato Vorstudie) Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 4 - Zank-Kromatisch Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 5 - Hommage à John Cage (Faltering words) Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 6 - The Carenza Jig Instrumental solo 1997
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 7 - Im Volkston Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 8 - Doloroso Instrumental solo 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 9 - In memoriam László Mensáros Instrumental solo 1993
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 10 - Postcard to Anna Keller Instrumental solo 1993
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 11 - In memoriam Thomas Blum Instrumental solo 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 12 - Calmo, sognando (Ştefan Romaşcanu in memoriam) Instrumental solo 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 13 - In Nomine - all´ongherese (Damjanich emlékkő) Instrumental solo 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 14 - ...für den, der heimlich lauschet... (hommage à Iván Nágel 70) Instrumental solo 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 15 - ...féerie d´automne... Instrumental solo 2004
Signs, Games and Messages for Violin 16 - Antifóna Hirominak Instrumental solo 2003
Signs, Games and Messages for Clarinet - ...ein Brief aus der Ferne an Ursula... Instrumental solo 2014
Signs, Games and Messages for Clarinet - Calmo, sognando Instrumental solo 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for Clarinet - Einen Augenblick lang... Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Clarinet - Hommage à Elliott Carter Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Clarinet - Hommage à J. S. B. Instrumental solo 1979
Signs, Games and Messages for Clarinet - Perpetuum mobile Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Contrabass-Clarinet and Pianino - Schatten / Shadows Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - ...a csendes elmúláshoz... (Mahler modorában) Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - ...Macool, Macool, orra whyi deed ye diie, Sir Tristram, violer d´amores... Instrumental solo 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - ...just a leaf and then leaves... Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - The Mind Will Have its Freedom... Instrumental solo 1993
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - Grussan Ulrich Eckhardt 60 Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - In memoriam Mrs. Árpád Illés Instrumental solo 1996
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - Marlow: Dr. Faustus (Ovidius: Amores I. 13) Instrumental solo 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - Misterioso - altero (Version No. 2) Instrumental solo 1993
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - Anguished and Consoled for J. H. (Slow bow practice) Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola - Weihnachtsgruss an Heini Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 1 - Signs I Instrumental solo 1961
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 2 - Signs II Instrumental solo 1961
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 3 - Hommage à John Cage (Faltering words) Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 4 - Perpetuum mobile Instrumental solo 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 5 - Klagendes Lied Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 6 - Zank-Kromatisch Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 7 - Flapping-slapping Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 8 - Im Volkston Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 9 - H.J.-song Instrumental solo 1987
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 10 - The Carenza Jig Instrumental solo 1997
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 11 - Четыре сплетённых тела... [Četyre spletënnych tela...] (to the exhibition of Sári Gerlóczy) Instrumental solo 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 12 - In memoriam Aczél György Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 13 - Thomas Blum in memoriam Instrumental solo 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 14 - Doloroso Instrumental solo 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 15 - Samuel Beckett: Le nain (Hommage à Roland Moser) Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 16 - Letter to Vera Ligeti Instrumental solo 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 17 - Zöld erdőből magyar nóta (for Imre Földes at 60) Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 18 - Silent Lines to László Dobszay Instrumental solo 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 19 - In Nomine - all´ongherese (Damjanich emlékkő) Instrumental solo 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 20 - Virág - Zsigmondy Dénesnek ( memoriam Anneliese Nissen-Zsigmondy) Instrumental solo 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 21 - ...eine Blume für Tabea... Instrumental solo 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for Viola 22 - György Kroó in memoriam Instrumental solo 1997
Signs, Games and Messages for double bass 1 - Message-consolation à Christian Sutter Instrumental solo 1999
Signs, Games and Messages for double bass 2 - Message-consolation à Christian Sutter (alio modo) Instrumental solo 1999
Signs, Games and Messages for double bass 3 - ...eine Botschaft an Valérie... Instrumental solo 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for double bass 4 - Schatten / Shadows Instrumental solo 1999
Signs, Games and Messages for double bass 5 - Schatten / Shadows Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for viola da gamba - ...gemiti, sospiri... - Hommage au professeur Dr. Joël Dehais Instrumental solo 2008
Signs, Games and Messages for viola da gamba - ...sospiri, gemiti... (double) - à Joël Dehais Instrumental solo 2008
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - (summaia a B. P. mondasinac) Chamber Music 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - ...and never part... Chamber Music 1986
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - ...c´erano due fiori... - a Francesca Camerana Gentile Chamber Music 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - The Mind Will Have its Freedom... - H. J. darabja Chamber Music 0
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - In memoriam Erna Czövek Chamber Music 1993
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Eine Blume für Tabea... Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Fantasy on a Csángó Folk Song - In memoriam Ferenc Farkas Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - I´m a Cloud, the Sun´s Shining Now (Fragment of a Fragment) Chamber Music 1986
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Gemiti i sospiri Chamber Music 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Gruss an Elisabeth und Kaspar Weber Chamber Music 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Hangzatok egymás után - H.-nak és J.-nek Chamber Music 1993
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - József Attila: A kerten... Chamber Music 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Ligatura - Hommage à Yehudi Menuhin Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Ligatura - Yuuko Chamber Music 2006
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Ligatura Y Chamber Music 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Rimma Daloš: Ljubov´ na mesjac... (Hommage à Tristan Chamber Music 1991
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - In memoriam Ilona Rozsnyai Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - In memoriam György Ránki Chamber Music 1992
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - A Strictly Personal Letter to the 80-Year-Old Chamber Music 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Versetto (apocryphal organum) Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Vie silencieuse - In memoriam Ferenc Sulyok Chamber Music 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for string duo - Flowers we are... - for Miyako Chamber Music 2003
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 2 - Hommage à J. S. Bach Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 3 - Perpetuum mobile Chamber Music 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 4 - Ligatura Y Chamber Music 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 5 - Virág - Zsigmondy Dénesnek ( memoriam Anneliese Nissen-Zsigmondy) Chamber Music 1994
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 6 - Signs VI Chamber Music 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 7 - A Very Slow Waltz for Walter Levin Chamber Music 1995
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 8 - Hommage à Ránki György (Pizzicato-keringő) Chamber Music 1998
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 9 - Signs II Chamber Music 2000
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 1 - Virág az ember, Mijakónak Chamber Music 2001
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 10 - György Kroó in memoriam Chamber Music 1997
Signs, Games and Messages for string trio 11 - ...féerie d´automne... (für Hiromi, Ken und Stephan) Chamber Music 2004
Scenes from a Novel Op. 19 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1982
Games I/ 1A - Perpetuum mobile (objet trouvé) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 1B - Prelude and Waltz in C Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 2A - Palm Stroke (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 2A - Palm Stroke (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 2B - Wrong Notes Allowed (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 2B - Wrong Notes Allowed (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 3A - Dot-strumming Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 3A - Flowers We Are, Frail Flowers... (1a) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 3B - also the stars... Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 3B - Out and In (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 3B - Flowers We Are, Frail Flowers... (1b) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 4A - Elbows Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 4A - Objet trouvé (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 4B - Hommage à Verdi (sopra: Caro nome che il mio cor) Chamber Music 1979
Games I/ 5A - Walking Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 5B - C´s Night Song Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 5B - Little Chorale (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 6A - Toddling Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 6B - Staggering (for two hands) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 6B - Staggering (for four hands) Chamber Music 1979
Games I/ 7A - Bored Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 7B - Hommage à Bartók Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 7B - Rocking Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 8A - Let´s Be Silly (silent palms) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 8B - (detecting chords) - Hommage à Máriássy István Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 8B - Play with Overtones (1) - Hommage à Kocsis Zoltán Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 8B - Sound Eclipse Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 9A - The Bunny and the Fox - Composed by Krisztina Takács, aged 6 Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/ 9B - Legato Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/10A - The Stone-frog Crawled Along... - Hommage à Farkas (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/10A - Waltz (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/10B - Fifths (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/10B - Flowers We Are... (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/10B - Hot Cockles Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/11A - (the young boxer´s lighter moments) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/11A - (sleepily) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/11B - Portrait (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/12A - (five little piano pieces 1-3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/12B - Gallop Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/12B - Three-finger Play Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/13A - (Five little piano pieces 4-5) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/13B - Jerking Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/13B - Boisterous Csárdás Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/14A - Sound and Sound-ball (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/14B - Little Chorale (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/14B - Melancholic Overtones Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/14B - Flowers We Are... (3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/15A - Sound and Sound-ball (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/15B - Sarabande Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/15B - Out and In (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/16A - (scherzando) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/16A - Fifths and Fourths and Palm Strokes Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/16B - (Hommage à Beethoven) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/16B - Play with Overtones (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/17A - Falling Asleep Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/17A - Scale from One to Eight Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/17B - Knots (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/17B - Flowers We Are... (4a) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/17B - Flowers We Are... (4b) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/18A - Meandering Tune Chamber Music 1979
Games I/18B - Twittering Chamber Music 1979
Games I/19A - Dumb-show (Quarrelling 2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/19A - Quarrelling (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/19B - Micro-rondo Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/20A - Hommage à Ligeti Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/20A - Sidling Palms Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/20B - Beating (3 x 3 - 3 tones, 3 rhythm patterns) Chamber Music 1979
Games I/21 - Hommage à Tchaikovsky Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/22 - Hommage à Eötvös Péter Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/23 - Hommage à Paganini (La nuova campanella) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/24A - Preliminary Exercises to the Hoquetus Chamber Music 1979
Games I/24B - Hoquetus Chamber Music 1979
Games I/25A - Perpetuum mobile (objet trouvé) Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/25B - ...and once more: Flowers We Are... Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/I - Basic Elements Instrumental solo 1979
Games I/II-IX - Exercises Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 1 - Hommage à Bálint Endre Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 2 - Hommage à Jeney (Phone numbers of our loved ones 1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 3 - Quarrelling (3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 4 - Hommage à Vidovszky (Phone numbers of our loved ones 2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 5 - Quarrelling (4) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 6 - Play with Basic Elements (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 7 - Shadow-play-Hoquetus Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 8 - Hommage à Szunyogh Balázs (sul: "Nem fontos") Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/ 9 - Hommage à Kodály (sul: Mikoron Dávid") Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/10 - To and Fro Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/11 - Sorely (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/12 - (jerking 2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/13 - (slip-´n-stop) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/14 - Play with Overtones (3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/15 - Five-finger Play Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/16 - Forte-piano Plays Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/17 - Shadow-play (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/18 - (Adoration, adoration, accused desolation) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/19 - Hommage à Papp Laci Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/20 - Hopscotch Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/21 - Waltz (Hommage à Shostakovitch) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/22 - Hommage à Kabalevsky Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/23 - (star-music) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/24 - (angrily) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/25 - Out and In (3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/26 - Fifths (3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/27 - Fancifully Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/28 - Sound-filtering Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/29 - Bluebell Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/30 - Scale-play in f-p Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/31 - Consolation (In Remembrance of Magda Szávai) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/32 - (prelude and waltz) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/33 - Jumping Fifths Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/34 - Sorely (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/35 - Devil´s Jump Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/36 - (bunny rabbit in the grass...) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/37 - In memoriam Hermann Alice Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/38 - Waltz (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/39 - Knots (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/40 - Dialogue Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/41 - Antiphony in f sharp Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/42 - Hommage à Kadosa (12 Microludes) Instrumental solo 1979
Games II/43 - 12 Microludes Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 1 - Stop and Go Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 2a - Play with Infinity (for two hands) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 2b - Play with Infinity (for four hands) Chamber Music 1979
Games III/ 3 - The Mind Will Have its Freedom... Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 4 - (thus it happened...) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 5 - (quiet talk with the devil) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 6 - (five-finger play - chromatic exercise) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 7 - (scherzo) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 8 - Dirge (1) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/ 9 - Pen Drawing, Valediction to Erzsébet Schaár Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/10 - Portrait (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/11 - Russian Dance Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/12 - Thistle Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/13 - Elegy for the left hand Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/14 - Tumble-bunny Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/15 - (sorrowful tune) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/16 - Shadow-play III Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/17 - Hommage à Ránki György Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/18 - Hommage à Zenon (Achilles and the tortoise, or overtake your other hand) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/19 - (...and round and round it goes) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/20 - Double notes (Addition to pieces Nos 66 and its appendix, and to 134-135 from Bartók´s Microcosmos) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/21 - Signs in Black Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/22 - Stubborn Knots Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/23 - Hommage à Schubert Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/24 - Hommage à Petrovics Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/25 - Hommage à Farkas Ferenc (2) (Scraps of a colinda melody - faintly recollected) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/26 - Hommage à Ferenc Farkas (3) (evocation of Petrushka) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/27 - Hommage à Farkas Ferenc (4) (Adoration, adoration, accursed desolation...) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/28 - Hommage à Moussorgsky Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/29a - Hommage à Szervánszky (Silence) (for two hands) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/29b - Hommage à Szervánszky (Silence) (for four hands) Chamber Music 1979
Games III/30 - Dirge (2) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/31 - Hommage à Christian Wolff (Half-asleep) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/32 - Hommage à Domenico Scarlatti Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/33 - Hommage à Borsody László (Harmonica) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/34 - Hommage à Varèse Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/35 - Stubbunny Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/36 - Play with Overtones (4) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/37 - Five-finger Quarrel Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/38 - Portrait (3) Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/39 - Hommage à Kurtág Márta Instrumental solo 1979
Games III/40 - 12 new microludes Instrumental solo 1979
Games IV/ 1 - Fog-canon Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 2 - Furious Chorale Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 3 - Hand in Hand (Hommage à Sárközy) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 4 - Bells (Hommage à Stravinsky) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 5 - Hommage à Sáry László (Dot and Spot) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 6 - Hommage à Halmágyi Mihály Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 7 - Hommage à Soproni (in memoriam matris carissimae) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 8 - Kyrie Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/ 9 - Prelude and Waltz in F (or F sharp) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/10 - Study to "Hölderlin" (position exercise) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/11 - Dirge (2) (for two pianos) Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/12 - Beating Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/13 - Sarabande Chamber Music 1979
Games IV/14 - Hommage à Paganini (for two pianos) Chamber Music 1979
Games IX/1 - blossom... Instrumental solo 1947
Games IX/10 - Claudia-Litaneien ... Instrumental solo 2004
Games IX/11 - Consolation sereine / Gentle consolation Instrumental solo 2006
Games IX/12 - ... feuilles mortes ... / ... fallen leaves ... Instrumental solo 2004
Games IX/13 - Stèle Instrumental solo 2004
Games IX/14 - ...une fleur à la mémoire de Simone Verchaly / ... a flower in memory of Simone Verchaly Instrumental solo 2005
Games IX/15 - To Anne Instrumental solo 2005
Games IX/16 - To Anne ... [alio modo] Instrumental solo 2005
Games IX/17 - In memoriam Magdi... Instrumental solo 2006
Games IX/18 - Pécs, 1952 Instrumental solo 2006
Games IX/19 - Second strictly personal letter to András Szőllősy on his 85th birthday Instrumental solo 2006
Games IX/2 - 3 HAGE-Stücke / 3 HAGE-pieces Instrumental solo 1989
Games IX/20 - To András Wilheim Instrumental solo 2006
Games IX/21 - To Miyako Instrumental solo 2007
Games IX/22 - Kedves 2d Instrumental solo 2007
Games IX/23 - Rituale Instrumental solo 2009
Games IX/24 - Adieu, Haydée (I) Instrumental solo 2008
Games IX/25 - Adieu, Haydée (II) Instrumental solo 2006
Games IX/3 - ... eine Wanderung mit Robert Walser / ... a wandering with Robert Walser Instrumental solo 1997
Games IX/4 - Pièce à chanter et jouer au piano / A piece to be sung and played on the piano Instrumental solo 1999
Games IX/5 - Quiet dialogue Instrumental solo 2000
Games IX/6 - Medal Instrumental solo 2003
Games IX/7 - ... jubilate... Instrumental solo 2004
Games IX/8 - Hommage à Georg Kröll 70 Instrumental solo 2004
Games IX/9 - Hommage à Jehuda Elkana 70 Instrumental solo 2004
Games V/ 1 - Postface à Kocsis Zoltán Instrumental solo 1975
Games V/ 2 - Hommage à Kadosa 75 Instrumental solo 1978
Games V/ 3 - Virág a Virág... Instrumental solo 1979
Games V/ 4 - Greeting - for Imre Hermann´s 90th birthday Instrumental solo 1979
Games V/ 5 - Kondor Rock (in the manner of the aging Liszt) Instrumental solo 1979
Games V/ 6 - Aus der Ferne II (Alfred Schlee zum 80. Geburtstag) / Voice in the Distance (for Alfred Schlee´s 80th birthday) Instrumental solo 1981
Games V/ 7 - La Fille aux cheveux de lin - enragée Instrumental solo 1979
Games V/ 8 - Double Consolation (for Janka Szendrei and myself) Instrumental solo 1979
Games V/ 9 - Flowers we are... (in memoriam Árpád Illés) Instrumental solo 1980
Games V/10 - Les Adieux Instrumental solo 1979
Games V/11 - Prelude and Chorale Instrumental solo 1981
Games V/12 - Preface to a Bálint exhibition Instrumental solo 1981
Games V/13 - A Flower for Gabriella Garzó Instrumental solo 1981
Games V/14 - Jubilate Instrumental solo 1981
Games V/15 - The Little Squall (for Zoltán Kocsis) Instrumental solo 1981
Games V/16 - Bells for Margit Mándy Instrumental solo 1982
Games V/17 - Bell-fanfare for Sándor Veress Instrumental solo 1993
Games V/18 - Flowers we are... (from the Sayings of Péter Bornemisza, III. 3.) Instrumental solo 1982
Games V/19 - Grassblades in memory of Klára Martyn Instrumental solo 1982
Games V/20 - Like the flowers of the field... (in memoriam Ilona Ligeti) Instrumental solo 1982
Games V/21 - Farewell to Pál Kadosa Instrumental solo 1983
Games V/22 - Fanfare to Judit Maros´ wedding Instrumental solo 1982
Games V/23 - In memoriam György Kósa Instrumental solo 1984
Games V/24 - The very last conversation with László Dörnyei Instrumental solo 1982
Games V/25 - Organ and bells in memory of Doctor László Dobszay Instrumental solo 1983
Games V/26 - In memoriam Erna Czövek Instrumental solo 1983
Games V/27 - Guillaume Apollinaire: L´Adieu Instrumental solo 1984
Games V/28 - Flaring up - dying down Instrumental solo 1984
Games V/29 - Fanfares Instrumental solo 1984
Games V/30 - An apocryphal hymn (in the style of Alfred Schnittke) Instrumental solo 1985
Games V/31 - Aus der Ferne II (Hommage à Alfred Schlee 85) / Voice in the Distance II (Hommage à Alfred Schlee 85) Instrumental solo 1986
Games V/32 - Helyettem kis virág (...lovely greetings to Grete Spinnrad) Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/33 - Capriccioso - luminoso (for Jenő Szervánszky´s 80th birthday) Instrumental solo 1986
Games V/34a - Reticent Question Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/34b - Reticent Question (à Denise Anet) Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/35b - Waltz Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/35b - Valse (la sauterelle dévoté) Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/36 - Enfolding Sounds Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/37 - Dialog for the 70th birthday of András Mihály (or: how can one answer the same 4 notes with only 3) ("...aber ist das eine Antwort?") Instrumental solo 1987
Games V/38 - Flower and Thistle to S.W. Instrumental solo 1989
Games V/39 - Farewell, S.W. Instrumental solo 1989
Games V/40 - 3 in memoriam Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/ 1 - For Dóra Antal´s Birthday (1st version) Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/ 3 - Versetto: Temptavit Deus Abraham... (apocryphal organum) Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/ 4 - Versetto: Consurrexit Cain adversus fratrem suum... Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/ 5 - Versetto: Dixit Dominus ad Noe: finis universe carnis venit... Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/ 6 - Sirens of the Deluge (Waiting for Noah) Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/ 7 - Apocryphal Hymn (2nd version) Instrumental solo 1985
Games VI/ 8 - A Flower for Nuria Instrumental solo 1985
Games VI/ 9 - Päan (für Agathe und Gerhard) Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/10 - Letter to Marianne Teőke Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/11 - Monkeying Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/12 - A Hungarian Lesson for Foreigners Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/13 - Basic Elements (1) Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/ 14 - Fundamentals (2) Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/15 - Didarida didadi... Instrumental solo 1990
Games VI/16 - Phan! Fahr! Zürn! Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/17 - Fel, fel, hangok! (Auber-töne) Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/18 - Day-dreaming... Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/19 - Christmas Greeting for Heini Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/2 - For Dóra Antal´s Birthday (2nd version) Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/20 - Whale-waltz Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/21 - Message to András Szőllősy Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/22 - Marina Tsvetayeva: It´s Time (in memoriam Mátyás Triznya) Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/23 - In memoriam Pál Járdányi Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/24 - Do-Mi D´arab Instrumental solo 1991
Games VI/25 - Les Adieux (in Janáčeks Manier) Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/26 - András Hajdú is 60 Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/27 - Még az édes méz is... (In dark days - for Ferenc Farkas) Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/28 - In memoriam Tibor Szeszler Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/29 - Birthday elegy for Judit - for the second finger of her left hand (Souvenir de Kuhmo) Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/30 - Doina Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/31 - A Quiet Farewell to Endre Székely (Three versions) Instrumental solo 1989
Games VI/32 - To Stefánia Mándy (In memoriam Béla Tábor) Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/33 - In memoriam Lajos Vass Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/34 - ...waiting for Susan... Instrumental solo 1992
Games VI/35 - Ligatura x Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/36 - Ligatura y Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/37 - Lendvai Ernő in memoriam Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/38 - One More Word to Ernő Lendvai Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/39 - Lines for Zsuzsa Sirokay Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/40 - In memoriam Dr. György Nádor Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/41 - Face to Face (Demény János in memoriam) Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/42 - ...humble regard sur Olivier Messiaen... Instrumental solo 1993
Games VI/43 - In memoriam András Mihály Instrumental solo 1993
Games VII/ 1 - Geburtstagsgruss für Kurt Wölfel / For Kurt Wölfel´s birthday Instrumental solo 1994
Games VII/ 2 - Geburtstagsgruss für Georg Kröll / For Georg Kröll´s birthday Instrumental solo 1994
Games VII/ 3 - Un brin de bruyère à Witold (in memoriam Witold Lutoslawski) Instrumental solo 1994
Games VII/ 4 - For Marianne Teöke Instrumental solo 1995
Games VII/ 5 - Egy igaz ember emlékére (Szunyogh István in memoriam) Instrumental solo 1995
Games VII/ 6 - ...and once again: Shadowplay Instrumental solo 1995
Games VII/ 7 - Hommage à Farkas Ferenc 90 Instrumental solo 1995
Games VII/ 8 - Fugitive thoughts about the Alberti bass Instrumental solo 1995
Games VII/ 9 - Aus der Ferne IV (Hommage à Alfred Schlee 95) Instrumental solo 1996
Games VII/10 - All´ongherese (Hommage à Gösta Neuwirth 60) Instrumental solo 1996
Games VII/11 - ...Vi rasveyes vetrï buynï raskaies belï kamushki... (In memoriam Edison Denisov) Instrumental solo 1996
Games VII/12 - ...aus tiefer Not... - un message à Madeleine Santchi 80 Instrumental solo 1996
Games VII/13 - Studie zur Büchners "Lenz" Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/14 - A flower for Márta Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/15 - Hymenaios Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/16 - Kalandozás a múltban (Ligatura for Ligeti) Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/17 - Hommage à Berényi Ferenc 70 - Mikes Kelemen mondja: Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/18 - Waltz (2) (Revised version) Instrumental solo 1998
Games VII/19 - már elfelejtettem... (Hommage à Rozsnyai Mária) Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/20 - In memoriam Ilona Rozsnyai Instrumental solo 1997
Games VII/21 - inca doua cuvinte lui Anatol... (In amintirea lui Anatol Vieru) Instrumental solo 1998
Games VII/22 - ...eine Blume für Ulrike Schuster... Instrumental solo 1998
Games VII/23 - Tears Instrumental solo 1998
Games VII/24 - Hommage à Hanny Brunner-Pohl Instrumental solo 1998
Games VII/25 - * * * - [Mártáról mesélek anyámnak] Instrumental solo 1999
Games VII/26 - In memoriam Attila Bozay Instrumental solo 1999
Games VII/27 - Flowers we are... - for Miyako Instrumental solo 2000
Games VII/28 - Hommage à Beatrice Stein [für den 1. II. 2000] Instrumental solo 2000
Games VII/29 - Hommage à Pierre Boulez Instrumental solo 2000
Games VII/30 - ...emlékek, kicsi ólomkatonák... - Mártának X. 1-re Instrumental solo 2000
Games VII/31 - Johan van der Keuken in memoriam Instrumental solo 2001
Games VII/32 - Rodica lui Ionescu - Marta lui Kurtág - 2001 X. 1-re Instrumental solo 2001
Games VII/33 - Geburtstagsgruss für Nuria [...etwas verspätet...] Instrumental solo 2002
Games VII/34 - Merran´s Dream (Caliban detecting-rebuilding Mirranda´s dream) Instrumental solo 1998
Games VIII/ 1 - Flowers we are... - Embracing sounds Chamber Music 0
Games VIII/ 2 - One more voice from far away Chamber Music 0
Games VIII/ 3 - Responsorium (Pilinszky: Egy hófehér kar...) Chamber Music 1984
Games VIII/ 4 - Hommage à J. S. B. Chamber Music 1987
Games VIII/ 5 - Dirge Chamber Music 1988
Games VIII/ 6 - Study to Pilinszky´s "Hölderlin" (position exercise) Chamber Music 1988
Games VIII/ 7 - Beating - Quarreling Chamber Music 1988
Games VIII/ 8 - A quiet farewell to Endre Székely (for four hands) Chamber Music 1989
Games VIII/ 9 - Pilinszky János: Waltz - for two pianos Chamber Music 1987
Games VIII/10 - Faltering - In memoriam Marianne Reismann Chamber Music 1994
Games VIII/11 - Flowers we are... - for Miyako (for four hands) Chamber Music 2001
Games VIII/12 - Flowers we are... - for Miyako (alio modo)(for four hands) Chamber Music 2005
Games VIII/13 - In memoriam György Sebők Chamber Music 2000
Games VIII/14 - ...tot ziens Jan... (In memoriam Jan van Vlijmen) Chamber Music 2005
Games VIII/15 - ...a solemn air... - a 70 éves Simon Albert tiszteletére Chamber Music 1996
Games VIII/16 - Flowers we are... (for piano, upright piano and percussion) Chamber Music 1995
Games X Instrumental solo 2011
Games X/1 - Suite Instrumental solo 1943
Games X/10 - Magdi-memory ... -- alio modo Instrumental solo 0
Games X/11 - In the memory of Gabi Máriássy Instrumental solo 0
Games X/12 - *** (to Márta) Instrumental solo 0
Games X613 - To Janka Szendrei, for her birthday Instrumental solo 0
Games X/14 - ... per Luciana ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/15 - Henri Pousseur in memoriam Instrumental solo 0
Games X/16 - ... Darling -- two - three ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/17 - ... an Dieter Schnebel 80 Instrumental solo 0
Games X/18 - ´Message-esquisse´ Instrumental solo 0
Games X/19 - ´Message-esquisse´ -- alio modo Instrumental solo 0
Games X/2 - Darling Instrumental solo 0
Games X/20 - In memoriam László Ferenc Instrumental solo 0
Games X/21 - Babysitters dancing on the carpet Instrumental solo 1946
Games X/22 - ... and yet another letter to Péter Eötvös ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/23 - The memory of a pure soul -- Klári Schiff in memoriam Instrumental solo 0
Games X/24 - Hommage a Scarlatti II -- alio modo Instrumental solo 0
Games X/25 - Valse sentimentale Instrumental solo 0
Games X/26 - ... a little song for the 4th of July and on Vera´s name ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/27 - Petrovics Emil in memoriam Instrumental solo 0
Games X/28 - ... un pezzo silenzioso ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/29 - Dialogue -- Bálint Varga 70 Instrumental solo 0
Games X/3 - Valse de guerre des Kabânaas Instrumental solo 0
Games X/30 - A window on the corridor ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/31 - Impromptu -- all´ongherese Instrumental solo 0
Games X/32 - ... just so ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/33 - A Sketch Leaf [rough -- raw] Instrumental solo 0
Games X/4 - With love to Barnabás Dukay Instrumental solo 0
Games X/5 - Sound-filtering [2] Instrumental solo 0
Games X/6 - Flower Instrumental solo 0
Games X/7 - slowly and sing for long, My dying swan, my fair memory! ... Instrumental solo 1978
Games X/8 - ... tousling and rolling ... Instrumental solo 0
Games X/9 - ... memories, little tin soldiers ... 3rd version Instrumental solo 0
Games and Messages for bassoon / contrabassoon - György Kroó in memoriam Instrumental solo 2000
Games and Messages for bassoon / contrabassoon - János Pilinszky: Gérard de Nerval Instrumental solo 2000
Games and Messages for bassoon / contrabassoon - Schatten / Shadows Instrumental solo 2001
Games and Messages for flute / alto flute - ...après une lecture de Rimbaud... Instrumental solo 2001
Games and Messages for Flute / Alto Flute - ...c´erano due fiori... - a Francesca Camerana Gentile Chamber Music 1998
Games and Messages for flute / alto flute - Bref message à Pierre Boulez Instrumental solo 2005
Games and Messages for Flute / Alto Flute - Doloroso Instrumental solo 1992
Games and Messages for Flute / Alto Flute - Hommage à J. S. B. Instrumental solo 1976
Games and Messages for Flute / Alto Flute - Jauchzet und frohlocket! - Auf! Schwung! Instrumental solo 1994
Games and Messages for wind duo - Hommage à Elliott Carter Chamber Music 2000
Games and Messages for miscellaneous wind and mixed settings - Fanfare to the Dean! Chamber Music 1999
Games and Messages for miscellaneous wind and mixed settings - Hommage à J. S. B. Chamber Music 2000
Games and Messages for miscellaneous wind and mixed settings - Rimma Daloš: Ljubov´ na mesjac... (Hommage à Tristan) / Rimma Dalos: Love for the Month (Hommage à Tristan) Chamber Music 1991
Games and Messages for miscellaneous wind and mixed settings - In memoriam György Ránki Chamber Music 1992
Games and Messages for miscellaneous wind and mixed settings - Versetto (apocryphal organum) Chamber Music 2000
Games and Messages for clarinet, bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet - Doloroso Instrumental solo 2000
Games and Messages for clarinet, bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet - György Kroó in memoriam Instrumental solo 1997
Games and Messages for clarinet, bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet - Schatten / Shadows Instrumental solo 2000
Games and Messages for clarinet or bass clarinet or contrabass clarinet - In Nomine - all´ongherese (Damjanich emlékkő) Instrumental solo 2001
Games and Messages for oboe / English horn - György Kroó in memoriam Instrumental solo 1997
Games and Messages for oboe / English horn - ...ein Sappho-Fragment... - kai pothêô kai maomai... Instrumental solo 1999
Games and Messages for oboe / English horn - Az hit... Instrumental solo 1998
Games and Messages for oboe / English horn - Einen Augenblick lang... Instrumental solo 1998
Games and Messages for oboe / English horn - Hommage à Elliott Carter Instrumental solo 1998
Games and Messages for oboe / English horn - In Nomine - all´ongherese (Damjanich emlékkő) Instrumental solo 2001
Attila József Fragments Op. 20 Solo voice(s) a cappella 1982
Kafka-Fragmente Op. 24 / Kafka-Fragments Op. 24 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1987
Waltz Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1975
A Little Song for Yehuda Instrumental solo 2004
Klárisok Mixed choir 1950
Korean Cantata !to be determined 1953
Kórkép és hattyúdal Mixed choir 1981
Mémoire de Laïka Tape music 1990
Ligatura - Message to Frances-Marie (The Answered Unanswered Question) Op. 31b (Version 2) - for two violoncellos, two violins and celesta Chamber Music 1989
Ligatura - Message to Frances-Marie (The Answered Unanswered Question) Op. 31b (Version 1) - for violoncello with two bows, two violins and celesta Chamber Music 1989
Ligatura - Message to Frances-Marie (The Answered Unanswered Question) Op. 31b (Version 3) - for two organs and celesta Chamber Music 1989
Ligatura - Message to Frances-Marie Op. 31b (The Answered Unanswered Question) - két hegedűre Chamber Music 1989
Ligature e versetti Instrumental solo 1990
Ligeti´s Century - Roaming in the Past, Op. 48 Orchestral work 2023
Mijakó emlékezete Instrumental solo 2018
Myriam Marbé in memoriam Chamber Music 1999
In memoriam Gabi Máriássy Instrumental solo 2008
Márta´s Ligature Instrumental solo 2020
Eight Duos Op. 4 Chamber Music 1961
Eight Choruses to Poems by Dezső Tandori, Op. 23 Mixed choir 1982
Eight Piano Pieces / 8 Klavierstücke Op. 3 Instrumental solo 1960
Four Poems by Anna Akhmatova, Op. 41 Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2008
Vier Capriccios Op. 9 / Four Capriccios Op. 9 Solo voice(s) with chamber orchestra 1971
4 Lieder auf Gedichte von János Pilinszky Op. 11 / Four Songs to Poems by János Pilinszky Op. 11 Solo voice(s) with ensemble 1975
Officium breve, Op. 28 Chamber Music 1989
Omaggio a Luigi Nono Op. 16 Mixed choir 1979
Op. 27 No. 2 (Double Concerto) Concerto 1990
Plaintive Pleading / Klagendes Anflehen Chamber Music 1988
Passio sine nomine Instrumental solo 2015
Petite musique solennelle - en hommage á Pierre Boulez 90 Symphony orchestra 2015
Quartetto d´archi Op. 1 / String Quartet, Op. 1 Chamber Music 1959
Quintetto per fiati, Op. 2 Chamber Music 1959
Requiem po drugu Op. 26 / Requiem for the Beloved Op. 26 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1986
Requiem der Versöhnung / Requiem of Reconcilation / Requiem de la Réconciliation Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1995
Rottenbiller Street 16-22 Live electronic music 1990
Robert and Robert Film music 1981
Rückblick - Altes und Neues für vier Spieler (Hommage á Stockhausen) Chamber Music 1993
Samuel Beckett: What is the word Op. 30b Solo voice(s) with chamber orchestra 1991
Secreta - Funeral music in memoriam László Dobszay Chamber Music 2011
Samuel Beckett Sends Word through Ildikó Monyók in the Translation of István Siklós (Samel Beckett: what is the word) Op. 30a Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1990
Sinfonia breve per archi - Márta Fried in memoriam String orchestra 2004
Stele Op. 33 Symphony orchestra 1994
Suite Chamber Music 1951
Splinters Op. 6c / Splitter Op. 6c Instrumental solo 1973
Splinters Op. 6d / Splitter Op. 6d Instrumental solo 1978
Tre altri pezzi per clarinetto e cimbalom Op. 38a Chamber Music 1996
Tre pezzi per clarinetto e cimbalom Op. 38 Chamber Music 1996
Tre pezzi per violino e pianoforte Op. 14e Chamber Music 1979
Triptic Op. 45 Chamber Music 2007
Memories of a River Film music 1989
Danceshape Film music 2002
Mouvement pour alto et orchestre / Movement for Viola and Orchestra Concerto 1954
Utrius Film music 1993
Varga Bálint Ligatúrája Chamber Music 2007
The Tempest Music for the theater 1959
Ildikó Vékony 3rd of October 2009 Instrumental solo 2009
Zwiegespräch Live electronic music 1999
Transcription - J. S. Bach: Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV 614 (Hommage à Reinbert de Leeuw 60) Chamber Music 1998
Transcription - J. S. Bach: Dies sind die heiligen zehn Gebot, BWV 635 Chamber Music 0
Transcription - J. S. Bach: Gott, durch Deine Güte, BWV 600 Chamber Music 1998
Transcription - J. S. Bach: Herr Christ, der ein´ge Gottessohn, BWV 601 Chamber Music 0
Transcription - J. S. Bach: Nun komm´ der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599 Chamber Music 0
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Girolamo Frescobaldi: Corrente III Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Girolamo Frescobaldi: Corrente IV Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Guillaume de Machaut: Missa Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Guillaume de Machaut: Rondeau - Doulz viaire gracieus Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Heinrich Schütz: Matthaeus Passion (Fragmenta) Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Heinrich Schütz: Die Sieben Worte (Fragmenta) Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Henry Purcell: Examples of Counterpoint and Canon Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Henry Purcell: Fantasia upon One Note Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Henry Purcell: The Queen´s Funeral March and Canzona Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, BWV 644 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Alle Menschen müssen sterben, BWV 643 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Allein Gott in der Höh´ sei Ehr, BWV 711 Chamber Music 1985
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Aus tiefer Not schrei´ ich zu dir, BWV 687 - In memoriam Joannis Pilinszky Chamber Music 1985
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Christe, du Lamm Gottes (a), BWV 619 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Christe, du Lamm Gottes (b), BWV 619 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 611 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BWV 637 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106 (Actus tragicus) - Sonatina Chamber Music 1985
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (a), BWV 633 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (b), BWV 633 Chamber Music 1976
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV 618 Chamber Music 1985
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Johann Sebastian Bach: O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV deest Chamber Music 1985
Transcriptions from Machaut to J. S. Bach - Orlando di Lasso: Qui sequitur me Chamber Music 1976
Lebenslauf, Op. 32 Chamber Music 1992
New Messages for orchestra Op. 34a Symphony orchestra 1998
Messages for Orchestra Op. 34 Choir and orchestra 1996