Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Ligature e versetti


Original / Hungarian title
Ligature e versetti
Foreign language / English title
Ligature e versetti
László Dobszay, Janka Szendrey
Year of composition

Instrumental solo
Number of players
0 min

Movements, parts
1. Versetto: Dixit Dominus ad Noe: finis universe carnis venit…
2. Versetto
3. Ligatura
4. Versetto
5. Versetto
6. Versetto
7. Ligatura
8. Versetto (apokrif organum): Temptavit Deus Abraham…
9. Versetto: Tolle
10. Versetto: Consurrexit Cain adversus fratrem suum…
11. Vízözön-szirénák (Noéra várva)
12. Ligatura
13. Intonatio: In principio…
14. Ligatura: Imminit ergo Dominus soprem in Adam…

Premiere information
(Selection) 18 July 1990, Kuhmo, Finland; György Kurtág (org.)
Publisher / Source
Movement 1, 8, 10, 11 In: Játékok [Games] VI. füzet [Vol. 6] Editio Musica Budapest © 1997, Z. 14 002
QUINTANA QUI 903032 & 903038, 1992
Remarks, other info
Ligature e Versetti served as interludes played by György Kurtág in a concert programme of plainchant sung by Schola Hungarica, directed by László Dobszay and Janka Szendrei. Four Versetti, playable on organ or piano, were later added to Games [Játékok], Vol. VI.