Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Six moments musicaux Op. 44


Original / Hungarian title
6 moments musicaux Op. 44
Foreign language / English title
Six moments musicaux Op. 44
György Kurtág Jr.
Year of composition

Chamber Music
Number of players
2 vl., vla., vlc.
17 min

Movements, parts
I. Invocatio (un fragment)
2. Footfalls… (mintha valaki jönne…)
3. Capriccio
4. In memoriam Sebők György
5. … rappel des oiseaux… (étude pour les harmoniques)
6. Les Adieux (in Janáčeks Manier)

Commissioned by
Concours International de Quatour à Cordes de Bordeaux 2005
Premiere information
25-30 June 2005, Concours International de Quatour à Cordes, Bordeaux
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest © 2008, Z. 14 512
Buy here!
1 min. sample
1 1. Invocatio (un fragment)
2 2. Footfalls...
3 3. Capriccio
4 4. In memoriam Sebők György
5 5 ...rappel des oiseaux...
6 6. Les Adieux (in Janáčeks Manier)
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1999-2005