Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Songs of Dispair and Sorrow Op. 18 / Pesni unynija i pechali Op. 18


Original / Hungarian title
A csüggedés és keserűség dalai Op. 18
Foreign language / English title
Songs of Dispair and Sorrow Op. 18 / Pesni unynija i pechali Op. 18
Mrs Zina Brájer
Year of composition

Choir and orchestra
double mixed choir - cor., 2 tr., 2 trb. - 2 arm., 4 baian, 2 arpa, pf., cel. - timp., perc. (ptti.sosp., ptti. a 2, gr.c., camp., gong, marimba, tam-tam) - 2 vl., 2 vla., 2 vlc.
25 min

Movements, parts
I. М. Ю. Лермонтов: И cкучно и груcтно [M. Lermontov: I skučno i grustno / Mihail Lermontov: Szomorú is, unalmas is]

II. А. А. Блок: Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека [A. Blok: Noč, ulica, fonar´, apteka / Alekszandr Blok: Éjszaka, utca, lámpa, patika]

III. С. А. Еcенин: Вечером cиним [S. Esenin: Večerom sinim / Szergej Jeszenyin: Kéklő estén]

IV. О. E. Мандельштам: Куда мне детьcя в этом январе? [O. Mandelshtam: Kuda mne det´sja b ètom janvare? / Oszip Mandelstam: Hová legyek ebben a januárban?]

V. А. А. Ахматова: Раcпятие [A. Ahmatova: Raspjatie / Anna Ahmatova: A megfeszítés]

VI. М. Цветаева: Пора... [M. Tsvetaeva: Pora / Marina Cvetajeva: Ideje]

LERMONTOV, Mikhail - BLOK, Aleksandr - YESENIN, Sergei - MANDELSTAM, Osip - AKHMATOVA, Anna - TSVETAEVA, Marina
Premiere information
Without No. 4: 29 June 1995, Holland Festival, Amsterdam; Monteverdi Choir, Schönberg Ensemble, members of the English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner (cond.)

1st complete performance: 24 August 1996 Edinburgh; Edinburgh Festival Singers, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, David Jones (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest, Z. 14 077 (in preparation)
Available here!
1 min. sample
1 1. M. Lermontov: I skučno i grustno
2 2. A. Blok: Noč, ulica, fonar´, apteka
3 3. S. Esenin: Večerom sinim
4 4. O. Mandelshtam: Kuda mne det´sja b ètom janvare?
5 5. A. Ahmatova: Raspjatie
6 6. M. Tsvetaeva: Pora
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1980-94 (further revisions may be expected)