Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Liszt Ferenc


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

22 October 1811, Doborján [Raiding - Austria] – 31 July 1886, Bayreuth

He was born in Doborján, West-Hungary (now Raiding, Austria) in 1811. His father, farm officer of the Esterházy Lordship, recognized the outstanding music talent of the child very early and took every chance to support him. Liszt played the piano for audience already at the age of nine in Sopron and Pozsony, and soon the costs of his foreign studies have been covered by art supporters. In 1822 he introduced himself in Vienna, where even Beethoven noticed his talent. In Vienna his masters were Czerny and Salieri.

His first piece, the variations on the same Diabelli-theme that Beethoven composed his famous piano work on, was also printed here. Next year he asked for acceptance to the Conservatoire in Paris, but since he was a foreigner, the illustrious institution (ran by Cherubini at that time) refused this. He studied music theory and counterpoint privately with Paer and Reicha, meanwhile, he went on a concert tour.

After his introduction in London he received a number of invitations to France, Switzerland and back to England again. His repertoire consisted mainly of dreams and bright paraphrases on popular operas. In the meantime his father passed away and the sixteen-year-old Liszt had to look after himself and his mother on his own.

In 1827 he settled down in Paris for a while, where as celebrated hero of the social life he became acquainted with pre-eminent intellectuals and with the principles of the revolution as well. He acquired the nuances of piano performance from Chopin, while the orchestral language and the new achievements of the program music from Berlioz. He also utilized the brilliant means of Paganini’s violin technique in his own way of playing the piano.

From 1835 to 1839 he traveled in Italy and Switzerland with his romantic love, Countess D’Agoult. The memory of these pictorial impressions is kept by his piano cycle titled Years of Pilgrimage. At the end of the 1830’s he went on a new concert tour all over Europe, from Portugal to Italy. He supported the people damaged by the flood of 1838 with the income of his concerts in Vienna. Few years later he helped just as generously at the making of the Beethoven Monument in Bonn. During the concert tours in Russia he got familiar with the art of the renewed Russian music and also with his new love, Princess Carolyne Wittgenstein.
In the early 1840’s he became conductor of the court theater of Weimar. As active musician who is enthusiastic about new things and also possesses a leading position, he often had the opportunity to inspire and support promising talents. Among others he presented Wagner’s three early operas (Lohengrin, Tannhäuser, and The Flying Dutchman) and Berlioz’s Benvenuto Cellini. Meanwhile, pianist came to him from all over Europe to be taught by the master.

Liszt spent the last decades of his life in Weimar, Rome and Budapest. In the first years of the Music Academy of Budapest he whole-heartedly supported the newly developing center of the Hungarian music culture and he was also willing to teach there every year for some month.

Since he’s settled down in Weimar, he actually withdrew himself from giving concerts, but occasionally he still played on stage. Nevertheless, he considered composing as the main purpose of his life. The artistic world of the Weimar period significantly differs from the style of the works of the former piano virtuoso who’s been all over the world. The pleasing glamour and the clever technique have disappeared from these compositions to give space to works that are seeking the new to became braver (from the aspect of harmony), simpler (from the aspect of the form) and deeper (from the aspect of substance). The piano concertos built on one theme, the monumental block of the Sonata in H-minor, the bitter sound of the Dance macabre variations and the dramatic vision of the Faust symphony – each are stations on this way of development. The late piano works: the last Forgotten waltzes and the wild, raw Csárdások that were inspired by the endless loneliness are pointing towards Bartók, the late heritor and representative of this kind of music.

His operas are: Don Sanche ou le Château d’Amour (comic opera in one act, premiere: 17 October 1825, Paris) and Sardanapal (manuscript, fragment, it is assumed to be written between 1846 and 1851).
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
Famous Piano Pieces Naxos 8.571109
Balázs János: Romantic Piano Music Magánkiadás
Discover Classical Music Naxos 8.550008-09
Romantic Piano Favourites Vol.3. Naxos 8.570084
Great Orchestral Classics 4 (Australia) Naxos 8.570039
Schubert, Franz: The Romantic Schubert Naxos 8.570080
The Story of Naxos - The Soundtrack Naxos 9.00124
Paperno, Dimitrij: Piano Recital Cedille CDR90000-074
János Balázs: Faces of the Piano 2 CDs
Lugna Bla Timmar - Blue Hours Naxos 8.503024
1974 1974 Holland Festival Radio Nederland 6808 323/324 2 LPs
1975 Liszt Ferenc összes orgonaműve
(Ferenc Liszt: Complete Organ Works)
Hungaroton SLPX 11540-44 Own
5 LPs
1977 Liszt Ferenc: Missa solennis Hungaroton LP
1985 A Mátyás templom orgonája Hungaroton
1988 Romantic Piano Favourites Vol.4. Naxos 8.550141
1988 Liszt Ferenc: Organ Works
(Liszt Ferenc: Organ Works)
Hungaroton HRC 095 Own
1989 Classical Music Start-up Kit Vol.2: 1825-1945 Naxos 8.550835
1989 Romantic Piano Favourites Vol.9. Naxos 8.550218
1990 Liszt Ferenc: Ave Maria; Rosario; Ave Maris Stella; Inno a Maria Vergine; Chor der Engel; Te deum I. Hungaroton HCD 31103 Own
1990 The Instruments Of Classical Music Vol.6-10 Laserlight 15980 5 CDs
1990 Liszt Ferenc: Piano Concerto No.2 - Fantasy on Hungarian Folk Themes - Weber: Polonaise brillante - Weber: Freischutz Fantasie Capriole CA15631
1991 Liszt Ferenc: Kórusművek
(Liszt: Choral Works)
Hungaroton HCD 12748 Own
1991 Liszt Ferenc: Malediction - Grande fantaisie symphonique on Themes from Berlioz's Lelio - Fantasie on Motive from Beethoven's Ruinen von Athen Capriole CA14011
1991 Magyarország köszönti II. János Pált Hungaroton SLPX 31432 LP
1991 Night Music Vol.3 Naxos 8.551123
1991 Children's Choruses for You Magánkiadás BLKA CD 001
1991 Night Music Vol.4 Naxos 8.551124
1992 Liszt Ferenc: Annees de Pelerinage Vol.3 Naxos 8.550550
1992 Liszt Ferenc: Annees de Pelerinage Vol.2 Naxos 8.550549
1992 Liszt Ferenc: Mazeppa; Les Préludes; Tasso; I.Mefisztó-keringő Quintana QUI 903049, 403049 Own
1992 Liszt Ferenc: Annees de Pelerinage Vol.1 Naxos 8.550548
1993 The Best of Liszt Naxos 8.551117
1993 Piano Music for Students - Associated Board Piano Examination Grade 8 Marco Polo (Naxos) AB-80801/2 2 CDs
1993 Discover the Classics Vol.1 Naxos 8.550035-36
1993 Liszt Ferenc: Átiratok Bellini, Donizetti, Pacini operáiból
(Liszt: Transcriptions - Bellini, Donizetti, Pacini)
Hungaroton HCD 31547 Own
1993 Szakály Ágnes: Cimbalom Preludio PRECD 9304
1994 101 Great Orchestral Classics, Vol.4. Naxos 8.551144
1994 300 év cimbalomzenéje
(Music of 300 Years on Cimbalom)
Hungaroton HCD 31571
1994 Liszt Ferenc: Orgonaművek
(Liszt: Organ Works)
Hungaroton HCD 12562 Own
1994 Mosonyi Mihály: Piano Music for Four Hands Vol.2 Marco Polo (Naxos) 8.223558 Complete edition
1995 Liszt Ferenc: Magyar koronázási mise R. 487
(Ferenc Liszt: Hungarian Coronation Mass R. 487)
Hungaroton HCD 12148 Own
1995 Liszt Ferenc: Fantáziák, reminiszcenciák és variációk Bellini-témákra
(Fantasies, Reminescences & Variations)
Hungaroton HCD 31299 Own
1995 Esküvői zene
(Wedding music)
Hungaroton HCD 31472
1995 La Valse Hungaroton HCD 31435
1995 Liszt, Franz: Les Préludes; Totentanz; Two Transcriptions by Heinz Holliger; "Tasso. Lamento e Trionfo." Art Nova Classics 74321 27787 2
1996 Kocsis Zoltán hangversenyfelvételeiből (1973-1986)
(Zoltán Kocsis in Concert (1973-1986))
Hungaroton HCD 31679
1996 Classic Masterworks - Franz Liszt Capriccio C49037
1996 Karácsony Marton Évával
(Christmas with Eva Marton)
Hungaroton HCD 31672
1996 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények - kétzongorás átiratok I.
(Liszt: Symphonic Poems - Transcriptions for Two Piano I.)
Hungaroton HCD 31620 Own
1996 Liszt Ferenc: Szent Erzsébet legendája
(Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth R.477)
Hungaroton HCD 12694 Own
1996 Perényi Miklós és Kocsis Zoltán hangversenyfelvételei (1989-1995)
(Miklós Perényi & Zoltán Kocsis in Concert)
Hungaroton HCD 31673
1996 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények - kétzongorás átiratai II.
(Liszt: Symphonic Poems - Transcriptions for Two Piano II.)
Hungaroton HCD 31675 Own
1996 Liszt Ferenc: Esz-dúr és A-dúr zongoraverseny / Dohnányi: Változatok egy gyermekdalra
(Liszt: Piano Concertos in E flat major & in A major / Dohnányi: Variations on a Nursey Song Op. 25)
Hungaroton SLPD, HCD 31362
1997 Liszt Ferenc: Don Sanche Hungaroton HCD 12744-45 Own
2 CDs
1997 Liszt Ferenc: Piano Works for Piano Duet Hungaroton HCD 12676 Own
1997 Liszt Ferenc: Orgonaművek (összkiadás)
(Liszt: Complete Organ Works)
Hungaroton HCD 31701-05 Own
5 CDs
1997 Liszt Ferenc: Faust szimfónia
(Franz Liszt: Faust Symphony)
Philips 454460-2 Own
1997 Liszt Ferenc: The Great Transcriptions Philips 456052 Own
2 CDs
1997 Liszt For Lovers - Piano Dreams Of Love And Passion Philips 456501 Own
1997 Liszt Ferenc: 12 Etudes d'execution transcendente S139/R2b Naxos 8.553119
1998 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények
(The Symphonic Poems of Ferenc Liszt)
BMC Records BMC CD 009 Own
1998 Liszt Ferenc: Wagner operafeldolgozások
(Liszt: Wagner Transcriptions)
Hungaroton HCD 31743-44 Own
2 CDs
1998 Liszt Ferenc: Hat magyar rapszódia
(Liszt: Six Hungarian Raphsody)
Philips 456570 Own
1998 Pavane - Classical Favourites for Relaxing and Dreaming Naxos 8.556603
1998 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények - kétzongorás átiratok III.
(Liszt: Symphonic Poems - Trascriptions for Two Pianos III.)
Hungaroton HCD 31751 Own
1998 A magyar egyházi zene 100 éve - A Szent István Bazilika kórusának válogatott felvételei
(Hundred years of Hungarian sacred music)
Magánkiadás NL 1998 2
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Années De Pelerinage I-III. Philips 462312 Own
1999 Brahms - Liszt: Piano Concertos Naxos 8.554678
1999 Magyar szerzők művei gordonkára
(Hungarian Cello Music)
Hungaroton HCD 31835
1999 Discover the Classics 3: The Concerto Naxos 8.554486-87 2 CDs
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Hungarian Rhapsodies Vol.1 Naxos 8.554480
1999 Millennium Classics Art Nova Classics 74321 65440 2 2 CDs
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Kompozíciók hegedűre és zongorára (összkiadás)
(Liszt: Complete Works for Violin & Piano)
Hungaroton HCD 31879-80 Own
2 CDs
1999 The Food of Love Naxos 8.554590
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Szerelmi álmok No.3; h-moll szonáta / Schumann: Szimfonikus etüdök Hungaroton HCD 31870 Own
1999 300 Év Tánczene
(300 Years Dance Music)
Hungaroton HRC 1045 Echo Collection
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Esz-dúr zongoraverseny / Mazeppa / Hungaria
(Ferenc Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major / Mazeppa / Hungaria)
Hungaroton HRC 1025 Own
Echo Collection
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények - kétzongorás átiratok IV.
(Liszt: Symphonic Poems - Transcriptions for Two Pianos IV.)
Hungaroton HCD 31752 Own
1999 Fleiter-Orgeln & Glocken in Selm Psallite 1629723
2000 Népszerű indulók
(Famous Marches)
Hungaroton HRC 1055 Echo Collection
2000 Liszt Ferenc: Piano Music
(Liszt Ferenc: Piano Music)
Hungaroton HCD 31874
2000 Zene szalagavatóra, ballagásra és évzáróra
(Music for prom and graduation)
Hungaroton HCD 19446
2000 Beethoven, Liszt: Symphonies Nos 1-9 Hungaroton
2000 The Sorcerer's Apprentice and other Orchestral Favourites Naxos 8.554066
2001 50 éves a Hungaroton - Karmesterek (1951-2001)
(Fifty Years of Hungaroton - Conductors, 1951-2001)
Hungaroton HCD 32074-77 4 CDs
2001 Liszt Ferenc: Kantáták és himnuszok
(Liszt: Cantatas & Hymns)
Hungaroton HCD 31960 Own
2001 Liszt Ferenc: Late works BMC Records BMC CD 060 Own
2001 50 éves a Hungaroton - Zongoraművészek (1951-2001)
(Fifty Years of Hungaroton - Pianists)
Hungaroton HCD 32088-90 3 CDs
2001 Liszt Ferenc: Férfikari művek
(Choral Works for Male Voices)
Hungaroton HCD 31923 Own
2001 Liszt Ferenc: Krisztus - oratórium
(Liszt: Christus - oratorio)
Hungaroton HCD 12831 Own
2001 Harpa Hungarica Magánkiadás B0006M4N4Q
2002 Pierre-Laurent Aimard at Carnegie Hall Teldec 0927-43088-2
2002 Art and Music: Van Gogh - Music of His Time Naxos 8.558068
2002 The #1 Piano Album Decca 472589 2 CDs
2002 Ünnep
(High Day)
Népszabadság NSZMR 002 Not for sale - only for promotion
2002 Alexei Lubimov: Der Bote ECM Records ECM 1771
2002 Naxos 15th Anniversary CD Naxos 8.555964
2002 Liszt Ferenc: Consolations / Goldmark Károly: Gordonka-zongora szonáta Op.39 / Rózsa Miklós: Duó gordonkára és zongorára Op.8
(Liszt, Ferenc: Consolations / Goldmark, Karl: Sonata for Cello and Piano Op.39 / Rózsa, Miklós: Duo for Cello and Piano Op.8)
Hungaroton HCD 32023
2002 Liszt Ferenc: A-dúr zongoraverseny; Brahms: III. F-dúr szimfónia Op.90
(Liszt: Piano Concerto in A major; Brahms: Symphony No.3 in F major Op.90)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 07
2003 Gyászzenék
(Funeral Music)
Hungaroton HCD 32260
2003 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények - kétzongorás átiratok (Összkiadás)
(Liszt: Symphonic Poems -Complete Transcriptions for Two Pianos)
Hungaroton HCD 41005 Own
4 CDs
2003 Dances from Hungary
(Dances from Hungary)
Warner LC 6019
2003 Liszt Ferenc: Orpheus; Les Preludes Hungaroton HCD 32203 Own
for Two Pianos, Organ & Orchestral Versions
2004 Transcendental Etudes - Ferenc Liszt and György Ligeti BMC Records BMC CD 095 Own
2004 Karácsonyi koncert
(Christmas Concert)
Hungaroton HCD 32281
2004 A Musical Journey - Rome: A Musical Tour of the City's Past and Present Naxos 2.110504 DVD
2005 Grand Melba 301088
2005 Satie-Cage: Socrate / Liszt: Via crucis BMC Records BMC CD 100
2005 Liszt Ferenc: Dante Symphony - A la Chapelle Sixtine - Hungarian Rhapsodies - Piano Concertos - Totentanz - Wanderer Fantasy Capriccio C49450
2005 Discover Music of the Romantic Era Naxos 8.558155-56 2 CDs
2005 Adam Gyorgy - Concert in Budapest
(Adam Gyorgy - Concert in Budapest)
Magánkiadás 5998466502501
2005 Classics for Lovers Naxos 8.570013-14
2005 Perfect Romance Naxos 8.570029
2006 Liszt Ferenc: Symphonic Poems Vol.3 Naxos 8.557846
2006 The Very Best of Christmas Naxos 8.570344-45
2006 Violin Recital: Barnabás Kelemen Naxos 8.557541
2006 Perfect Wedding Naxos 8.557975
2006 Perfect Winter Wedding Naxos 8.557977
2006 The Very Best of Liszt Naxos 8.552131-32 2 CDs
2006 Klassik Kennen Lernen 9: Die h-moll-Sonate von Liszt auf den Spuren von Schuberts Wandererfantasie (Dr. Stefan Schaub) Naxos 8.520047
2007 Jose Carreras Collection Arthaus Musik 101415 7 DVDs
2007 Ave Maria - Les plus beaux Ave Maria et chants a la Vierge
(Ave Maria - The Most Beautiful Ave Marias and Songs to the Virgin)
Naxos 8.570886-87 2 CDs
2007 Márton Levente Horváth: Suburban Nights Magánkiadás
2007 Liszt Ferenc: Symphonic Poems Vol.4 Naxos 8.557847
2007 Wagner, Liszt, Ravel, Csajkovszkij: Orchestram Spectacular Naxos 8.571081
2008 Panda Classics - Issue No.4: Toon Time Naxos 8.578011-12 2 CDs
2008 Cello Recital: Bartók, Dohnányi, Kodály, Liszt Naxos 8.570570
2008 Ave Maria: Madonna Mystica Naxos 8.551267
2009 Piano Bliss Naxos 8.578051
2009 Encores & More - Violin and Piano Recital: Friedemann and Peer (Polyakin, Liszt, Bartók, Hubay) Solo Musica SM130
2009 McCleery, David: Discover Music of the Romantic Era (Unabridged) Naxos NA495212
2009 Liszt Ferenc: Férfikarok 1.
(Liszt, Ferenc: Male Choruses 1.)
BMC Records BMC CD 168
2010 Easy-Listening Piano Classics: Schubert Naxos 8.578099-101 3 CDs
2011 The 50 Darkest Pieces of Classical Music X5 Music Group AB X5CD108 4 CDs
2011 Liszt Ferenc: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2 - Fantasies Naxos C7095
2011 Liszt Ferenc: Orchestral Pieces - Hungarian Rhapsodied - Dante Symphony - Symphonic Poems Capriccio C7090
2011 Piano Recital: Cziffra György ICA Classics ICAC5008
2011 Liszt Ferenc: His Life and Music Naxos 8.558214-15
2011 My First Piano Album Naxos 8.578207
2011 Liszt alkonya
(The Twilight of Liszt)
BMC Records BMC CD 185
2011 Liszt Ferenc: Krisztus oratórium
(Liszt, Ferenc: Christus (Oratorio))
2012 Great Piano Concertos (10-CD Box Set) Naxos 8.501056 10 CDs
2012 Piano Recital: Hinterhuber, Christopher - Bach, J.S. / Haydn, J. / Liszt, F. / Sztravinszkij, I. / Rahmanyinov, S. (The Original Debut Recording) Paladino Music PMR0031
2012 Min Forste Klavermusik - My First Piano Album Naxos 8.578236
2013 Klassik ohne Krise: Tastenträume Naxos 8.551308-09 2 CDs
2014 Annie Fischer: The Essential Collection Hungaroton HCD 32730
2014 Annie Fischer: The Centennial Collection Hungaroton HCD 41011 3 CDs
2014 Liszt Ferenc: Transzcendens etűdök
(Ferenc Liszt: Transcendental Études)
Hungaroton HCD 32736 Own
2015 Stas Venglevski - Today & Yesterday Magánkiadás SV019 2 CDs
2015 István Várdai & Julien Quentin: Singing Cello Hungaroton HCD 32741
2016 Balázs János: A zongora lelke
(János Balázs: The Piano's Soul )
Fonó Records FA 395-2
2016 My First Classical Albums (9-CD Box Set) Naxos 8.509003 9 CDs
2016 Klára Takács: Songs by Liszt, Verdi, Strauss & Schumann Hungaroton HCD 32769
2016 Liszt Ferenc: Faust Symphony (Transcribed by Carl Tausig) Hungaroton HCD 32792 World premiere recording
2017 Zoltán Kocsis – A Tribute Hungaroton HCD 32803–04 2 CDs
2017 The Anniversary Collection - 30 CDs to Celebrate 30 Years of Naxos Naxos 8.503293
2018 The Masters Collection: György Cziffra Hungaroton HCD 32814–16 3 CDs
2019 The Masters Collection: János Ferencsik Hungaroton HCD 32820–22 3 CDs
2019 Borbély László - A szomorúság és vigasz énekei (Liszt Ferenc kései zongoraművei)
(László Borbély - Songs of sorrow and consolation (Late piano pieces by Franz Liszt))
Hunnia Records HRCD1912 Own
2021 Introduction to Classical Music, Vol. 1 - The Essential Classics of J. S. Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart & Others Hungaroton HCD 32854
2021 The Essential Classics of the Virutoso Pianist: Cziffra - The 100th Anniversary Hungaroton HCD 32858
2022 Auer Trio: Temperament - Works by Tchaikovsky and Liszt Hungaroton HCD 32862
2022 Gábor Farkas: Soirées de Vienne Hungaroton HCD 32859 Own
2023 Domonkos Csabay - Generations (Haydn, Beethoven, Czerny, Liszt, Wieniawski) Hungaroton HCD 32875
Title Type Year
´Grande Fantaisie Symphonique´ on Themes from Berlioz´s "Lélio"(S.120) Concerto 1834
"Am stillen Herd" aus den Meistersingern (S.448) / "Am stillen Herd" from "The Mastersingers of Nuremberg" Instrumental solo 1871
"Isoldes Liebestod" aus Tristan und Isolde (S.447) / "Isoldes Liebestod" from Tristan and Isolde (S.447) Instrumental solo 1867
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 (S.244/1) Instrumental solo 1846
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 10 (S.244/10) Instrumental solo 1847
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 11 (S.244/11) Instrumental solo 1847
12 Lieder von Franz Schubert (S.558) / 12 Songs by Franz Schubert Instrumental solo 1838
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 (S.244/12) Instrumental solo 1847
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 13 (S.244/13) Instrumental solo 1847
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 14 (S.244/14) Instrumental solo 1846
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 15 (S.244/15) Instrumental solo 1853
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 16 (S.244/16) Instrumental solo 1882
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 17 (S.244/17) Instrumental solo 1884
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 18 (S.244/18) Instrumental solo 1885
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 19 (S.244/19) Instrumental solo 1885
Zwei Konzertetüden (S.145) / Two Concert-Etudes (S.145) Instrumental solo 1863
2 Lieder von Robert Schumann (S.567) / 2 Songs by Robert Schumann (S.567) Instrumental solo 1861
2 Stücke aus Tannhäuser und Lohengrin (S.445) / 2 Pieces from Tannhäuser and Lohengrin (S.445) Instrumental solo 1852
2 Transcriptions d´après Rossini (S.553) Instrumental solo 1847
2 Vortragsstücke (S.268) Instrumental solo 1884
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (S.244/2) Instrumental solo 1847
3 Caprices-Valses (S.214) Instrumental solo 1852
3 Lieder aus Schillers Wilhelm Tell (S.292) / 3 Songs from Schiller´s William Tell (S.292) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1845
3 Märsche von Franz Schubert (S.426) / Franz Schubert Marches (S.426) Instrumental solo 1846
3 Sonetti del Petrarca (S.270) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1846
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 3 (S.244/3) Instrumental solo 1847
4 Lieder von Franz Schubert (S.375) Solo voice(s) with orchestra 0
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 4 (S.244/4) Instrumental solo 1847
5 Ungarische Volkslieder (S.245) / 5 Hungarian Folksongs (S.245) Instrumental solo 1873
5 Choruses with French texts (S.18) Mixed choir 1846
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 5 (S.244/5) Instrumental solo 1847
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert (S.563) Instrumental solo 1844
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6 (S.244/6) Instrumental solo 1847
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 7 (S.244/7) Instrumental solo 1847
70 Bars on Themes from the First Beethoven-Cantata (S.507) Instrumental solo 1846
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8 (S.244/8) Instrumental solo 1846
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 9 (S.244/9) Instrumental solo 1847
Des toten Dichters Liebe (S.349) / The Dead Poet´s Love (S.349) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1874
Ungarns Gott (S.339) / God of the Hungarians (S.339) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1881
Ab irato (S.143) Instrumental solo 1852
Abschied (S.251) Instrumental solo 1885
Album d´un voyageur (S.156) / Album of a Wanderer (S.156) Instrumental solo 1838
Albumblatt No. 1 (S.164) / Feuille d´album No. 1 (S.164) Instrumental solo 1840
Albumblatt in Walzerform (S.166) / Album Leaf in Waltz Form (S.166) Instrumental solo 1842
Allegro di bravura (S.151) Instrumental solo 1824
Alleluja (S.183/1) Instrumental solo 1862
Alte deutsche geistliche Weisen (S.50) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1879
Am Grabe Richard Wagners (S.135) / At the Grave of Richard Wagner (S.135) Chamber Music 1883
Am Grabe Richard Wagners (S.202) / At the Grave of Richard Wagner (S.202) Instrumental solo 1883
An Edlitam (S.333) / Matildhoz (S.333) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1878
An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula (S.28) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1860
An die Künstler (S.70) / To the Artists (S.70) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1854
Andante Finale und Marsch aus der Oper "König Alfred" (S.421) Instrumental solo 1853
Anfangs wollt´ ich fast verzagen (S.311) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1849
Angiolin dal biondo crin (S.269) / Englein hold im Lockengold (S.269) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1839
Anima Christi sanctifica me (S.46/1) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1874
Anima Christi sanctifica me (S.46/2) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1874
Wanderjahre I. (S.160) / Years of Pilgrimage I. (S.160) Instrumental solo 1838
Wanderjahre II. (S.161) / Years of Pilgrimage II. (S.161) Instrumental solo 1849
Wanderjahre II., Anhang (S.162) / Years of Pilgrimage II., Supplement (S.162) Instrumental solo 1859
Wanderjahre III. (S.163) / Years of Pilgrimage III. (S.163) Instrumental solo 1877
Apparitions (S.155) / Apparitions (S.155) Instrumental solo 1834
Aus Lohengrin (S.446) / From Lohengrin (S.446) Instrumental solo 1854
Aus der Ungarischen Krönungsmesse (S.381) Chamber Music 1869
Ave Maria (S.182) Instrumental solo 1862
Ave Maria I. (S.20) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1846
Ave Maria II. (S.38) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1869
Ave Maria III. (S.60) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1883
Ave Maria IV. (S.341) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1881
Ave Maria IV. (S.545) for Piano Instrumental solo 1881
Ave Maria d´Arcadelt (S.183/2) Instrumental solo 1862
Ave maris stella (S.34/1) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1866
Ave maris stella (S.34/2) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1868
Ave verum corpus (S.44) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1871
Bagatelle sans tonalité (S.216a) Mephisto-Walzer / Bagatell without Tonality (S.216a) Valse Méphistophélés Instrumental solo 1885
Ballade No. 1 (S.170) / Ballade No. 1 (S.170) Instrumental solo 1845
Ballade No. 2 (S.171) / Ballade No. 2 (S.171) Instrumental solo 1853
Ballade aus "Der fliegende Holländer" (S.441) / Ballad from "The Flying Dutchman" (S.441) Instrumental solo 1872
Berceuse (S.174/a) Instrumental solo 1854
Berceuse (S.174/b) Instrumental solo 1862
Bist du! (S.277/1) / You Are (S.277/1) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Bist du! (S.277/2) / You Are (S.277/2) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1879
Blume und Duft (S.324) / Flower and Fragrance (S.324) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1854
Bénédiction et serment (S.396) Instrumental solo 1853
Bülow-Marsch (S.230) / Bülow-March (S.230) Instrumental solo 1883
Bülow-Marsch (S.619) / Bülow-March (S.619) Chamber Music 1883
Cantantibus organis (S.7) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1879
Cantico del sol di Francesco d´Assisi (S.4) / Saint Francis of Assisi´s Canticle of the Sun (S.4) Solo voice(s), choir, solo instr. & orch. 1862
Canzone Napolitana, S.248 Instrumental solo 1842
Capriccio alla turca sur des motifs de Beethoven (S.388) Instrumental solo 1846
Chanson du Béarn (S.236/2) Instrumental solo 1844
Christus (S.3) / Christ (S.3) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1866
Christus ist geboren I. (S.31) / Christ is Born I. (S.31) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1863
Christus ist geboren II. (S.32) / Christ is Born II. (S.32) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1863
Comment disaient-ils (S.276) / How, they said (S.276) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1842
Konzertparaphrase (S.410) / Concert Paraphrase (S.410) Instrumental solo 1850
Concerto pathétique (S.258) Concerto 1856
Consolations (S.172) / Consolations (S.172) Instrumental solo 1848
Crux! (S.35) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1865
Csárdás macabre (S.224) Instrumental solo 1882
Dall´ alma Roma (S.36) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1868
Dem Andenken Petöfis (S.195) / To the Memory of Petőfi (S.195) Instrumental solo 1877
Der Gang um Mitternacht (S.90/10) Male choir 0
Der Glückliche (S.334) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1878
Der Herr bewahret die Seelen seiner Heiligen (S.48) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1875
Der blinde Sänger (S.350) / The Blind Singer (S.350) Chamber Music 1877
Der blinde Sänger (S.546) / The Blind Singer (S.546) Instrumental solo 1877
Der du von dem Himmel bist (S.279) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1842
Der traurige Mönch (S.348) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Des Tages laute Stimmen schweigen (S.337) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1880
Deutsche Kirchenlieder (S.669a) / German Church Songs (S.669a) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1879
Deux Légendes (S.175) / Two Legends (S.175) Instrumental solo 1863
Deux Polonaises (S.223) / Two Polonaises (S.223) Instrumental solo 1851
Deux Polonaises de l´oratorio St. Stanislaus (S.519) Instrumental solo 1875
Deux csárdás (S.225) / Two Csárdás (S.225) Instrumental solo 1885
Die Fischerstochter (S.325) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1871
Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters (S.6) / The Bells of Strasbourg Cathedral (S.6) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1874
Die Ideale (S.106) / The Ideals (S.106) Symphony orchestra 1857
Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth (S.2) / The Legend of Saint Elizabeth (S.2) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1862
Die Loreley (S.273) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1841
Die Macht der Musik (S.302) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1848
Die Seligkeiten (Les béatitudes) (S.25) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1859
Die Trauer-Gondel (S.199a) Instrumental solo 1882
Die Vätergruft (S.281) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth (S.274) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1841
Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth (S.382) Chamber Music 1883
Die alten Sagen kunden (S.90/8) Male choir 0
Die drei Zigeuner (S.320) / The Three Gypsies (S.320) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Die drei Zigeuner (S.383) / The Three Gypsies (S.383) Chamber Music 1864
Die stille Wasserrose (S.321) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Die tote Nachtigall (S.291) / The Dead Nightingale (S.291) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1843
Domine salvum fac regem (S.23) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1853
Don Sanche, ou le Chateau de l´Amour (S.1) / Don Sanche, or the Castle of Love (S.1) Opera 1825
Douze études d´exécution transcendante (S.139) / Transcendent Etudes (S.139) Instrumental solo 1851
Du bist wie eine Blume (S.287) / Thou Art Lovely as a Flower (S.287) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1843
Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam (S.309) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1845
Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam (S.309bis) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Eine Faust-Symphonie in Drei Charakterbildern (S.108) / Faust-Symphony in Three Pictures (S.108) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1854
Eine Symphonie zu Dantes Divina Commedia (S.109) / Symphony to Dante´s Divine Comedy (S.109) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1856
Einsam bin ich, nicht allein (S.453) Instrumental solo 1848
Einst (S.332) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1878
Elégia No. 2 gordonkára és zongorára Chamber Music 0
En rêve (S.207) / Dreaming (S.207) Instrumental solo 1885
Enfant, si j´étais roi (S.283) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Epithalam für (S.129) Chamber Music 1872
Epithalam (S.526) Instrumental solo 0
Es muss ein Wunderbares sein (S.314) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1852
Es rauschen die Winde (S.294) / The Winds of the Autumn Blow Cold (S.294) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1845
Es rufet Gott (S.90/6) Male choir 1845
Es war ein König in Thule (S.278) / There Reigned a King Once in Thule (S.278) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1842
Graner Messe - Missa Solennis (S.9) / Gran Festival Mass - Missa Solennis (S.9) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1855
Excelsior! Präludium für Orgel (S.500) Instrumental solo 1874
Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses (S.157) Instrumental solo 1836
Fantaisie sur des motifs favoris de l’opéra la Sonnambula (S.393) Instrumental solo 1842
Fantaisie sur l´opéra hongroise Szép Ilonka (S.417) Instrumental solo 1867
Fantasy and Fugue on the Choral "Ad nos, ad salutarem undam" (S.259) Instrumental solo 1850
Fantasy on Motifs from Beethoven´s Ruins of Athens (S.122) Concerto 1852
Fantasie über Ungarische Volksmelodien (S.123) / Fantasy on Hungarian Folk Tunes (S.123) Concerto 1852
Fantasiestück über Motive aus Rienzi (S.439) / Fantasy on Themes from Rienzi (S.439) Instrumental solo 1859
Faribolo Pasteur (S.236/1) Instrumental solo 1844
Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Gral aus Parsifal (S.450) / Solemn March to the Holy Grail from Parsifal (S.450) Instrumental solo 1882
Festgesang zur Eröffnung der Zehnten Allgemeinen Deutschen Lehrerversammlung (S.26) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1858
Festklänge (S.101) / Festival Sounds (S.101) Symphony orchestra 1853
Festlied - Zu Schillers Jubelfeier (S.90/11) Male choir 0
Festmarsch nach Motiven von E. H. z. S.-C.-G. (S.116) Symphony orchestra 1859
Festmarsch zur Goethe-Jubiläumfeier (S.115) / Festival Marsch for the Goethe-Jubilee (S.115) Symphony orchestra 1849
Festmarsch zur Säcularfeier von Goethes Geburtstag (S.227) Instrumental solo 1849
Festpolonaise (S.230a) Instrumental solo 1876
Festvorspiel (S.226) / Festival Prelude (S.226) Instrumental solo 1856
Festvorspiel (S.356) / Festival Prelude (S.356) Symphony orchestra 1857
Feuilles d´album (S.165) / Album-Leaf (S.165) Instrumental solo 1841
Franz Schuberts geistliche Lieder (S.562) / Franz Schubert´s Religious Songs (S.562) Instrumental solo 1840
Freudvoll und leidvoll I (S.280/1) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Freudvoll und leidvoll I (S.280/2) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1849
Freudvoll und leidvoll II (S.280bis) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1848
Fünf Klavierstücke (S.192) / Five Piano Pieces (S.192) Instrumental solo 1879
Galop (A minor) (S.218) Instrumental solo 1846
Galop de bal (S.220) Instrumental solo 1840
Gastibelza - Bolero (S.286) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Gaudeamus igitur - Paraphrase (S.240) Instrumental solo 1843
Gebet (S.331) / Prayer (S.331) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1878
Geharnischte Lieder (S.511) Instrumental solo 1860
Gestorben war ich (S.308) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1846
Glanes de Woronince (S.249) Instrumental solo 1847
Go Not, Happy Day (Weil noch Sonnenstrahl) (S.335) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1879
God Save the Queen - Concert Paraphrase (S.235) Instrumental solo 1849
Gott sei gnädig und barmherzig (S.51) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1878
Gottes ist der Orient (S.90/12) Male choir 1842
Grand duo concertant sur la Romance de M. Lafont "Le marin" (S.128) Chamber Music 1849
Grand galop chromatique (S.219) Instrumental solo 1838
Grand galop chromatique (S.219bis) Instrumental solo 1839
Grande fantaisie de bravoure sur La clochette, Op. 2 (S.420) Instrumental solo 1834
Grande fantaisie de concert (S.393/2) Instrumental solo 1852
Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de La serenata e L´orgia des Soirées musicales (S.422) Instrumental solo 1836
Grande fantaisie sur des motifs de Niobe (S.419) Instrumental solo 1836
Grande fantaisie sur la tyrolienne de l´opéra La fiancée de Auber (S.385) Instrumental solo 1829
Grande paraphrase de la Marche de Donizetti pour le Sultan Abdul-Medjid Khan (S.403) Instrumental solo 1847
Grande valse di bravura ´Le bal de Berne´(S.209) Instrumental solo 1836
Grandes études de Paganini (S.141) Instrumental solo 1851
Grosse Konzertfantasie über spanische Weisen (S.253) Instrumental solo 1845
Grosses Konzertsolo (S.176) Instrumental solo 1850
Halloh! (S.404) Instrumental solo 1849
Hamlet (S.104) Symphony orchestra 1858
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses I. (S.154) / Poetic and Religous Harmonies I. (S.154) Instrumental solo 1833
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses III. (S.173) / Poetic and Religous Harmonies III. (S.173) Instrumental solo 1852
Heroischer Marsch in ungarischem Stil (S.231) Instrumental solo 1840
Hexaméron (S.392) Instrumental solo 1838
Historische Ungarische Bildnisse (S.205) / Historical Hungarian Portraits (S.205) Instrumental solo 1885
Hohe Liebe (S.307) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1850
Huit Variations (S.148) Instrumental solo 1824
Huldigungsmarsch (S.228) Instrumental solo 1857
Hungaria (S.103) Symphony orchestra 1848
Hunnenschlacht (S.105) / Battle of Huns (S.105) Symphony orchestra 1857
Hussitenlied (S.234) Instrumental solo 1840
Hymne de la nuit (S.173a/1) Instrumental solo 1847
Hymne de l´enfant à son réveil (S.19) / Hymn of the Child at Waking Up (S.19) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1844
Hymne de matin (S.173a/2) Instrumental solo 1847
Heldenklänge (S.102) / Heroic Elegy (S.102) Symphony orchestra 1850
Ich liebe dich (S.315) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1857
Ich möchte hingehn (S.296) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1856
Ich scheide (S.319) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Ihr Glocken von Marling (S.328) / You Bells of Marling (S.328) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1874
Il m´aimait tant (S.271) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1842
Il m´aimait tant (S.533) Instrumental solo 1843
Illustrations de l´opéra L´Africaine (S.415) Instrumental solo 1865
Illustrations du Prophète (S.414) Instrumental solo 1850
Im Rhein, im schönen Strome (S.272) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1840
Impromptu (S.191) Instrumental solo 1872
Impromptu brillant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini (S.150) Instrumental solo 1824
In Liebeslust (S.318) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1858
In domum Domini ibimus (S.57) Choir and chamber ensemble 1884
In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi (S.188) Instrumental solo 1880
Inno a Maria Vergine (S.39) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1869
Introduction et Polonaise de l´opéra I puritani (S.391) Instrumental solo 1841
Lebe wohl! (S.299) / Farewell! (S.299) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1847
Jeanne d´Arc au bûcher (S.293) / Johanna von Arc vor dem Scheiterhaufen (S.293) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1845
Jugendglück (S.323) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Klavierkonzert No. 1, Es-Dur (S.124) / Piano Concerto No. 1, E-flat Major (S.124) Concerto 1856
Klavierkonzert No. 2, A-Dur (S.125) / Piano Concerto No. 2, A-Major (S.125) Concerto 1848
Klaviersonate h-moll (S.178) / Piano Sonata in B minor (S.178) Instrumental solo 1853
Klavierstück (S.193) / Piano Piece (S.193) Instrumental solo 1854
Kling leise, mein Lied (S.301) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1848
Künstler-Festzug (S.114) / Artists´ Procession (S.114) Symphony orchestra 1857
L´idée fixe (S.395) Instrumental solo 1833
La Cloche Sonne (S.238) Instrumental solo 1850
La Marseillaise (S.237) Instrumental solo 1872
La Notte (S.112/2) / The Night (S.112/2) Symphony orchestra 1864
La lugubre gondola I (S.200/1) Instrumental solo 1883
La lugubre gondola II (S.200/2) Instrumental solo 1885
La perla (S.326) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1872
Das Grab und die Rose (S.285) / The Grave and the Rose (S.285) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Lasst mich ruhen (S.317) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1858
Le crucifix (S.342) / Der Gekreuzigte (S.342) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1879
Le rossignol (S.250/1) Instrumental solo 1842
Le triomphe funèbre du Tasse (S.112/3) / Funeral Triumph of Tasso (S.112/3) Symphony orchestra 1866
Der alte Vagabund (S.304) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1848
Lenore (S.346) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1858
Les Préludes (S.97) Symphony orchestra 1844
Les Sabéennes (S.408) Instrumental solo 1865
Les adieux (S.409) Instrumental solo 1867
Les morts (S.112/1) / The Dead (S.112/1) Choir and orchestra 1860
Leyer und Schwerdt (S.452) Instrumental solo 1848
Libera me (S.45) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1871
Licht! mehr Licht! (S.84, No. 1) / Light! More Light! (S.84, No. 1) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1849
Liebesträume (S.541) / Love Dreams (S.541) Instrumental solo 1850
Ländler in A-flat major (S.211) Instrumental solo 1843
Légendes (S.354) / Legends (S.354) Symphony orchestra 1863
Hungarian Melodies (S.242) Instrumental solo 1840
Ungarisches Königslied (S.340) / Hungarian King Song (S.340) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1883
Malédiction (S.121) Concerto 1833
Marche et Cavatine de Lucie de Lammermoor (S.398) Instrumental solo 1836
Marche funèbre de Dom Sébastien de Donizetti (S.402) Instrumental solo 1844
Marche héroïque (S.510) Instrumental solo 1848
Mariengarten (S.62) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1884
Mazeppa (S.100) Symphony orchestra 1851
Mazeppa (S.138) Instrumental solo 1840
Mazurka brillante (S.221) Instrumental solo 1850
Mendelssohns Lieder (S.547) / Mendelssohn´s Songs (S.547) Instrumental solo 1840
Mephisto Polka (S.217) Instrumental solo 1883
Mephisto-Walzer No. 2 (S.111) / Mephisto-Waltz No. 2 (S.111) Symphony orchestra 1880
Mephisto-Walzer No. 2 (S.514) / Valse Méphistophélés No. 2 (S.514) Instrumental solo 1861
Mephisto-Walzer No. 2 (S.515) / Valse Méphistophélés No. 2 (S.515) Instrumental solo 1881
Mephisto-Walzer No. 3 (S.216) / Valse Méphistophélés No. 3 (S.216) Instrumental solo 1883
Mephisto-Walzer No. 4 (S.216/b) / Valse Méphistophélés No. 4 (S.216/b) Instrumental solo 1885
Mephisto-Walzer No. 4/a (S.216/a) / Valse Méphistophélés No. 4/a (S.216/a) Instrumental solo 1883
Mignons Lied (S.275) Instrumental solo 1842
Mihi autem adhaerere (S.37) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1868
Miserere du Trovatore (S.433) Instrumental solo 1859
Missa Choralis (S.10) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1865
Missa Coronationalis (S.11) / Hungarian Coronation Mass (S.11) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1867
Missa pro organo lectarum celebrationi missarum adjumento inserviens (S.264) Instrumental solo 1879
Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales - Szekszárd Messe (S.8) / Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales - Szekszárd Mass (S.8) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1848
Morceau de salon (S.142) Instrumental solo 1840
Morgens steh ich auf und frage (S.290) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1843
Mosonyi gyászmenete (S.194) / Mosonyi´s Mourning Process (S.194) Instrumental solo 1870
Muttergottes-Sträusslein zum Mai-Monate (S.316) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1857
Mélodies hongroises d´après Franz Schubert (S.425) Instrumental solo 1839
Müllerlieder von Franz Schubert (S.565) Instrumental solo 1846
Nicht gezagt (S.90/5) Male choir 1845
Nimm einen Strahl der Sonne (S.310) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1849
Nuits d´été à Pausilippe (S.399) Instrumental solo 1838
Nun danket alle Gott (S.61) Choir and chamber ensemble 1883
O Meer im Abendstrahl (S.344) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1881
O Roma nobilis (S.54) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1879
O du mein holder Abendstern (S.444) / O thou Beloved Evening Star (S.444) Instrumental solo 1848
O heilige Nacht (S.49) / O Holy Night (S.49) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1881
O lieb so lang du lieben kannst (S.298) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1843
O sacrum convivium (S.58) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1885
O salutaris hostia I, (S.40) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1869
O salutaris hostia II, (S.43) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1870
Oh! quand je dors (S.282) / Oh! when I sleep (S.282) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1841
Ora pro nobis - Litanei (S.262) Instrumental solo 1864
Orpheus (S.98) / Orpheus (S.98) Symphony orchestra 1854
Ossa arida (S.55) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1879
Ouvertüre zu Tannhäuser (S.442) / Tannhäsuer Overture (S.442) Instrumental solo 1849
Paraphrase de concert sur Ernani II (S.432) Instrumental solo 1859
Paraphrase de concert sur Rigoletto (S.434) Instrumental solo 1859
Pater noster I. (S.29) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1860
Pater noster II. (S.21) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1846
Pater noster III. (S.41) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1869
Pax vobiscum! (S.64) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1885
Petite valse favorite (S.212) Instrumental solo 1842
Pilgerchor aus Tannhäuser (S.443) / Pilgrims´ Chorus from Tannhäuser (S.443) Instrumental solo 1861
Pio IX (S.261) Instrumental solo 1865
Polonaise (S.429) Instrumental solo 1879
Preludes and Fugues by J.S. Bach (S.462) Instrumental solo 1850
Première Élégie (S.196) / Elegy No. 1 (S.196) Instrumental solo 1874
Pro Papa (S.59) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1880
Prometheus (S.99) / Prometheus (S.99) Symphony orchestra 1850
Präludium und Fuge über den Namen B.A.C.H. (S.260) Instrumental solo 1856
Prélude à la Polka d´Alexandre Porfiryevitch Borodine (S.207a) Instrumental solo 1880
Psalm 13. (S.13/1) / Psalm 13. (S.13/1) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1858
Psalm 13. (S.13/2) / Psalm 13. (S.13/2) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1862
Quatre Valse Oubliées (S.215) / Four Forgotten Waltzes (S.215) Instrumental solo 1884
Qui Mariam absolvisti (S.65) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1885
Qui seminant in lacrimis (S.63) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1884
Recueillement (S.204) / Devotion (S.204) Instrumental solo 1877
Requiem (S.12) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1868
Requiem für die Orgel (S.266) / Requiem for the Organ (S.266) Instrumental solo 1883
Répons et Antiennes (S.30) / Responsories and Antiphons (S.30) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1860
Rhapsodie espagnole (S.254) Instrumental solo 1858
Richard Wagner. Venezia (S.201) Instrumental solo 1883
Romance (S.169) Instrumental solo 1848
Romance oubliée (S.527) / Forgotten Romance (S.527) Instrumental solo 1880
Rondeau fantastique sur un thème espagnol (S.252) Instrumental solo 1836
Rondo di bravura (S.152) Instrumental solo 1825
Rosario (S.56) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1879
Russischer Galop (S.478) Instrumental solo 1843
Réminiscences de Don Juan (S.418) Instrumental solo 1841
Réminiscences de La juive (S.409a) Instrumental solo 1835
Réminiscences de Lucia di Lammermoor (S.397) Instrumental solo 1836
Réminiscences de Lucrezia Borgia (S.400) Instrumental solo 1848
Réminiscences de Norma (S.394) Instrumental solo 1841
Réminiscences de Robert le diable (S.413) Instrumental solo 1841
Réminiscences des Huguenots (S.412) Instrumental solo 1836
Réminiscences des Puritains de Bellini (S.390) Instrumental solo 1836
Saatengrün (S.90/9) Male choir 0
Sainte Cécile. Légende (S.5) / Saint Cecilia. Legend (S.5) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1874
Salve Polonia (S.113) Symphony orchestra 1863
Salve Regina (S.66) Mixed choir 1885
Sancta Caecilia (S.343) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1885
Sancta Dorothea (S.187) Instrumental solo 1877
Sankt Christoph. Legend (S.47) / Saint Christopher. Legend (S.47) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1881
Sarabande and Chaconne from Handel´s Almira (S.181) Instrumental solo 1879
Saradanapalo, S.687 Opera 1852
Scherzo in G minor (S.153) Instrumental solo 1827
Scherzo und Marsch (S.177) / Scherzo and March (S.177) Instrumental solo 1851
Schlaflos! Frage und Antwort (S.203) / Sleepless. Question and Answer. (S.203) Instrumental solo 1883
Schlummerlied mit Arabesken (S.454) Instrumental solo 1848
Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge (S.305) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1845
Sechs polnische Lieder (S.480) / Six Polish Songs (S.480) Instrumental solo 1860
Seconde marche hongroise (S.232) Instrumental solo 1844
Sei still (S.330) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1879
Septem sacramenta (S.52) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1884
Siegesmarsch (S.233a) Instrumental solo 1884
Slavimo slavno, Slaveni! (S.33) / Let´s Celebrate Famous Slavs! (S.33) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1866
Soirées de Vienne (S.427) Instrumental solo 1852
Soirées italiennes (S.411) Instrumental solo 1839
Soirées musicales de Rossini (S.424) Instrumental solo 1837
Soldatenlied (S.90/7) Male choir 1844
Spinnerlied aus "Der fliegende Holländer" (S.440) / Spinning-Song from "The Flying Dutchman" (S.440) Instrumental solo 1860
Stabat Mater (S.172b) Instrumental solo 1847
Ständchen (S.90/2) Choir with solo voice(s) 1842
Szózat und ungarischer Hymnus (S.486) Instrumental solo 1872
S´il est un charmant gazon (S.284) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
S´il est un charmant gazon (S.538) Instrumental solo 1847
Tantum ergo (S.42/1) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1869
Tantum ergo (S.42/2) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1869
Tarantelle di bravura d’après la tarantelle de La muette de Portici (S.386) Instrumental solo 1846
Tasso - Lamento e Trionfo (S.96) / Tasso - Lament and Triumph (S.96) Symphony orchestra 1849
Te Deum laudamus I. (S.27) Choir and chamber ensemble 1859
Te Deum laudamus II. (S.24) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1853
Technische Studien (S.146) Instrumental solo 1873
Totentanz (S.126) / Dance of Death (S.126) Concerto 1849
Trauervorspiel und Trauermarsch (S.206) / Funeral Prelude and Funeral March (S.206) Instrumental solo 1885
Tristesse (S.327) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1872
Drei Konzert-Etüden (S.144) / Three Concert-Etudes (S.144) Instrumental solo 1848
Nuages gris (S.199) / Gloomy Clouds (S.199) Instrumental solo 1881
Fragments - 1956 Film music 2006
Un portrait en musique (S.190) Instrumental solo 1869
Und sprich (S.329) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1879
Und wir dachten der Toten (S.338) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1871
Ungarische Nationalmelodien (S.243) Instrumental solo 1843
Ungarischer Geschwindmarsch (S.233) / Hungarian Quick March (S.233) Instrumental solo 1871
Ungarischer Marsch (S.118) / Hungarian Marsch (S.118) Symphony orchestra 1870
Ungarischer Romanzero (S.241a) Instrumental solo 1853
Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (S.119) / Hungarian Marsch to the Assault (S.119) Symphony orchestra 1843
Sinistre (S.208) / Sinister (S.208) Instrumental solo 1885
Urbi et Orbi (S.184) Instrumental solo 1864
Valse mélancolique (S.210) Instrumental solo 1839
Valse-Impromptu (S.213) Instrumental solo 1852
Variation über einen Walzer von Diabelli (S.147) / Variation on a Waltz by Diabelli (S.147) Instrumental solo 1822
Variationen über das Motiv von J.S. Bach (S.180) / Variations on a Motive by J.S. Bach Instrumental solo 1862
Venezia e Napoli (S.159) Instrumental solo 1840
Vereins-Lied (S.90/1) Male choir 1855
Vergiftet sind meine Lieder (S.289) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Verlassen (S.336) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1880
Vexilla regis prodeunt (S.185) Instrumental solo 1864
Via Crucis (S.53) Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 1879
Via Crucis (S.583) Chamber Music 1878
Vom Fels zum Meer! (S.229) Instrumental solo 1856
Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (S.107) / From the Cradle to the Grave (S.107) Symphony orchestra 1882
Vor der Schlacht (S.90/4) Male choir 1845
Walhall aus "Der Ring des Nibelungen" (S.449) / Walhall from "The Ring of the Nibelung" (S.449) Instrumental solo 1875
Wartburg-Lieder (S.345) Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1873
Was Liebe sei (S.288) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1842
Ce qu´on entend sur la montagne (S.95) / What One Hears on the Mountains (S.95) Symphony orchestra 1854
Weihnachtsbaum (S.186) / Christmas Tree (S.186) Instrumental solo 1876
Weihnachtsbaum (S.613) / Christmas Tree (S.613) Chamber Music 1881
Weimars Toten (S.303) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1848
Weimars Volkslied (S.313) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1857
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (S.179) Instrumental solo 1859
Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß (S.297) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1845
Wie singt die Lerche schön (S.312) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1855
Wieder möcht ich dir begegnen (S.322) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1860
Wiegenlied (S.198) / Lullaby (S.198) Instrumental solo 1881
Wir sind nicht Mumien (S.90/3) Choir and solo instrument(s) 1842
Wo weilt er? (S.295) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1844
Zwei Episoden aus Lenaus Faust (S.110) / Two Episodes from Lenau´s Faust (S.110) Symphony orchestra 1860
Zwei Kirchenhymnen (S.669) / Two Sacred Hymns (S.669) Instrumental solo 1877
Zweite Elegie (S.197) / Elegy No. 2 (S.197) Instrumental solo 1877
Élégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse (S.168) Instrumental solo 1843
Étude en douze exercices, Op. 6 (S.136) Instrumental solo 1826
Études d´exécution transcendante d´après Paganini (S.140) Instrumental solo 1840
Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (S.306) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1848