Halász, Péter: Kurtág, György (Hungarian)

ISBN9638278072 1998


Over the last fifteen years György Kurtág’s name has become known and recognized throughout the world. His art, which in István Balázs’s view offers the listener „beauty obtained through suffering”, is characterized by tension between an ascetic use of music resources and an irresistible expressive force.
In a fascinating and personal way his vocal works (e.g. The Sayings of Péter Bornemisza, Messages of the Late Miss R. V. Troussova and Kafka-Fragmente) and his instrumental pieces (e.g. String Quartet, Plays and Games and …quasi una fantasia…) shed light on the tragic and absurd plight of 20th-century man.
The present study analyzes Kurtág’s oeuvre, and includes a list of works and recordings, a bibliography, photograps and music examples.

Author: Péter Halász
Editor, series editor: Melinda Berlász (Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for Humanities)
Published by Magus Publications Ltd
Publishing director: Emőke Tóth
Compositor: József Krébecz, ASSA Kft.

Supported by National Cultural Fund

Out of stock.

Full series: www.emb.hu

Already published in the series:

Bárdos, Lajos (1899-1986)
Bihari, János (1764-1827)
Bozay, Attila (1939-1999)
Csíky, Boldizsár (1937)
Dávid, Gyula (1913-1977)
Decsényi, János (1927)
Dohnányi, Ernő (1877.1960)
Dubrovay, László (1943)
Durkó, Zsolt (1934-1997)
Egressy, Béni (1814-1851)
Farkas, Ferenc (1905-2000)
Fusz, János (1777-1819)
Gárdonyi, Zoltán (1906-1986)
Horusitzky, Zoltán (1903-1985)
Hubay, Jenő (1858-1937)
Huszár, Lajos (1948)
Istvánffy, Benedek (1733-1778)
Járdányi, Pál (1920-1966)
Jeney, Zoltán (1943-2019)
Kadosa, Pál (1903-1983)
Kocsár, Miklós (1933-2019)
Kósa, György (1897-1984)
Kurtág, György (1926)
Lavotta, János (1764-1820)
Lendvay, Kamilló (1928)
Maros, Rudolf (1917-1982)
Mihalovich, Ödön (1842-1929)
Mosonyi, Mihály (1815-1870)
Orbán, György (1947)
Petrovics, Emil (1930-2011)
Pongrácz, Zoltán (1912-2007)
Ránki, György (1907-1992)
Sári, József (1935)
Soproni, József (1930-2021)
Sugár, Rezső (1919-1988)
Szokolay, Sándor (1931-2013)
Szőnyi, Erzsébet (1924-2019)
Szőllősy, András (1921-2007)
Vántus, István (1935-1992)
Verebi, Végh János (1845-1918)
Vermesy, Péter (1939-1989)
Vidovszky, László (1944)
Volkmann, Robert (1815-1883)