Decsényi, János Decsényi, János (English)

ISBN9638278617 2001


János Decsényi is one of the most fascinating of that group of composers which came to the fore during the 1960s.

His music maintains an uncompromising balance between lucid thought and intense passion, and between new initiatives and a respect for tradition.
Extra-musical sources often provide a stimulus for the creative process; sometimes other art forms (Five Csontvary Paintings) or philosophy (Thoughts-by day and night). In Epitaph from Aquincum Decsényi turned to antiquity for inspiration, and in Old Hungarian Textes to ancient Hungarian literature. His experiments with electronic means of sound production led to a genre of electro-acoustic music that he called [’Soundscapes’] – an intriguing mix of electronic and enviromental sounds. This monograph will fulfil the need for an overview of the work of this multifaceted and versatile contemporary composer.

Author: Péter Halász
Editor, series editor: Melinda Berlász (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musicology)
Translated by Peter Woodward
English language editor:Jane Pogson
Published by Magus Publications Ltd
Compositor: Enikő Zágoni Szakács

Publication supported by Ministry of National Cultural Heritage and National Cultural Fund

The publication can be purchased in person at the BMC Library for a price of HUF 1,500, and can also be ordered from the Editio Musica Budapest webshop.

Full series:

Already published in the series:

Bárdos, Lajos (1899-1986)
Bihari, János (1764-1827)
Bozay, Attila (1939-1999)
Csíky, Boldizsár (1937)
Dávid, Gyula (1913-1977)
Decsényi, János (1927)
Dohnányi, Ernő (1877.1960)
Dubrovay, László (1943)
Durkó, Zsolt (1934-1997)
Egressy, Béni (1814-1851)
Farkas, Ferenc (1905-2000)
Fusz, János (1777-1819)
Gárdonyi, Zoltán (1906-1986)
Horusitzky, Zoltán (1903-1985)
Hubay, Jenő (1858-1937)
Huszár, Lajos (1948)
Istvánffy, Benedek (1733-1778)
Járdányi, Pál (1920-1966)
Jeney, Zoltán (1943-2019)
Kadosa, Pál (1903-1983)
Kocsár, Miklós (1933-2019)
Kósa, György (1897-1984)
Kurtág, György (1926)
Lavotta, János (1764-1820)
Lendvay, Kamilló (1928)
Maros, Rudolf (1917-1982)
Mihalovich, Ödön (1842-1929)
Mosonyi, Mihály (1815-1870)
Orbán, György (1947)
Petrovics, Emil (1930-2011)
Pongrácz, Zoltán (1912-2007)
Ránki, György (1907-1992)
Sári, József (1935)
Soproni, József (1930-2021)
Sugár, Rezső (1919-1988)
Szokolay, Sándor (1931-2013)
Szőnyi, Erzsébet (1924-2019)
Szőllősy, András (1921-2007)
Vántus, István (1935-1992)
Verebi, Végh János (1845-1918)
Vermesy, Péter (1939-1989)
Vidovszky, László (1944)
Volkmann, Robert (1815-1883)

1500 HUF 4 EUR