4 December 2023
Liszt Academy

Gourmet tasting of contemporary music - Danube Bend Contemporary Music Festival

4 December 2023, 7:30 pm
Liszt Academy - Grand Hall
1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8.

The concert will feature short symphonic orchestral pieces, giving a taste of the work of twelve Hungarian and one Canadian contemporary composer. The Danube Bend Contemporary Music Festival aims to reimagine and nurture the relationship between new music and audiences beyond the borders of the Danube Bend region. The Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok, led by Gábor Hollerung, has been a dedicated interpreter of contemporary music for 30 years.


1. Gyula Bánkövi: Budapest Horizon – 2023
2. Rezső Ott: Two Short Pieces
3. Máté Bella: [New Piece]
4. Iván Madarász: Overture egy képzeletbeli operához (Overture to an Imaginary Opera)
5. Péter Tóth: Budapest anzix
6. Bence Kutrik: Flóra Trailer (world premiere)
7. Gyula Fekete: Ares (world premiere)
8. Máté Hollós: Grandsemble
9. Gary Kulesha: Torque
10. Máté Balogh: Pom-Pom March
11. Levente Gyöngyösi: 2. Symphony – 4. Presto
12. János Vajda: Quodlibet
13. Roland Szentpáli: Cataclysms –3rd movement


2000 HUF

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