Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Nemzeti Filharmonikus Zenekar (National Philharmonic Orchestra)

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

(+36 1) 411 6600
(+36) 411 6699
Further contact
1095 Budapest
Komor Marcell u. 1.
(Művészetek Palotája)

The story of the National Philharmonic Orchestra (formerly the Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra) began in 1923, with the formation of the Metropolitan Orchestra, which rapidly became one of the pillars of Hungarian musical life. After the war, Ferenc Fricsay and László Somogyi were appointed as principal conductors. During this era, Otto Klemperer also conducted forty concerts, while another regular guest was Antál Doráti.

In the 1950's, the orchestra began a series of highly successful foreign appearances. 1952 saw the appointment of János Ferencsik as principal conductor, which proved to be a match made in heaven for the orchestra. In the 1960's, a new wave of guest conductors took up invitations to conduct the orchestra, and their names read like a Who's Who of the profession: Ernest Ansermet, Antál Doráti, Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel, Sir John Barbirolli, Leopold Stokowski, Claudio Abbado and Christoph von Dohnányi. Soloists to perform with the orchestra included such legends as Sviatoslav Richter, Yehudi Menuhin, Anja Silja, János Starker and Ruggiero Ricci, to name only a few.

János Ferencsik's death in 1984 brought this chapter of the orchestra's history to a close. But in 1987, a fitting successor to Ferencsik was found in the person of the Japanese conductor Kobayashi Ken-Ichiro. In the same year the orchestra was awarded with Béla Bartók-Ditta Pásztory Prize. Kobayashi enjoyed immense popularity in Hungary and he directed the orchestra for ten years. The next major change for the orchestra occured in 1998 when it was renamed Hungarian National Philharmonic and together with the Hungarian State Choir (now Hungarian National Choir) became national basic institutions.

There were also major changes in the orchestra's artistic leadership. In the autumn 1997, the general music director Zoltán Kocsis - one of the most talented of the younger generation of Hungarian conductors - was Zsolt Hamar, as resident conductor.

From the beginning of 2000, the Hungarian Cultural Heritage Ministry elected to give added financial support to the institution of the orchestra, choir and music library, which since 2002 has functioned as a non-profit company.

In the past few years, the orchestra has received a remarkable number of invitations to perform abroad, It has enjoyed immense successes at venues as far apart as the New York Avery Fisher Hall, the Tokyo Suntory Hall, the Birmingham Symphony Hall, the Athens Megaron Musicos and the Colmar Festival. ConcertoNet, the distinguished internet classical music journal nominated the orchestra's concert in New York in February 2003 as the winner of the Lully Prize for the best concert of the season.

Current performances of National Philharmonic Orchestra
Koncertkalendárium (
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
Famous Marches Naxos 8.571074
Great Orchestral Classics 4 (Australia) Naxos 8.570039
Vivaldi, Antonio: Juditha Triumphans Qualiton 11359
Bartók Új Sorozat: Kossuth - A fából faragott királyfi
(Bartók New Series: Kossuth - The Wooden Prince)
Hungaroton HSACD 32502
1966 Haydn, Joseph: A Megváltó hét szava a keresztfán Hob. XX:2
(Haydn, Joseph: The Seven Last Words of Christ Hob. XX:2)
Hungaroton HCD 12199 Reissue of Hungaroton SLPX 12199-200 (1980)
1969 Bozay Attila: Quartetto per archi, Op.9; Variazioni per pianoforte; Op.10; Papírszeletek, Op.5; Pezzo concertanto, Op.11; Pezzo sinfonico, Op.13
(Bozay, Attila: Quartetto per archi, Op.9; Variazioni per pianoforte; Op.10; Paper Slips, Op.5; Pezzo concertanto, Op.11; Pezzo sinfonico, Op.13)
Hungaroton LPX 11412 LP
1972 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Concerti for Two and Three Pianos Hungaroton SLPX 11631 LP
1973 Zeneművek a főváros egyesítésének 100. évfordulójára
(Compositions to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Unification of Budapest)
Hungaroton SLPX 11699 LP
1974 Beethoven, Ludwig van: Symphony No.9 - 2/2 Hungaroton
1976 Csendes éj
(Silent Night)
Hungaroton SLPX 16598 Reissue on CD: HCD 16598 (1994)
1981 Vivaldi, Antonio: Intrada e Gloria RV 639, 588; Cessate Essate, Omai Cessate RV 684 Hungaroton HCD 12087
1981 Great Soprano Arias Hungaroton LP
1982 Himnusz - Szózat
(Hymnus - Szózat)
Hungaroton SLPX 19133 LP / Reissue on CD: HCD 19133 (1994)
1983 Dávid Gyula: Brácsaverseny; Hegedűverseny; Sinfonietta
(Dávid, Gyula: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra; Concerto for Violin and Orchestra; Sinfonietta)
Hungaroton SLPX 12452 LP
1983 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Szentivánéji álom (részletek)
(Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: A Midsummer Night's Dream - excerpts)
Hungaroton HRC 1027 Echo Collection
1984 Berlioz, Hector: Fantasztikus szimfónia
(Berlioz, Hector: Symphonie Fantastique)
Hungaroton HCD 12713 Own
1987 Balassa Sándor: Egy álmodozó naplója Op. 35; Három zenekari fantázia Op. 36
(Balassa, Sándor: A Day-Dreamer's Diary Op. 35; Three Fantasias for Orchestra Op. 36)
Hungaroton SLPX 12942 LP
1987 Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich: Arias CBS Masterworks M 42174 Own
1987 Csajkovszkij-áriák
(Tchaikovsky Arias)
Hungaroton SLPD 12824 Own
1988 Kulcs a muzsikához 5: Művészeti korok zenei stílusai Hungaroton
1988 Hungarian Festival Naxos 8.550142
1988 Ünnepi Zene Hungaroton SLPX 15082 LP
1989 Respighi, Ottorino: Belfagor Hungaroton HCD 12850-51 2 CDs / First recording
1989 Lívia Budai-Batky Operatic Recital Verdi, Gluck, Donizetti, Ponchielli, Mascagni, Cilea Hungaroton HCD 12941
1990 Puccini, Giacomo: Tosca Hungaroton HCD 31096-97 2 CDs - In association with CBS Records Inc.
1990 Rhapsody Naxos 8.550327
1990 Mascagni, Pietro: Lodoletta Hungaroton HCD 31307-08 2 CDs
1990 Beethoven, Ludwig van: Symphony No.5 Laserlight 15905
1990 The Best Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laserlight 15018
1991 Katibim - Variációk egy régi isztambuli népdalra
(Variations on an old Istanbul folk song "Katibim")
Hungaroton HCD 31523
1991 Liszt Ferenc: Kórusművek
(Liszt: Choral Works)
Hungaroton HCD 12748
1991 Magyarország köszönti II. János Pált Hungaroton SLPX 31432 LP
1992 The Label of Discovery: Sampler 1 Marco Polo (Naxos) 8.223001
1992 Bartók Béla: Dalok
(Bartók, Béla: Songs)
Hungaroton HCD 31535
1993 Romantic Moments Vol.1-5 Laserlight 35865 5 CDs
1993 The Best of Naxos 6. Naxos 8.550006
1994 Himnusz - Szózat
(Hymnus - Szózat)
Hungaroton HCD 19133 Reissue of Hungaroton SLPX 19133 (1982)
1994 The Best of Naxos 3. Naxos 8.550003
1994 101 Great Orchestral Classics, Vol.4. Naxos 8.551144
1994 Csendes éj
(Silent Night)
Hungaroton HCD 16598 Reissue of Hungaroton SLPX 16598 (1976)
1994 Bartók Béla: A fából faragott királyfi; Táncszvit
(Bartók, Béla: The Wooden Prince; Dance Suite)
Hungaroton HCD 31048
1994 Bartók Béla: 2 zenekari szvit
(Bartók Béla: Orchestral suites Nos 1,2)
Hungaroton HCD 31045
1994 Bartók Béla: III. zongoraverseny; Allegro barbaro; Szvit Op.14
(Bartók, Béla: Piano Concerto No.3; Allegro barbaro; Suite Op. 14)
Hungaroton HCD 31036
1994 Bartók Béla: 2 hegedűverseny Nos. 1,2
(Bartók, Béla: Violin Concertos Nos.1,2)
Hungaroton HCD 31543
1994 Beethoven, Ludvig van: III. "Eroica" szimfónia
(Beethoven, Ludvig van: Symphony No. 3)
Hungaroton HCD 12566 Own
1995 Bartók Béla: Cantata Profana; Kodály Zoltán: Psalmus Hungaricus; Hungaroton HCD 31503
1995 Respighi, Ottorino: Semirama Hungaroton HCD 31197-98 2 CDs / Recorded in 1990
1995 Bartók Béla: Cantata Profana; Concerto Hungaroton HCD 12759
1995 The Top 100 Masterpieces Of Classical Music Delta 35815 5 CDs
1995 Famous Symphonic Poems Vol.1 Naxos 8.553243
1995 Respighi, Ottorino: A láng
(Respighi, Ottorino: La Flamma)
Hungaroton HCD 12591-93 3 CDs
1995 Prokofjev, Szergej Szergejevics: Péter és a farkas, Ravel: Lúdanyó meséi, Saint-Saens: Az állatok farsangja Hungaroton HCD 32229 First release: SLPM / MK 11816 (LP/MC)
First CD release: CLD 4002 (1995)
1995 Bartók Béla: Concerto; Divertimento Hungaroton HCD 11437
1995 Esküvői zene
(Wedding music)
Hungaroton HCD 31472
1995 Verdi, Giuseppe: Attila Hungaroton HCD 12934 2 CDs
1996 Liszt Ferenc: Szent Erzsébet legendája
(Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth R.477)
Hungaroton HCD 12694
1996 Karácsony Marton Évával
(Christmas with Eva Marton)
Hungaroton HCD 31672
1996 Classical Marches Naxos 8.550532DX
1996 Donizetti, Gaetano: Don Pasquale Hungaroton HCD 12416-17 2 CDs / Recorded in 1982
1996 Vivaldi, Antonio: Juditha Triumphans (Oratórium) Hungaroton CLD 4022-23 2 CDs
1996 Kodály Zoltán: Spinning Room Hungaroton HCD 12839-40
1996 Classic Masterworks - Antonin Dvorak Capriccio C49039
1996 Classic Masterworks - Maurice Ravel Capriccio C49038
1997 The Best of Liszt Naxos 8.556667
1997 Kodály Zoltán: Psalmus Hungaricus; Fölszállott a páva Hungaroton HCD 11392 Own
1997 Hungaroton Classic - 1998 Hungaroton HCD 31774 Sampler CD
1997 Famous Marches Naxos 8.553596
1997 Bottesini, Giovanni: Hangversenydarabok nagybőgőre
(Bottesini, Giovanni: Concert Pieces)
Hungaroton HCD 31694 Complete edition / world premier recording
1998 Wie stark ist nicht dein Zauberton Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart, Liszt Hungaroton HCD 12891
1998 Mentsük meg a Zeneakadémiát!
(Let's Save the Liszt Academy!)
Hungaroton HCD 31841
1998 Paisiello, Giovanni: A sevillai borbély
(Paisiello, Giovanni: Il barbiere di Siviglia)
Hungaroton HCD 12525-26 2 CDs - Recorded in 1984
1998 Cinema Classics Vol.4 Naxos 8.556624
1998 Schumann, Robert: Requiem/Requiem Mignonért
(Requiem/Requiem for Mignon)
Hungaroton HCD 11809
1998 Liszt Ferenc: Szimfonikus költemények
(The Symphonic Poems of Ferenc Liszt)
BMC Records BMC CD 009 Own
1999 Romantikus szerenád
(A Romantical Serenade)
Hungaroton HRC 1038 Echo Collection
1999 Classical Music from TV Advert Naxos 8.554589
1999 Csajkovszkij, Pjotr Iljics: Vonósszerenád Op. 48/ Olasz capriccio Op. 45
(Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich: Serenade for Strings in C major Op. 48/ Italian Capriccio Op. 45)
Hungaroton HRC 1044 Own
Echo Collection
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Esz-dúr zongoraverseny / Mazeppa / Hungaria
(Ferenc Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat major / Mazeppa / Hungaria)
Hungaroton HRC 1025 Own
Echo Collection
1999 Liszt Ferenc: Les Préludes / II. és VI. magyar rapszódia / Spanyol rapszódia
(Liszt, Ferenc: Les Préludes / Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos. 2 & 6 / Rhapsodie Espagnole)
Hungaroton HRC 1026 Own
Echo Collection
1999 Verdi, Giuseppe: Nyitányok és előjátékok
(Verdi, Giuseppe: Overtures and Preludes)
Hungaroton HRC 1046
1999 Bach, J. S. / Händel, George Frideric / Haydn, Joseph: Népszerű oratórium kórusok
(Bach, J. S. / Händel, George Frideric / Haydn, Joseph: Favourite Oratorio Choruses)
Hungaroton HRC 1018 Echo Collection
1999 A bécsi klasszicizmus lassú tételekben II.
(The Vienna Classicism in Slow Moments Vol. 2)
Hungaroton HRC 1048 Echo Collection
1999 A bécsi klasszicizmus lassú tételekben I.
(The Vienna Classicism in Slow Moments Vol. 1)
Hungaroton HRC 1047 Own
Echo Collection
1999 300 Év Tánczene
(300 Years Dance Music)
Hungaroton HRC 1045 Echo Collection
1999 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: A-dúr (Olasz) szimfónia Op. 90 / e-moll hegedűverseny Op. 64
(Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix: Symphony No. 4 in A major Op.90 ´´Italian´´ / Violin Concerto in E minor Op.64)
Hungaroton HRC 1029 Own
1999 Farkas Ferenc: Kantáták
(Farkas, Ferenc: Cantatas)
Hungaroton HCD 31852
1999 A bécsi klasszicizmus lassú tételekben III.
(The Vienna Classicism in Slow Moments Vol. 3)
Hungaroton HRC 1049 Echo Collection
1999 Benedictus - Classical Music for Reflection and Mediatation Naxos 8.556705
1999 Farkas Ferenc: Zenekari művek
(Farkas: Works for Orchestra)
Hungaroton HCD 31851
1999 Beethoven, Ludvig van: Esz-dúr zongoraverseny Op. 73 / Schumann: a-moll zongoraverseny Op. 54
(Beethoven, Ludvig van: Piano Concerto No 5 in E flat major Op. 73 "Emperor" / Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor Op. 54)
Hungaroton HRC 1006 Echo Collection
1999 Népszerű opera balettek
(Famous Opera Ballets)
Hungaroton HRC 1004
2000 Sweet Dreams - Baby's First Classics Laserlight 24458 Further contributor: Evelyne Dubourg, Deborah Sipkai, Eckart Haupt, Peter Wohlert, Herbert Kegel...
2000 Népszerű indulók
(Famous Marches)
Hungaroton HRC 1055 Echo Collection
2000 Sweet Dreams - Baby's First Classics Laserlight 14507 Further contributor: Deborah Sipkai, Evelyne Dubourg, Heinz Fricke, Hans Vonk, Yuri Ahronovitch...
2000 Beethoven, Ludvig van: F-dúr románc/ B-dúr hegedűverseny/ G-dúr románc
(Beethoven, Ludvig van: Romance in F Major/ Violin Concerto in D major/ Romance in G Major)
Hungaroton HRC 1052 Own
Echo Collection
2000 Bartók összkiadás - Zenekari művek I.
(Bartók Complete Edition - Symphonic Works)
Hungaroton HCD 31884-87
2000 Bartók összkiadás - Zenekari művek II.
(Bartók Complete Edition - Symphonic Works II.)
Hungaroton HCD 31888-91
2000 The Sorcerer's Apprentice and other Orchestral Favourites Naxos 8.554066
2000 Bartók összkiadás - Vokál-szimfonikus művek
(Bartók Complete Edition - Vocal Orchestral Works)
Hungaroton HCD 31883
2000 Mozart, W. A.: The Best Of W.A. Mozart Laserlight 24465
2001 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Zongoraversenyek K.246, K.365, K.242
(Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Piano Contertos K.246, K.365, K.242)
Hungaroton HCD 32046
2001 Listen, Learn and Grow: Playtime Fun and Games Naxos 8.555812
2001 50 éves a Hungaroton - Énekművészek (1951-2001)
(Fifty Years of Hungaroton - Singers)
Hungaroton HCD 32096-98 3 CDs
2001 50 éves a Hungaroton - Karmesterek (1951-2001)
(Fifty Years of Hungaroton - Conductors, 1951-2001)
Hungaroton HCD 32074-77 4 CDs
2001 Vivaldi, Antonio: Az Olimpia (részletek)
(Vivaldi, Antonio: L'Olimpiade (highlights))
Hungaroton HCD 32022
2001 Weiner Leó: Concertino; Divertimento No.2; Ballade; Pastorale, Fantasia and Fugue Hungaroton HCD 31992
2001 Versenyművek
Hungaroton HCD 31989
2002 Jesus Christ in Music Naxos 8.557161
2002 Marosszéki táncok; Székely keserves; Felszállott a páva Hungaroton HCD 32132
2003 Gyászzenék
(Funeral Music)
Hungaroton HCD 32260
2003 Enkelin Aanin
(Angel's Voices)
Naxos 8.503147
2003 Chill with Bach Naxos 8.556786
2003 Mozart Edition Vol 4 - Piano Concertos Brillant Classics 99720
2003 Kocsis Zoltán hangszerelései
(Orchestrations by Zoltán Kocsis)
Hungaroton HCD 32106 Own
2003 Liszt Ferenc: Orpheus; Les Preludes Hungaroton HCD 32203 Own
for Two Pianos, Organ & Orchestral Versions
2004 Famous Austrian Composers - Strauss, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Haydn, Albrechtsberger Capriccio C49370 5 CDs
2004 Classic Moods - Bach, Gounod, Beethoven, Schubert, Wieniawski, Dvorak, Bruch, Grieg Capriccio C18413
2004 Szőnyi Erzsébet: Orgonaverseny, Hat középkori himnusz, Hárfás kvintett, etc.
(Erzsébet Szőnyi: Concerto per organo e orchestra, Six medieval hymns, Quintet for Harp and String Quartet, etc.)
Hungaroton HCD 32246
2004 Dohnányi, Debussy-Kocsis, Rahmanyinov BMC Records BMC CD 101 Own
2004 Schönberg, Varése BMC Records BMC CD 102 Own
2004 Vivaldi, Antonio: Sacrum/Domine ad adiuvandum... Hungaroton HCD 32182
2004 Frühjahrsparade
(Spring Parade)
Capriccio C49364
2004 Bartók Béla: Concerto zenekarra; Tánc-szvit; Magyar parasztdalok
(Bartók, Béla: Concerto for Orchestra; Dance Suite for Orchestra; Hungarian Peasant Songs)
Hungaroton HSACD 32187 Own
2005 Liszt Ferenc: Dante Symphony - A la Chapelle Sixtine - Hungarian Rhapsodies - Piano Concertos - Totentanz - Wanderer Fantasy Capriccio C49450
2005 Mozart, W. A.: g-moll szimfóniák K.183 és K.550
(Mozart, W. A.: Symphonies in g minor K.183 & K.550)
BMC Records BMC CD 107 Own
2005 Mindörökké Mozart
(Simply Mozart)
BMC Records BMC PCD107 The very first concert in the new National Concert Hall in the Palace of Arts, Budapest, January 8, 2005
2006 A Bride's Guide to Wedding Music for Civil Ceremonies Naxos 8.570227-28 2 CDs
2007 Beethoven, Ludvig van: Szimfóniák
(Beethoven, Ludvig van: 9 Symphonyies)
Hungaroton HCD 41007 Own
6 CDs / Complete edition
2007 Kurtág 80 BMC Records BMC CD 129
2008 The Genius of Bach Naxos 8.570384 2 CDs
2008 Bartók Béla: 2. szvit / Román tánc / Román népi táncok / Tánc-szvit
(Bartók, Béla: Suite No. 2 / Rumanian Dance / Rumanian Folk Dances / Dance Suite)
Hungaroton HSACD 32506 Own
Bartók New Series 6.
2009 Richter Magyarországon (1954-1993)
(Richter in Hungary (1954-1993))
BMC Records BMC CD 171
2009 Unger-Hamilton, Clive: Discover Music of the Baroque Era (Unabridged) Naxos NA495912 4 CDs
2011 Liszt Ferenc: Orchestral Pieces - Hungarian Rhapsodied - Dante Symphony - Symphonic Poems Capriccio C7090
2011 Liszt Ferenc: Krisztus oratórium
(Liszt, Ferenc: Christus (Oratorio))
2012 Great Sacred Masterpieces (10-CD Box Set) Naxos 8.501062 10 CDs
2013 101 Essential Classical Masterpieces: Mozart Hungaroton
2014 Mahler, Gustav: I. (D-dúr, „A titán”) szimfónia
(Mahler, Gustav: Symphony No. 1)
BMC Records BMC CD 188
2016 Sass Sylvia: Jubileumi kiadás
(Sylvia Sass: Anniversary Edition)
Hungaroton HCD 32788–89 2 CDs
2016 Klára Takács: Songs by Liszt, Verdi, Strauss & Schumann Hungaroton HCD 32769
2017 Bach, Johann Sebastian: A reformáció és J. S. Bach
(Bach, Johann Sebastian: The Reformation and J. S. Bach)
2017 Kocsis Zoltán: A Tribute Hungaroton HCD 32803-04
2017 Zoltán Kocsis – A Tribute Hungaroton HCD 32803–04 2 CDs
2017 A Virtuózok felfedezettje: Boros Misi önálló koncertje a Nemzeti Filharmonikusokkal MG Records Kft. Own
2 CDs
2019 The Masters Collection: Zoltán Kocsis Hungaroton HCD 32840-42 3 CDs
2019 The Masters Collection: János Ferencsik Hungaroton HCD 32820–22 3 CDs
2020 Eötvös Péter: Senza sangue
(Péter Eötvös: Senza sangue)
BMC Records BMC CD 278 Own
2021 Romantic Cello - The Essential Classics of Schumann, Dvořak, Chopin & Others Hungaroton HCD 32855
2021 Beethoven - The Essential Classics of the Great German Composer Hungaroton HCD 32857
2021 The Essential Classics of the Virutoso Pianist: Cziffra - The 100th Anniversary Hungaroton HCD 32858 Own