Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Csemiczky Miklós


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Born: 16th March 1954, Budapest.

Composer, music teacher.

He studied composition with Miklós Kocsár in Béla Bartók Secondary School for Music (1973-1977). Later on, between 1977 and 1982, he was a pupil of Rezső Sugár and Emil Petrovics at Ferenc Liszt Academy. In 1982 he graduated as composer and teacher of composing.

After graduation he became a member of the Group of Young Composers within the Association of Musicians and he regularly participated at the concerts of the association. In 1982 his String-quartet won a prize at the international composers’ contest of the Budapest Spring Festival. Next year his Wind-quintet No. 2. was prize-winner at the same contest. In 1982 he worked as editor at the Zeneműkiadó.

His educational activity is continuous since he graduated. For three years he had been teaching music theory and solfeggio at the wind-conductor department of the Conservatory. Simultaneously he started to teach in Béla Bartók Secondary School for Music, where he is still responsible for subjects related to composing – music theory, style practice, counterpoint, instrument studies and score reading.

Through 1991-1992 he taught instrumentation at the composing department of the Ferenc Liszt Academy. In 1998 he taught music theory, score reading and instrument studies at the choral-conducting department of the Academy’s Teacher Training Institution. Since 1999 he has been teaching music theory, score reading, counterpoint and composing as professor of the Béla Bartók Music Institution, University of Miskolc.

In 1996 he was invited to the International Choral Festival of Cork (Ireland), where his composition – requested especially for this occasion – was presented within the frames of a seminar. As a member of the jury and as invited composer he also takes part in the activity of the International Béla Bartók Choir Contest of Debrecen for a long time. Besides, he is a member of the Art Board of this contest. His works are often performed at various Hungarian and foreign music events, as well as in the programme of the Hungarian Radio. Around fifty of his works have been published by Hungarian and Finnish label companies so far. A number of his compositions were recorded at the Hungarian Radio, while his works are on a dozen of anthology albums to find. His full composer albums were released in 1986 and 2003.

For his composition activity he received the Ferenc Erkel Prize in 1986 and the Bartók-Pásztory Prize in 1996. In 2020 he was given the title Merited Artist.
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1983 Fiatal magyar zeneszerzők elektronikus kompozíciói
(Electronic Music by Young Hungarian Composers)
Hungaroton SLPX 12371 LP
1987 Csemiczky: Commedia senza parole; Előhívó ének; Kyrie; Antiphonae No. 2
(Csemiczky, Miklós: Commedia senza parole; Summoning Song; Kyrie; Antiphonae No. 2)
Hungaroton SLPX 12854 Own
1993 Magyar Rézfúvós Ötös: J.S.Bach, Vivaldi, Malcolm Arnold, Csemiczky Miklós, Vukán György művei
(Hungarian Brass Quintet: Works of J.S.Bach, Vivaldi, Malcolm Arnold, Miklós Csemiczky, György Vukán)
Hungaroton HCD 31449
1995 Magyar kompozíciók zongorára
(Hungarian Piano Music)
Hungaroton HCD 31608
1997 Kortárs magyar szerzők művei cimbalomra
(Works for cimbalom by Hungarian Contemporary Composers)
Hungaroton HCD 31669
1998 Kórusművek Debrecennek
(Vocal Works to Debrecen)
Magánkiadás BR 0109
2001 Párhuzamos monológok - kortárs magyar zene cimbalomra
(Paralel Monologues - Contemporary Hungarian Music for Cimbalom)
Hungaroton HCD 31997
2001 Kortárs magyar kórusművek
(Hungarian Contemporary Choral Works)
Hungaroton HCD 31956
2003 Szent és profán - kortárs magyar kórusantológia
(Sacred & Profane - Hungarian Contemporary Choral Antology)
Hungaroton HCD 32195
2003 Csemiczky Miklós: C-dúr mise; Motetták
(Miklós, Csemiczky: Missa in C; Motets)
Hungaroton HCD 32177 Own
2005 Ear Ensemble: Faragó, Olsvay, Madarász, Sugár M., Decsényi, Szigeti és Csemiczky művei
(Ear Ensemble: Works by Faragó, Olsvay, Madarász, M. Sugár, Decsényi, Szigeti, Csemiczky)
Hungaroton HCD 32347
2006 Wohltemperiertes Cymbal Hungaroton HCD 32359
Title Type Year
"One-Minute Short Stories" Instrumental solo 1978
25 Viola Duets Chamber Music 0
Town Musicians of Bremen Opera 2006
Ad Mariam Choral music 2022
Alleluia Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 2019
Antiphonae No. 1 String orchestra 1984
Antiphonae No. 2 Ensemble 1984
Tiny Songs Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2022
Arietta Chamber Music 0
Ave Maria Female choir 2001
Ave Maria Female choir 0
Ave Maria in D Mixed choir 0
Ave Maria (in E) Mixed choir 1994
Ave Maria (in F) Female choir 2011
Ave maris stella Mixed choir 0
Ave verum corpus Mixed choir 1994
Calf on the Meadow... Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1981
Canone all´ombra Electroacoustic music 2000
Cantus Floridi Instrumental solo 1985
Capriccio interrotto Instrumental solo 1986
Capriccios, Epitaphs and Choral in memoriam Igor Stravinsky Chamber Music 1983
Cinque pezzi sacri Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2014
Commedia senza parole / Comedy Without Words Chamber Music 1985
Csujogatók Female choir 1980
Da pacem Domine Mixed choir 1994
De fonte aquae vitae Choir a cappella 2016
Deus creator omnium Mixed choir 0
Deutsche Lieder Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1998
Dies Sanctificatus Mixed choir 0
Due pezzi sacri Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 0
One-Minute Short Stories Instrumental solo 0
Summoning Song Mixed choir 1983
Evening Mixed choir 0
Fantasia Concertante for Two Cimbaloms and Winds Concerto 1988
Fantasia sul uno canto popolare ungherese Chamber Music 2015
Four Sacred Songs Female choir 0
Children´s Games Orchestral work 2013
Hymni Ambrosiani Solo voice(s), choir & chamber orchestra 2014
Three Nocturnes Mixed choir 2016
Three Mixed Choirs Mixed choir 0
Eyes Closed Mixed choir 1983
Solo Sonata for Violin No. 2 Instrumental solo 2009
Wind Quintet No. 2 Chamber Music 1983
String Quartet No. 2 Chamber Music 0
Kyrie Mixed choir 1979
Two Motets Mixed choir 1997
Chinese Temple Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1978
Laterna Magica Ensemble 1982
Pas á pas Symphony orchestra 1983
Macramé Symphony orchestra 1982
Magnificat Choir a cappella 0
Maqam Chamber Music 1979
Meditatio mortis !to be determined 0
Messages from Lewis – Three Songs on the Poems by Lewis Caroll verseire Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2016
Missa "Terra tremuit" Mixed choir 0
Missa Brevis Children's choir 0
Missa in C / Mass in C MAjor Mixed choir 1991
Norvegian Fantasy Electroacoustic music 2003
Four Autumn Sonnets Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 0
O Beata virgo Maria Mixed choir 1997
O Voi Choral music 2021
Partita Instrumental solo 1987
Pater noster Mixed choir 0
Quatre bagatelles Instrumental solo 1993
Quatuor a cordes / String Quartet Chamber Music 1979
Regina caeli Mixed choir 0
Salve Regina Mixed choir 1999
Schattenlieder Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2011
Sequentia de Virgine Maria Mixed choir 1990
Sinfonietta Symphony orchestra 1985
Sonata per archi String orchestra 2015
Sonata per violino solo Instrumental solo 1981
Sonata piccola No. 1 Chamber Music 1989
Sonatina Con Intermezzi Instrumental solo 2020
Stabat Mater Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 2018
Verse-Songs Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 0
Lament-Song for Tammuz Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 1993
Te Deum Mixed choir 0
Te Deum 1914 Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 0
Tristis est anima mea Mixed choir 0
Two Sacred Songs of the Nativity Mixed choir 0
Una sonata grande per cimbalom ungherese Instrumental solo 1992
Variations on a Theme in Dorian Mode Chamber Music 2011
Violin Concerto Concerto 2017
Vox dilecti mei Mixed choir 1999
My Happy Hours are the Waters Mixed choir 0
Zelené hory Female choir 2016
Vocal Miniatures Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2002
Five Duets for Trumpets Chamber Music 1981
Feast Mixed choir 0