Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Horváth Balázs


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

6 March 1976 Budapest

Balázs Horváth studied composition at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest where he received his degree with honours (summa cum laude) in 1999. His professors included Zoltán Jeney, Attila Bozay, and János Vajda. He finished his DLA in Composition at the Liszt Academy in 2005, while teaching there as well.

Horváth regularly appears at significant events of contemporary music. In summer 1994 he attended the Young Artists’ Composition Program at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute, lead by Dr. Richard Cornell, in 1997 the 3rd International Young Composers’ Meeting in Apeldoorn, Holland and in September 2000 the Stockhausen Hymnen seminar lead by Péter Eötvös and Karlheinz Stockhausen. He also regularly participates in the Bartók Seminar, Szombathely, with such internationally renowned composers and conductors as Bryan Ferneyhough, Michael Jarrell, Marco Stroppa, Denis Smalley and László Tihanyi. In 2003 he was an assistant of Michael Jarrell and Jonathan Harvey at the Bartók Seminar.

He won 2nd prize, Composers’ Competition at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in 1997 and 1999, 3rd prize at the Composition Competition of the city Kecskemét in 1999, 2nd prize at the composers’ contest of Vántus István Társaság, Szeged in 2002 (Contraindications) and 2006 (Waiting for...). His Timesongs was selected as a finalist at the 17th ALEA III International Composition Competition, Boston, USA, and was performed on the 2nd October 1999 in Boston.

In 2000 Petrus-Passio won the main prize of the competition “Megváltás” in the Hungarian city of Törökszentmiklós and the following year he won “Consolation Prize” at the International Composition Prize of the Festival Internacional de Orquestas de Jóvenes Murcia (Spain). He won the 1st prize with his composition POLY at the ‘In Memoriam György Ligeti’ composition contest in Berlin (2007).

In 2009 he came in second place with BORROWED IDEAS in the category for grand orchestral works at the UMZF Composing Competition. In 2011 in the final concert of the 2nd New Hungarian Music Forum two pieces by Horváth were performed. For (Tec)tonic he received 2nd prize in the chamber music category, while for the orchestral piece called Faust and friends in the Magic Castle he got the first prize.

His compositions are performed in Hungary and abroad as well such as the Budapest Autumn Festival, the Mini Festival - Budapest, the Új Magyar Művek Bemutatója (Premieres of New Hungarian Pieces), Hommage a Bartók - Hangversenyciklus 2006 (Concert series, 2006), the Gaudeamus Music Week in Amsterdam, the 25th Centre Acanthes Festival in Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, the Szombathelyi Bartók Festival and Seminar, the Making New Waves, the ISCM World Music Days in Ljubljana (2003) and Gothenburg (2009), the Music of Today in London, the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, the FOCUS! 2007: The Magyar Legacy (New York) and the Music in Current (Tokyo).

His first orchestral piece, La Corsa Grande dei Clarinetti was recorded and performed by Bence Szepesi and the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gergely Vajda in 2001. Horváth's second orchestral piece for the same orchestra commissioned by the Hungarian Radio was premiered in February 2004 under the title Commentaries to Gabrieli. In 2004 and 2007 he was working as organiser and one of the artistic leaders of joint projects of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest and the New York based Juilliard School of Music. He also participated at the project as conductor.

On October 17, 2005 six of his compositions were performed at a portrait concert organised by the Budapest Autumn Festival, among which three were world premieres. The conductor of the concert was Horváth himself and his colleague, Gergely Vajda. Balázs Horváth regularly appears as conductor and performer at special occasions and performances of contemporary pieces.

Between 2000 and 2002 Balázs Horváth was recipient of the Zoltán Kodály Scholarship. He received the Benedek Istvánffy Prize for MAGNETS IV (round and round) in 2004 and for Waiting for... in 2007. In 2007 he received the Ferenc Erkel Prize.

From 2001 to 2006 his compositions were published by Editio Musica Budapest (EMB). Recently he’s been more and more active as conductor. Since 2009 he’s been leader of the contemporary music band THReNSeMBle.

see also: Horváth Balázs - conductor
Title Type Year
"Rhapsody" no. 1 Chamber Music 2021
"Rhapsody" no. 2 Chamber Music 2021
(Tec)tonic Chamber orchestra 2010
(untitled) Chamber Music 2016
...s´ Love??? Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2006
...a very simple case: Live and tape music 2003
From 3 to 10 Chamber Music 2002
4 in 1 Chamber Music 2009
482 or 483 notes for your 50th birthday – DON’T ASK, WHY! Instrumental solo 2013
6:3 Ensemble 2018
Behind the Walls Electroacoustic music 1998
The Hammer of the Village (Zengemény on lyrics by Sándor Petőfi) Stage work 2022
The Three brothers Chamber Music 2005
The Mad Man with Mouth Organ Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1995
The Music Lover Stage work 2024
ADM (quasi chaconne) Instrumental solo 2022
ADM (quasi chaconne) Instrumental solo 2019
Additive Chamber Music 2012
Again and again and... Chamber Music 2004
All-in – in memoriam Bálint NAGY (and three friends) Electroacoustic music 2022
Alterego Chamber Music 1999
Anche per clarinetti Chamber Music 2006
Faces Ensemble 2008
ArtOfVirus #71 Ensemble 2020
Assemblage (1) Ensemble 2011
Motorway Junction Chamber Music 1996
The pig-tail of the silver pony Chamber Music 1997
BBaattaaiiaa Ensemble 2016
BBaattaaiiaa (version with piano) Ensemble 2016
BEAN Instrumental solo 2015
BEGE Live and tape music 2000
BORROWED IDEAS Concerto 2006
Base(d on) Live electronic music 2023
Broken con(sor)tinuity Electroacoustic music 2014
Charleston for Rozsda (Hommage á Rozsda) Ensemble 2023
Circusoyd Chamber Music 2007
Compass Chamber Music 2024
Contraindications Chamber Music 1994
Danses des rats de ballet / Dances of the Ballet Rats Concerto 2019
Die Fuge der Kunst Symphony orchestra 2020
Divergent Chamber orchestra 2007
Double Cadence Avec Deux Doubles Symphony orchestra 2011
Dualith Chamber Music 2014
Duet madrigal Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2022
Audience of an Exhibition Other 2016
Disappearing Canon with Sinewave Supplement Live and prerecorded music 2017
Escalator Concerto 2010
Etude F#-E-Bb - semitone (Hommage á G. F. H.) Chamber Music 2007
Radio Europe at Night (Madrigal during a dream) Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2021
Fake-polyphony Chamber Music 2009
Faust Groteske Symphony orchestra 2011
Fragmenti «Ja gulyala veselo» Chamber orchestra 2014
Fragmenti v «Ja gulyala veselo» Chamber orchestra 2014
Sliding of Light Instrumental solo 2023
Through the Eyes of Men / Through the Eyes of Women Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2010
Commentaries to Gabrieli Symphony orchestra 2003
I Encounter My Own Death Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2015
Interval-Repetitions - For the 70th Birthday of Péter Eötvös Chamber Music 2012
Háromlapos (Three-page) Instrumental solo 2016
I Got Riff Symphony orchestra 2012
Timesongs Solo voice(s) with ensemble 1997
Intermezzo Chamber Music 2000
Jam Session Chamber Music 1994
Jeánnonó Tape music 2002
Jigsaw Chamber Music 2005
Kitsch (source: Mixed choir 2014
Quintet for Three Performers Chamber Music 2001
Music to the short novel of The Kappas by Akutagawa Ryonusoke Incidental music 2008
Kötöttfogású, szabadfogású... Instrumental solo 2019
Middle Register Canon with Sinewave "Glissando" Electroacoustic music 2017
La Corsa Grande Dei Clarinetti Concerto 1999
La continuitá interrotta (a Elliott Carter) Chamber Music 2016
La continuitá interrotta (a Elliott Carter) Chamber Music 2008
La continuitá interrotta (a Elliott Carter) Chamber Music 2016
La strada ghiaiosa - per il 65 compleanno di Z. Jeney / Gritty Street - for the 65th anniversary of Z. Jeney Instrumental solo 2007
Wistaria Chamber Music 2010
Limerick (1) Chamber Music 2015
Limerick (2) Chamber Music 2015
Linear - For the 70th Birthday of Zoltán Jeney Instrumental solo 2012
M4 Chamber Music 2017
MAGNETS I/a (Crux) Unspecified instrument(s) 1999
MAGNETS I/b (Crux) Ensemble 2000
MAGNETS I/c (Crux) Chamber Music 2000
MAGNETS II (Rkonzert) Ensemble 2000
MAGNETS III (continued) Ensemble 2001
MAGNETS IV/a (round and round) Ensemble 2003
MAGNETS IV/b (round and round) Ensemble 2003
MAGNETS V (Four) Ensemble 2004
Madrigali / Madrigal Live and tape music 2004
Mennybe Electroacoustic music 2016
Metamorphose - für Péter Tornyai Instrumental solo 2011
Mirabel´s Dance Chamber Music 1994
Mixtures Chamber Music 2021
Mr. B. Meets Anthony Chamber Music 1996
From Miles Away Instrumental solo 2004
Nata, Son Chamber Music 2018
Quartertone Retrograde Canon Chamber Music 2017
Quadratic view – variations Other 2016
On the See-Saw... Ensemble 1998
PIN Code Variations Chamber Music 2009
PLAYLIST für meine Reise nach Gera, 2018 Chamber Music 2018
POLY Ensemble 2007
Partita ricostruita Chamber Music 2019
Passaconne - For Flute Instrumental solo 2015
Passaconne hybride Instrumental solo 2022
Peep Instrumental solo 2015
Perpetuum mobile Chamber Music 2006
Petrus Passio Choir and solo instrument(s) 1999
Plunderphonic intermezzi Symphony orchestra 2017
Poème Canonique – Trgll Other 2016
Dots - Lines (to Sacher via Boulez) Instrumental solo 2011
Prélude Chamber Music 2002
Pseudo Suite Instrumental solo 2008
Quartetto per flauti Chamber Music 2005
Quartetto per flauti - Seconda versione Chamber Music 2006
Repedezett / Cracky Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2008
Roundtrip Live and prerecorded music 2010
Grid Chamber Music 2015
Salvador Dali´s grimace while he is painting his work titled "Three Flower-Headed Women Come Across the Skin of a Concert Piano on the Sea Shore" Chamber Music 1995
Sebes-forgatós Electroacoustic music 2016
Short circuits - per corno in Fa e pianoforte Chamber Music 2011
Shorter roundtrip Live and prerecorded music 2010
Sky/Earth Ensemble 2024
Sequence Chamber Music 2006
Suite bourlesque Mixed choir 1995
Surface studies Instrumental solo 2018
At the End of September Chamber Music 2003
Szerepcsere Chamber Music 2019
Symmetry-Asymmetry Chamber Music 2002
TAZI Fanfare Chamber Music 2014
Tea for three Chamber Music 2019
Tec Chamber orchestra 2008
Tecton Chamber orchestra 2009
Tectonic Chamber Music 2009
Ten-da(e)nc(i)es Ensemble 1998
Three Small Squares Instrumental solo 1994
Ti / You Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2019
Further Series Instrumental solo 2007
MASS-Canon !to be determined 2017
Unisono Ensemble 2021
Street Demonstration Other 2016
Video Prolog Live and prerecorded music 2012
Visszatekintve (Looking Back) - For Symphony Orchestra Symphony orchestra 2008
Waiting for... Chamber Music 2005
Wannabe Orchestral work 2016
Werkmusik Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2013
Werkmusik Solo voice(s) with orchestra 2015
Zweistimmig dreiteilig Instrumental solo 2024
Flags Live electronic music 2006
the 6th and the 8th movements Symphony orchestra 2020
cF Instrumental solo 2019
character Instrumental solo 2017
melody+accompaniment Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2013
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition Vocal ensemble 2013
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition Symphony orchestra 2013
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2019
by the way Tape music 2003
(DIS)agreement Chamber Music 2016
translation exercise (Chorus) Live and prerecorded music 2014
fordítási gyakorlat (Chorus) / translation exercise (Chorus) Chamber Music 2014
fragmentuum+arpège+miroirs Instrumental solo 2017
excercises for a violin left on stage Instrumental solo 2021
hhAb Female choir 2000
from here / from there / anyway Chamber Music 2018
approximately 10 (- in memoriam EP -) Chamber Music 2016
Emag A Tsuj Chamber Music 2004
my sounds at home Multimedia 2021
picocosmos => millicosmos Chamber Music 2015
quasi ciaccona metrica Chamber Music 2020
lines, words, letters... Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2002
Transcription - Béla Bartók: Folksong-adaptation Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2006
Transcription - Erwin Schulhoff: Hot Sonate Concerto 2015
Transcription - F. Schubert: Ave Maria Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2006
Transcription - George Gershwin: Summertime Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2010
Transcription - Igor Stravinsky: Piano-Rag-Music Ensemble 2016
Transcription - J. Lennon-P. McCartney: When I´m sixty-four Ensemble 2008
Transcription - J. Lennon-P. McCartney: When I´m sixty-four Choir a cappella 2008
Life Instrumental solo 2016
Überleitungen (...zu den vier Teilen der Streichquartette von W. A. Mozart, KV 483…) Chamber Music 2020
i; Running into my Death Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2015
and the ice is cracking around you, too Chamber Music 2003