Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

die ReAlisierung einer komPosition


Original / Hungarian title
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition
Foreign language / English title
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition
for rapper, symphony orchestra with electronics
Year of composition

Symphony orchestra
rapper - 2 fl. (II anche picc. and fl.a.), 2 ob. (II anche, 3 cl. (III anche cl.b.), 2 fg. - 4 cor., 2 tr. 3 trb., tuba - el. - perc. (4 esec. - vibr., marimba, camp., 2 timp., ptto., trg., shaker, drum set, tmb.b., gr.c., 2 gong,, gong w., ptto.picc., guiro, beer can, cas., tam-tam, tmb. di legno Afr.) - arpa - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
12 min

Movements, parts
One movement

LIGETI, György; HORVÁTH, Balázs
German / Hungarian
Premiere information
26 September 2013, UMZF (New Hungarian Music Forum) Composers Competition, Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, MÜPA - Palace of Arts, Budapest; Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Radio, Gergely Vajda (cond.)
Publisher / Source
MS - Copyright by the Author
Performance material can be hired from the Composer
Available here!
Broadcasted by the Hungarian Television
1 min. sample
1 die ReAlisierung einer komPosition
Remarks, other info
Second Prize winner compositon in the Orchestral Category of the 2013 UMZF (New Hungarian Music Forum) Composers Competition in Budapest

Parts of the text based on György Ligeti´s auto-interview

Hungarian translations - and re-translations into German - by Google Translator

See also as version for vocal ensemble:
die ReAlisierung einer komPosition