Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

La Corsa Grande Dei Clarinetti


Original / Hungarian title
La Corsa Grande Dei Clarinetti
Foreign language / English title
La Corsa Grande Dei Clarinetti
For Chamber Orchestra
to Bence Szepesi
Year of composition

cl. solo - 2 fl. (II anche picc.), 2 ob., 4 cl. (III, IV extra cl. in the 3rd movement), 2 fg. - 4 cor., 3 tr., 3 trb., tuba - perc. (5 esec. - timp., vibr., xil., 2 gong, gr.c., ptto., ptti., tam-tam, tom-tom, tmb.picc., maracas, wood bl., trg., claves, plastic ruler, guiro, paper sack, bottle, a sheet of paper) - 12 vl. 1, 12 vl. 2, 10 vla., 8 vlc., 6 cb.
20 min

Movements, parts
I - II - III

Premiere information
28th May, 2002, Budapest; Bence Szepesi (cl.), Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Gergely Vajda (cond.) (live broadcast)
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest, Z. 14 383 (on hire)
Available here!
Hungarian Radio, 2001
1 min. sample
1 I.
2 II.
3 III.
Remarks, other info
By the end, the three-movement clarinet concerto really turns into a "great contest of clarinets", because four additional clarinetists, including the two orchestra players, join the soloist in each corner of the hall. The canonic outlay of materials of varying density results in the feel of the sound spinning in space.