26 June 2024
Ötpacsirta Salon

How we hear it? II.

26 June 2024, 06:00 pm.
Ötpacsirta Salon - Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library Music Collection
1088 Budapest, Ötpacsirta u. 4.

The history of Hungarian wind chamber music can be traced back less than 100 years. For a long time, our orchestras also took in wind instrument players from abroad, because there were hardly any wind musicians with solo skills in Hungary. The first third of the last century saw the start of professional training in Hungary, and the first solo and chamber works for wind instruments were written. The repertoire since then has been a significant one, with many works performed all over the world. Our soloists and ensembles have enjoyed success at home and abroad with works by 20th and 21st century Hungarian composers. Many Hungarian artists perform in concerts and recordings in the world's major symphony orchestras. The concert will offer a taste of works for woodwind trio by Hungarian composers, interpreted by the outstanding wind musicians of Concerto Budapest.


Entry to the program is free, but a primary registration via e-mail (koncertregisztracio@fszek.hu) or phone (06-1-411-5011) is requested.

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