Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Klenyán Csaba


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Clarinet player Csaba Klenyán was born in 1969 in Vác. At the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music he got acquainted with the music of György Kurtág, Péter Eötvös and Barnabás Dukay, which made a deep impact on his art and vision. Besides playing compositions of classicism and romanticism, he finds it highly important to perform contemporary pieces as well. His repertory includes more than 400 works. He is founding member of the new UMZE (New Hungarian Music Association). He has given concerts in nearly every European country (Le Mans, Bergen, Huddersfield etc.), and has won first prizes at numerous international competitions, among them in Arizona (1991) and Constanta (1993). He has been awarded with the ARTISJUS Prize (Prize of the Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of Authors' Rights) several times (last in 2022), and was granted Soros Fellowship for his outstanding work in contemporary music in 2002. In 2003 he received the Liszt Prize.

Current performances of Csaba Klenyán
Koncertkalendárium (
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1999 Csapó Gyula: Kézfogás lövés után
(Handshake after shot)
BMC Records BMC CD 013
1999 Tihanyi László: Árnyjáték (Schattenspiel)
BMC Records BMC CD 027
2000 Későromantikus impressziók - Sigfrid Karg-Elert művei Hungaroton HCD 31925
2000 Melis László: Henoch apokalipszise
(The Apocalypse of Enoch)
BMC Records BMC CD 035
2000 Dely Roby: Downtown Stories BMC Records BMC CD 029
2001 Psy: A cimbalom varázsa
(Psy: Charm of the Cimbalom)
Hungaroton HCD 32015
2001 Melis László: Örmény legenda
(Armenian Legend)
BMC Records BMC CD 062
2001 Dukay Barnabás: A mélység színén
(Over the face of the deep)
BMC Records BMC CD 052
2001 Reger, Max: Kamaraművek klarinétra Hungaroton HCD 32034-35 Own
2002 Bozza, Eugene: Nizzai rapszódia - klarinétművek Hungaroton HCD 32114 Own
Maki Yamamoto - piano
2002 Eötvös Péter: Elektrokrónika
(Eötvös, Péter: Electrochronicle)
BMC Records BMC CD 072
2002 Serei Zsolt: Nézek fel: csak fény
(Serei, Zsolt: I look up just light)
BMC Records BMC CD 073 Further contributor: Juniku Spartakus - violin
2002 Dervistánc
(Dervish Dance)
BMC Records BMC CD 059 Own
2003 Olsvay Endre: Tengerszem
Hungaroton HCD 32178
2003 Dubois, Pierre Max: Kompozíciók klarinétra és zongorára
(Dubois, Pierre Max: Works for Clarinet and Piano)
Hungaroton HCD 32116 Own
2003 Hoffmeister, Franz Anton: Hat duó klarinétra és zongorára Hungaroton HCD 32058-59 Own
2003 Trio Lignum: Offertorium BMC Records BMC CD 090 Own
2003 Eötvös Péter: Intervalles Interieurs / Szélszekvenciák
(Intervalles Interieurs / Windsequenzen)
BMC Records BMC CD 092
2003 Sáry László: Tánczene
(Dance Music)
BMC Records BMC CD 069
2003 Új Dimenzió Műhely: Contra - Punkt
(New Dimension Workshop: Contra - Punkt)
Periferic Records BGCD 126
2008 Trio Lignum: Trialog BMC Records BMC CD 127 Own
2008 Tihanyi László: Képzelt utazások
(Tihanyi, László: Imaginary Journeys)
Hungaroton HCD 32484
2010 Lung-gom-pa BMC Records BMC CD 154
2010 Dubrovay László: Szólók Nos. 1-5.
(László Dubrovay: Solos Nos. 10-5.)
Hungaroton HCD 32674-75 2 CDs
2010 Ligeti and Kurtág at Carnegie Hall BMC Records BMC CD 162
2018 Lukács Miklós Cimbiózis 5tet: Lux et Umbra Fonó Budai Zeneház FA 407-2
2024 Lukács Miklós Cimbiózis Trió - Ligeti Ensemble: Responses to Ligeti BMC Records BMC CD 330