Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

82 results

The following results are available for the data you have given:

Composer Title of the work Type Year
Elia Alessio Trio Chamber Music 2000
Elia Alessio Ulisse Solo voice(s) with orchestra 2000
Elia Alessio Les Fantômes du Futur Luxe Nocturne / The Phantoms of the Future Nocturnal Luxury Chamber Music 2000
Elia Alessio Silenti Città / Silent Cities Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2001
Elia Alessio Park Güell (Hommage to Gaudì) Orchestral work 2002
Elia Alessio Laudamus Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2003
Elia Alessio Sonata per violino e pianoforte «Chagall» / Sonata for Violin and Piano «Chagall» Chamber Music 2003
Elia Alessio Quartetto Nucleodeferente / Nucleus-Deferent Quartet Chamber Music 2003
Elia Alessio Sonata per pianoforte No. 1 - A Guillaume Apollinaire / Piano Sonata no. 1 - To Guillame Apollinaire Instrumental solo 2003
Elia Alessio 13 Variazioni in assenza di Tema - Nucleostrutture / 13 Variations in absence of a Theme - Nucleus-structures String orchestra 2003
Elia Alessio La Morte del Mago / The Magician’s Death Opera 2004
Elia Alessio ...illuminavano appena / ...they illuminated scarcely Ensemble 2004
Elia Alessio 5 frammenti da "La Volontà di Potenza" / 5 Fragments from "The Will to Power" Solo voice(s), choir & orchestra 2004
Elia Alessio joujoux séduisantes / seductive toys Chamber Music 2005
Elia Alessio Storie di Solitudine - Il Bosco / Tales of the Solitude - The Forest Film music 2005
Elia Alessio Luminescences Chamber Music 2005
Elia Alessio Preludio da "11 Accuse per Olga" / Prelude from "11 Accusations for Olga" Orchestral work 2005
Elia Alessio Budapest 1956/2006 - Sonata per la Rivoluzione / Budapest 1956/2006 - Sonata for the Revolution Chamber Music 2006
Elia Alessio L’ultima notte di Csáth / Csáth’s last night Multimedia 2006
Elia Alessio Concerto per Pianoforte, suoni elettronici ed immagini / Concerto for Piano, Electronic Sounds and Images Electroacoustic music 2006
Elia Alessio 11 Accuse per Olga / 11 Accusations for Olga Opera 2006
Elia Alessio Opium - Sinestesia onirica per un epilogo / Oneiric - Synestesis for an epilogue Opera 2006
Elia Alessio La Séduction Ensemble 2007
Elia Alessio Incertezze visibili della Memoria / Visible Uncertainties of the Memory Orchestral work 2007
Elia Alessio Illusions Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2008
Elia Alessio L’altrove / Elsewhere Instrumental solo 2009
Elia Alessio Oblio della Volontà / Oblivion of the Will Instrumental solo 2009
Elia Alessio Preludio al Disinganno d’Abele / Prelude to the Disenchantment of Abel Orchestral work 2009
Elia Alessio Tuba Concerto Concerto 2009
Elia Alessio L´ora azzurra / The Azure Hour Chamber Music 2009
Elia Alessio Sonata for Horn and Piano No. 1 Chamber Music 2009
Elia Alessio Outrage Instrumental solo 2009
Elia Alessio Tre studi per pianoforte / Three Studies for Piano Instrumental solo 2009
Elia Alessio The Temptress (Piano Etude No. 2) Instrumental solo 2010
Elia Alessio An Unexpected Indifference Mixed choir 2010
Elia Alessio L’ultimo Canto di Saffo / The Last Song of Sappho Instrumental solo 2010
Elia Alessio Synthetic Perfection of the Enchantment Concerto 2011
Elia Alessio L´Eternité Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2011
Elia Alessio "Goog" le Suite - Romances without music Electroacoustic music 2012
Elia Alessio Movimento Primo Orchestral work 2012
Elia Alessio Dimensioni nascoste / Hidden Dimensions Symphony orchestra 2013
Elia Alessio Inquantumland Chamber Music 2013
Elia Alessio L´Eternité Solo voice(s) with orchestra 2013
Elia Alessio Beyond Perturbative States (Polysistemism) Chamber Music 2013
Elia Alessio Heisenberg Suite Ensemble 2013
Elia Alessio Merging Spaces (Piano Etude No. 3) Instrumental solo 2014
Elia Alessio Sayings of the Seers Instrumental solo 2014
Elia Alessio Trasparenze [Polysystemism] Symphony orchestra 2014
Elia Alessio Disappearing Rainbows Chamber Music 2015
Elia Alessio Extended moment Instrumental solo 2015
Elia Alessio Invocazione e Responso Chamber Music 2015
Elia Alessio Voynich Emblemata Choir and chamber ensemble 2015
Elia Alessio Credo Choir and orchestra 2015
Elia Alessio Conifold transitions Ensemble 2016
Elia Alessio Octet Chamber Music 2016
Elia Alessio Voynich Lied - Ai Prigionieri Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2016
Elia Alessio Labyrinthum continui Orchestral work 2016
Elia Alessio Traces from Nowhere Ensemble 2017
Elia Alessio Distimement Symphony orchestra 2018
Elia Alessio Sonata per flauto e pianoforte Chamber Music 2019
Elia Alessio Duo for Flute and Piano Chamber Music 2019
Elia Alessio Incantesimi di Merseburg Mixed choir 2019
Elia Alessio Fading into colors Symphony orchestra 2019
Elia Alessio Nocturnal Awakened Chamber Music 2019
Elia Alessio Ekpyrotic Suicide Ensemble 2019
Elia Alessio Implicate Inklings Concerto 2019
Elia Alessio Altered memories Chamber Music 2019
Elia Alessio Caducae resonantiae Instrumental solo 2020
Elia Alessio Outskirts of Matter Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2020
Elia Alessio Ultra septimam lunam Ensemble 2021
Elia Alessio Out of the Magic Circle Ensemble 2022
Elia Alessio Il Canto segreto Chamber Music 2022
Elia Alessio Dinamismo in difesa dei sogni Chamber Music 2022
Elia Alessio Etude for string quartet Chamber Music 2022
Elia Alessio Crypto-lounge of a dark left Ensemble 2022
Elia Alessio Wreiheit Wind orchestra 2023
Elia Alessio L´impermanenza della Memoria Chamber Music 2023
Elia Alessio Celestial keys Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2023
Elia Alessio Hungarian Dances after Brahms - Book I (1-10) Chamber Music 2023
Elia Alessio Hungarian Dances after Brahms - Book II (11-21) Chamber Music 2023
Elia Alessio Forme uniche della continuità nello spazio Symphony orchestra 2024
Elia Alessio Voids of Inequality Chamber Music 2024