
Pop Quotations, Allusions - Compositions by Balázs Horváth


Fake-polyphony (2009)
Miles away (2004)
Tea for three (2019)
Base(d on) (2023)
ADM (quasi chaconne) (2019/2022) – world premiere of the trumpet version
Duett madrigal (on poem by Ervin Lázár, with video by Anna Peternák; 2003)
Charleston for Rozsda (2023)

  • Judit Varga-Szathmáry - soprano
  • Tara Khozein – soprano
  • Zsófia Réman – flut, piccolo
  • Zsolt Bartek – clarinet, bass-clarinet
  • András Dénes – trombone
  • Eszter Krulik - violin
  • Oskar Varga – violin
  • Ditta Rohmann – cello
  • János Nevelő – percussions
  • Péter Kiss – piano
  • Tamás Pálfalvi – trumpet
  • Dóra Pétery – keyboard
  • Balázs Horváth - keyboard
  • conducted by Balázs Horváth

Dixieland, jazz, musical, EDM, rap, charleston – what connects these genres and dances? How do they appear in the different pieces of a composer? Why do these styles interest a composer?

A raw material, some kind of rhythmic pulsation, a special soundworld, some other detail is what shows and then hides itself in the works of Balázs Horváth. If you're paying attention, you might be able to recognize some of the music that pops up. But you have to be very careful, because some of them just flash and disappear. The more comfortable listeners will not be left on their own. Before the pieces are played, the composer will explain the background of the works and try to give a clue to finding and interpreting the quotations and allusions, and in the case of some works, he will also reveal their function and compositional creation.

Free entry! Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.


2024 September 30 Monday