Happy Birthday, Péter Eötvös! - International Symposium in Paris
12-13. January 2024.
IRCAM, Salle Stravinsky
75004 Paris, 1, place Igor-Stravinsky
Born in Transylvania on January 2, 1944, Péter Eötvös enjoys a varied career as composer, conductor, and teacher. His music, performed by orchestras and festivals the world over, includes - in addition to some 90 major instrumental and vocal works - twelve operas (and two chamber operas) to date, including Three Sisters (1996-1997), Love and Other Demons (2007), Paradise Reloaded (Lilith) (2012/13), Der goldene Drache/Golden Dragon (2013/14), Sleepless (2020) and the latest to be premiered in 2023: Valuska.
Since his earliest plays and the soundtracks of his youth, the theatrical, dramaturgical, and visual character of his works has become predominant, even in his instrumental catalog. His music-theater productions (his instrumental and vocal works, then his operas) deserve to be examined from an aesthetic, analytical, and dramaturgical point of view. This symposium will bring together specialists in his music from France, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Portugal, the United States, and China.
Scientific organisation: Márta Grabócz
Institutional organization: Institut Liszt, IRCAM
Scientific Committee: Jean-François Boukobza, Laurent Feneyrou, Geneviève Mathon, Szabolcs Molnár
Follow the symposium online at IRCAM's Youtube-channel:
12 January 2024. 9:45 am: Morning lectures
12 January 2024. 2:30 pm: Afternoon lectures
13 January 2024. 9:30 am: Morning lectures
13 January 2024. 2:30 pm: Afternoon lectures
12 January 2024.
From one stage (or opera) to another
9:30 Welcoming the participants
9:45 Opening of the symposium
President: Laurent Feneyrou
10:00 Zoltán Farkas (Budapest): Twelve Operas in Search of an Author
10:30 Giordano Ferrari (Párizs): Trois Sœurs: la recherche d’une écriture vocale et instrumentale dans l’espace théâtral
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Dr. Simon Obert (Bázel): The Sound Dramaturgy of Dreams. On Péter Eötvös’ “Sound Theater” As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams (1998–99)
11:45 Claude Coste (Párizs): Prosodier Le Balcon
12:13 pm Lunch break
President: Márta Grabócz
2:30 pm Krisztina Megyeri (Budapest): Le jeu musico-dramatique des rôles doublés de Angels in America
3:00 pm Zsuzsanna Könyves Tóth (Budapest): "Erinnerst du dich nicht?" Myths and intertextuality in Die Tragödie des Teufels and Paradise reloaded (Lilith)
3:30 pm Jolán Orbán (Pécs, Hungary): Hospitalité, hospitalité, hospitalité - Péter Eötvös: Sleepless (2021)
4:00 pm Coffee break
4:15 pm Szabolcs Molnár (Budapest): The intonation of the grotesque in Valuska, Péter Eötvös’ first Hungarian-language opera
4:45 pm Jane Forner (Toronto): Dystopia, Parody and Reimagining Myth in Peter Eötvös’s operas
13 January 2024.
From one musical dramaturgy to another
President: Pierre Michel
9:30 Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus (Saint-Etienne): Cricketmusic et Insetti galanti, deux « idées » de théâtre
10:00 Chen Fan (Strasbourg): Une dramaturgie abstraite dans Chinese opera de Péter Eötvös: geste invisible et groupement auditive
10:30 Péter Laki (New York): «Von Paris aus geht der Ruhm»: Théâtre imaginaire et encodage dans Korrespondenz de Peter Eötvös (1992)
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 György Kurtág jr. (Bordeaux): Electrochronicle (1974): un moment-clé dans l’histoire de la musique électroacoustique « live ». Création à partir d’un microscope à intervalles
11:45 Márta Grabócz (Strasbourg): De "Now Miss!" à Octet Plus. La renaissance d’une dramaturgie musicale dans l’atelier de Péter Eötvös entre 1972 et 2017 (cinq pièces)
12:15 pm Lunch break
President: Giordano Ferrari
2:30 pm Geneviève Mathon (Paris/Marne-La-Vallée): On Sirens Cycle
3:00 pm Andreas Krause (Mainz): Aspects du théâtre instrumental et choral dans Halleluja de Péter Eötvös, avec quelques réflexions sur l’ «École de Cologne».
3:30 pm Pedro Amaral (Evora): Écriture/réécriture - à la recherche d’un drame
4:00 pm Coffee break
4:30 - 5:30 pm Round table discussion
Speakers: Stefano Gervasoni, Philippe Manoury, Benoît Sitzia, Pedro Amaral, Andreas Krause, Simon Obert, Márta Grabócz
Free entry!