24. November 2023.

Dohnányi Quartet 4/2. | Stravinsky, Bartók, Mendelssohn

24 November 2023. 7:00 pm
Budapest Music Center - Library
1093 Budapest, Mátyás utca 8.

The quartet continues the series of the last season with performances of Bartók's other three string quartets. This time, these most important pieces of the 20th century repertoire are accompanied by Mendelssohn's three quartets in minor, which are linked to three different periods in the composer's short career. The third part of the programme consists of three short compositions for string quartet by Stravinsky. The program of the fourth concert in the series will be a surprise...



Igor STRAVINSKY: Concertino
Felix MENDELSSOHN: Quartet in E Minor (Op. 44 No. 2)
Béla BARTÓK: String Quartet No. 5, BB 110 Sz. 102


Free entry. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

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