Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Magyar Péter


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Courses, Prizes:
1997. 3rd place on the National Musicschool Competition in Kiskunfélegyháza
1999. 2nd place on the National Highschool Competition in Pécs
2002. 2nd place ont he National Highschool Competition in Pécs
2005. 1st place on the National Chamber Music Competition in Fehérgyarmat
2005. Budapest, masterclass by Stefan Schulz
2006. England, Birmingham ITA International Trombone Festival
2007. 3rd place on the Balog-Zilcz Competition for trombone and tuba in Budapest

1994-1998 National primaryschool of music in Tiszafüred, Teacher: Tibor Balla
1 998-2003 Béla Bartók Highschool of Music, Budapest, Teacher: Antal Avar
From 2003 Feren Liszt Academy of Music, Teacher: Gusztáv Hőna