Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Szabó Rozália


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

1989-1993 Béla Bartók Conservatory, Budapest
1993-1998 Ferenc Liszt Music Academy, Budapest - Suma cum Laude, professors: János Bálint, Lóránt Kovács
1998-2000 Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Stuttgart, professor: Jean-Claude Gerard

1992 first prize János Richter State Flute Competition
1994 special prize International Flute Competition, Budapest
1995 special prize ARD International Flute Competition, Munich
1998 first prize Ferenc Hartai Flute Competition, Budapest
1998 second prize and special prize Jean-Pierre Rampal International Flute Competition, Paris
2000 second prize ARD Interntional Flute Competition, Munich
2001 Annie Fischer scholarship prize, Budapest

1993 – Danubia Youth Orchestra, Budapest – principal; conductors: Domonkos Héja, Yuri Simonov
1994-1997 Budapest Festival Orchestra – second flute, piccolo; conductors: Iván Fischer, Zoltán Kocsis, Péter Eötvös, Sir Georg Solti, Heinz Holliger
1997 Budapest Opera – second flute, piccolo; conductors: Ádám Medveczky, Yuri Simonov
1998-2001 Matáv Symphony Orchestra, Budapest – principal; conductor: András Ligeti
1999-2000 Stuttgart Radio Orchestra – second flute
2001- Staatskapelle Dresden – principal

Important Concerts
1999 Menton Festival with Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
2000 Budapest – with Danubia Youth Orchestra
Munich Herkulessaal recital
Sain Maur, Convention Francaise de la Flute tour in Italy
2001 Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra, Skopje
Juventus Festival, Cambrai, France
Festival Perigord Noir, France