Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Csordás Klára

voice - mezzosoprano

Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Klara Csordas was born and raised in Cegléd, Hungary. She began her music education at the age of 6 with piano lessons and by attending a school with the Kodály music system. At the age of 16 she began to study singing at the Béla Bartók Conservatorium of Budapest continuing her studies at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music where she had the rare distinction of receiving a diploma both as an opera singer and as a musicologist. Her teachers were Maria Fekete (singing) and György Kurtág (chamber music). She attended several master-classes given by Jeugeni Nesterenko (Budapest), Hans Hotter (Vienna), Julia Hamari (Stuttgart), Helmut Rilling (Stuttgart). During that period she also worked in the contemporary music scene with Peter Eötvös (radio production). Later she also worked with Nicolai Gedda in Stockholm. After receiving her diploma, she went on to further studies at the Hochschule für Music und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna studying with.
Her career began in Budapest as a concert soloist for the Hungarian Philharmonic Society at the same time as singing operatic roles in Austria (Vienna Volksoper, Vienna Kammeroper, Klagenfurt Opera). Her operatic career continued in Germany where she was engaged by the National Theatre of Mannheim where she sang Cinderella, Rosina, Hänsel, II Dame, Orlofsky, Dorabella, Cherubino, Waltraute, etc. Then follwed four years at the Royal Opera House and Folkoperan in Stockholm where she had the good fortune of working with the well-known stage-director Lars Rudolfson in several productions. Klara Csordas is since several years working in close collaboration with Mauricio Kagel in numerous productions.
Now living in Paris, from where Klara Csordas is invited to sing in different cities in Europe (Am Hagen, Budapest, New York, Paris, Stuttgart, Tbilisi, Vienna, ..), she has sung at the Opera Bastille and given numerous concerts and recitals. She regularly returns to Hungary where she performs and records with the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. She speaks six languages (Hungarian, English, German, French, Swedish, Italian) and can also sing in Russian Spanish Polish and Norwegian enabling her to have a large Lieder repertoire. A CD featuring songs by Bartók has been released.

Year Title Publisher Code Remark
Bartók Songs with Klára Csordás Pyramid Records PYR13509
2015 Hyperion sorsdala
(Hyperion's song of destiny)
BMC Records BMC CD 218