Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Concerto Budapest

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

+36 1 215 5770
+36 1 215 5462
Further contact
Távközlési Zenei Alapítvány
1094 Budapest, Páva u. 10-12.

The Hungarian Symphony Orchestra embodies the spirit of the new Hungary: competitive, hard-working, smart, youthful, and ready to take its place as a vital force in the music life of a united Europe.

Although its traditions reach back to its foundation in 1907 as the Postal Orchestra, its present profile as a dynamic young orchestra dates back only to 1997 with the appointment of András Ligeti as its music director. In that short time the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra has risen rapidly from its humble origin to being one of Hungary's best and most exciting musical ensembles. Prior to the 1980s the Postal Orchestra garnered popularity through its public concerts and numerous radio broadcasts. It embarked on its professional career in 1983 when Ervin Lukács became the leader.

With the political upheavals in the former Eastern Bloc, in 1990 the Postal Orchestra's support shifted from the state postal service to a foundation established by a conglomerate of three companies. In 1992 Matáv, the Hungarian Telecommunication Company, remained as the orchestra's sole supporter, and the orchestra was renamed the Matáv Hungarian Symphony Orchestra. Since Ligeti's appointment the orchestra has developed greatly, both technically and artistically. It regularly appears at the Budapest Spring Festival and also performed at the Festival of the Cultural Capital of Europe (Santiago de Compostella, 2000) and in the Tibor Varga Festival (Budapest, 2001). In its concert tours abroad it has met with popular and critical success in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Macedonia.

The Hungarian Symphony Orchestra's roster of distinguished guest artists is a testament to the group's recognized high level of achievement. Guest soloists have included Mstislav Rostropovich, Vadim Repin, Dmitri Sitkovetsky and György Pauk from the international circuit. The finest of the established Hungarian musicians include Zoltán Kocsis, Jenő Jandó and Dezső Ránki. Among the guest conductors have been Yuri Simonov, Simone Young and János Fürst. And in the up and coming generation, violinists Barnabás Kelemen, Antal Szalai and József Lendvay, pianist Gergely Bogányi, and conductor Domonkos Héja have also appeared with the orchestra.

The ensemble regularly performs to full houses at Budapest's Academy of Music, while smaller groups present classical and contemporary works at other venues, on occasion even simultaneously. The work of the Sinfonietta on contemporary and modern music and the chamber orchestra on Bach, Mozart and Schubert support the full orchestra's work by developing each member's personal creativity and individual growth. The orchestra also excels in the music of its compatriot Béla Bartók and his contemporary Stravinsky.

Distinguished guests to have worked with the orchestra include soloists Barbara Hendricks, Jose Cura, Vadim Repin and Olga Kern, as well as conductor Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi who from 2006 is the orchestra's resident guest conductor. They also enjoyed a great success with Bobby McFerrin and in 2005, with Branford Marsalis. Hungarian Symphony Orchestra celebrated 100th anniversary in 2007.

Also in 2007, András Keller, outstanding violinist joined to the orchestra as its new music director.

Current performances of Concerto Budapest
Koncertkalendárium (
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1994 Válogatás Erkel, Brahms, Kodály, Verdi, Puccini, Strauss, Corelli, Marcelo, Torelli, Mozart, Lazzari, Mouret, Morley, Horowitz, Pearson műveiből Távközlési Zenei Al. BRSB 0028 Own
1994 Válogatás Beethoven, Verdi, Puccini, Kodály, Brahms, Strauss műveiből Távközlési Zenei Al. BRSB 0027 Own
1997 Válogatás Bartók, Wagner, Csajkovszkij, Liszt műveiből Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 02 Own
1997 Bartók Béla: A csodálatos mandarin
(Bartók, Béla: The Miraculous Mandarin)
Magánkiadás MAT 101 Own
1998 Karácsonyi válogatás a MATÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar 1998. őszi hangversenyeiből Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 03 Own
1999 Válogatás Strauss, Wagner, Sosztakovics, Sztravinszkij, Rachmanyinov, Verdi műveiből Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 04 Own
2000 Beethoven, Ludwig van: III. "Eroica" szimfónia Op.55
(Beethoven, Ludwig van: Symphony No.3 "Eroica" Op.55)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 05 Own
2001 Dubrovay László: Művek a magyar Milleniumra
(Dubrovay, László: Works for the Hungarian Millenium)
Hungaroton HCD 32065
2001 Mahler, Gustav: VI. szimfónia
(Mahler, Gustav: Symphony No.6)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 06 Own
2002 Liszt Ferenc: A-dúr zongoraverseny; Brahms: III. F-dúr szimfónia Op.90
(Liszt: Piano Concerto in A major; Brahms: Symphony No.3 in F major Op.90)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 07 Own
2002 Mahler, Gustav: III. szimfónia; Strauss, Richard: Rózsalovag
(Mahler, Gustav: Symphony No.3; Strauss, Richard: Der Rosenkavalier)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 08-09 Own
2003 Dallamok Itáliából
(Melodie d'Italia)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 10 Own
2003 Dvorak, Antonín: Love Songs; IX. "Újvilág" szimfónia
(Dvorak, Antonín: Love Songs; Symhony No.9 "From the New World")
Magánkiadás CPV 003
2004 Strauss, Richard: Don Quixote/ Sosztakovics: Jazz szvit No. 2. Magánkiadás MSHO 12 Own
2004 Respighi, Ottorino: Roman Trilogy Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 11 Own
2004 Strauss, Richard: Don Quixote, Sosztakovics: Jazz szvit no.2.
(Strauss, Richard: Don Quixote, Shostakovich: Jazz Suite no.2.)
Távközlési Zenei Al. MHSO 12 Own
2005 Láng István: Inquieto, Sempre in tensione, Ist es möglich ohne B-A-C-H, VII. Szimfonia
(Láng, István: Inquieto, Sempre in tensione, Ist es möglich ohne B-A-C-H, Symphony No.7)
Hungaroton HCD 32357
2007 Pártos Ödön: Dicsőítő ének/ Hegedűverseny/ Fúziók
(Ödön Pártos: Song of Praise/ Concerto for Violin and Orchestra/ Fusions)
Hungaroton HCD 32450
2010 Új Magyar Zenei Fórum 2009 zeneszerzőverseny
(New Hungarian Music Forum 2009 composers' competition)
2011 Új Magyar Zenei Fórum 2011 zeneszerzőverseny
(New Hungarian Music Forum 2011 composers' competition)
2015 Ludwig van Beethoven összes zongoraversenye
(The Complete Piano Concertos of Ludwig van Beethoven)
Hungaroton HCD 32757–59 3 CDs
2024 Eötvös Péter: Fermata, Respond, Cziffra Psodia BMC Records BMC CD 332