Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Three Movements for Trumpet and Percussions


Original / Hungarian title
Három tétel trombitára és ütőhangszerekre
Foreign language / English title
Three Movements for Trumpet and Percussions
Year of composition

Chamber Music
Number of players
tr. (anche tambourine), perc. (1 esec. - marimba, vibr., camp., gong, campli., ptti., wind chimes)
Movements, parts
I - II - III

Premiere information
7 May 2008, "Concert-Cycle 2008" 35th Contemporary Music Series, Studio MR 6, Hungarian Radio, Budapest; Bence Horváth (tr.), Zoltán Mihály Varga (perc.)

30 September 2019, Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music, Békéscsaba, Hungary; Duo Samodai-Szives: János Bence Samodai (tr.), Márton Gábor Szives (perc.)

8 October 2019, Autumn Cultural Festival of Szeged, Fricsay Hall, Béla Bartók Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged, Hungary; Duo Samodai-Szives: János Bence Samodai (tr.), Márton Gábor Szives (perc.)

20 October 2019, Mini-Festival • 4.4, CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival, Northern Hall, Pesti Vigadó, Budapest; Tamás Pálfalvi (tr.), György Halmschlager (perc.)
Publisher / Source
Zeneműkiadó Koncert 1234 Kft.
Available here!
Studio Recording, 2020 - Duo Samodai-Szives: János Bence Samodai (tr.), Márton Gábor Szives (perc.)
Live video-recording of the premiere in Szeged, 2019 - Duo Samodai-Szives: János Bence Samodai (tr.), Márton Gábor Szives (perc.) (Mov. I and II only)


Title Publisher