Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Phédre / Phaedra


Original / Hungarian title
Phédre / Phaedra
Foreign language / English title
Phédre / Phaedra
Musical tragedy-parody in five acts
Stage work
voice soli - mixed choir - picc., 2 fl. (anche fl.a., fl.b.), 2 ob., 2 cl., cl.b.,, 2 fg., cfg. - 6 cor., 22 tr., 2 trb., tuba - timp., perc. (xil., maracas, gr.c., crot., japanese church bell, tom-tom, trg., ptto.sosp., wood bl., 2 marimba, claves, cimb., camp., tmb.picc., vibr.) - pf., acc., arpa, cel., chit., mand. - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
Movements, parts
I - II - III - IV - V

RACINE, Jean; SOMLYÓ, György; SCHILLER, Friedrich; CSAPÓ, Gyula
Hungarian / English / French
Commissioned by
Editio Musica, Universal Music Publishing Classical (Los Angeles) and Armel Opera Festival
Premiere information
19 May 2002, Art Gallery, Budapest; Mária Horváth, Sára Eszter Kővári, Haleh Abghari, Heim Mercedes, Márta Lukin, Zsuzsa Lukin, Klára Kolonits, László Kéringer, Zoltán Mizsei, Tomkins Vocal Ensemble, János Dobra (art.dir.), Componensemble, Zsolt Serei (cond.) (Act 1 and 2)

2014, J. K. Tyl Theatre, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest 2003, C-11 (Act Four - The Conspiration)
Available here!
Remarks, other info
Based on the drama by Jean Racine and on its Hungarian and German translations by György Somlyó and Friedrich Schiller

Act 4 (The Conspiration) in form of an opera in one act is winner of the 2014 Opera Composition Competition organized by the Armel Opera Festival and the Pilsen National Theater