Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Eight Invocations to the Lunar Phases, Op. 53


Original / Hungarian title
Nyolc invokáció a Hold fázisaihoz, Op. 53
Foreign language / English title
Eight Invocations to the Lunar Phases, Op. 53
For viola and piano
to Kim Kashkashian, Péter Nagy
Year of composition

Chamber Music
Number of players
vla., pf.
33 min

Movements, parts
1. Invocation to the full moon
2. Invocation to the waning gibbous moon
3. Invocation to the last quarter moon
4. Invocation to the waning crescent moon
5. Invocation to the dark (new) moon
6. Invocation to the waxing crescent moon
7. Invocation to the first quarter moon
8. Invocation to the waxing gibbous moon

Premiere information
15 November 2014, Florence, Italy; Kim Kashkashian (vla.), Péter Nagy (pf.)
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest, © 2011, Z. 14770
Buy here!
Remarks, other info
Composed: 2010-2011

Eight movements of differing character, which represent the various stages of a coherent astronomical and psychological process of the lunar phases. (Full moon, Waning gibbous moon, Last quarter moon, Waning crescent moon, New moon, Waxing crescent moon, First quarter moon, Waxing gibbous moon.)