Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Ut omnes unum sint


Original / Hungarian title
Ut omnes unum sint
Foreign language / English title
Ut omnes unum sint
Ecumenical oratorio
Year of composition

Choir and orchestra
mixed choir - reciter choir - 3 tr., 3 trb., tuba - pf. (four hands), 2 synth. - electronics - strings: 3 vl.
Movements, parts
1. Invitatórium / Invitatorio
2. Magasztalás / Glorification
3. A nyolc boldogság / The Eight Happiness
4. Tropárion / Troparion
5. Motetta / Motett
6. Antifónia / Antiphony
7. Falso bordone
8. Sonata da chiesa
9. Üzenet az embereknek / Message to the People
10. Óda az Istenhez / Ode to the God

biblical - litrugical
Hungarian / Italian
Premiere information
18 April 1999, Debrecen, Hungary; Choir and Orchestra of the Debrecen Oratiorio Society, Sarolta Deményi (choir master), Zoltán Pongrácz (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Remarks, other info
Based on texts from: Old- and New-Testament, Koran, Dead Sea Scrolls, Hindu Upanishads, Christian Anthems, Liturgical Poems, Poems by Catholic and Protestant poets