Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Symphony No. 1/b


Original / Hungarian title
Symphony No. 1/b
Foreign language / English title
Symphony No. 1/b
Year of composition

Symphony orchestra
2 fl. (II anche picc.), 3 ob., 2 cl., 2 fg., cfg. - 4 cor., 3 tr., 3 trb., tuba - timp., perc. (2 esec. - gr.c., tmb.picc., tam-tam, pti., trg., gong, vibr., campli., camp., frusta) - arpa, cel. - strings: 20 vl. 1, 10 vl. 2, 8 vla., 8 vlc., cb.
19 min

Movements, parts
1. Andante, con moto
3. Allegro
4. Adagio
5. Adagio e festivo
6. Andante
7. Moderato
8. Allegro-Adagio appassionato

Premiere information
12 January 2009, New Hungarian Music Forum 2009 Composers´ Competition, Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, MÜPA-Palace of Arts, Budapest; Hungarian Symphony Orchestra (Telekom), András Keller (cond.)
Publisher / Source
BMC CD S05, 2010 - Concerto Budapest, András Keller (cond.)
1 min. sample
0 Symphony No. 1b
Remarks, other info
The composer received 3rd Prize for this piece at the New Hungarian Music Forum 2009 Composers´ Competition (Új Magyar zene Fórum, 2009), Budapest