Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Linos, Op. 31


Original / Hungarian title
Linos, Op. 31
Foreign language / English title
Linos, Op. 31
For harp
to Andrea Vigh
Year of composition

Instrumental solo
Number of players
15 min

Movements, parts
1. Linos születése / The birth of Linos
2. Linos-sirató (1) / First dirge for Linos
3. Linos feltalálja a ritmust és a dallamot / Linos invents rhythm and melody
4. Linos-sirató (2) / Second dirge for Linos
5. Linos himnusza Dionysos tiszteletére / Linos´ Hymn in honour of Dionysos
6. Linos-sirató (3) / Third dirge for Linos
7. Linos tanítja Orpheust / Linos teaches Orpheus
8. Linos-sirató (4) / Fourth dirge for Linos
9. Arnis-ünnep Linos szellemének kiengesztelésére / Arnis feast for the propitiation of the spirit of Linos

Commissioned by
Andrea Vigh
Premiere information
7 January 2003, London; Ruth Potter (arpa)
Publisher / Source
Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest © 2006, Z. 14358
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Remarks, other info
Composed: 2001 - 2002

See also: "Arnis, Op. 51" for harp and ensemble