Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Atte, Op. 26


Original / Hungarian title
Atte, Op. 26
Foreign language / English title
Atte, Op. 26
Year of composition

Number of players
cl., vlc. solo - fl. (anche picc.), ob., fg. - cor., tr., trb., tuba - arpa, el. pf. - perc. (2 esec.) - strings: 2 vl., vla., vlc., cb.
27 min

Movements, parts
1. Vorspiel und Satz / Prelude and Movement / Előjáték és tétel

2. Kommentar zum Satz (Der austrocknete Teich von Tränen) / Commentary on Movement (The Dried-up Lake of Tears) / Kommentár a Tételhez (A kiszáradt könnyek tava)

3. Gegensatz / Counter-Movement / Ellentétel

4. Kommentar zum Gegensatz (Der Teich von den gefrorenen Tränen) / Commentary on Counter-Movement (The Frozen Lake of Tears) / Kommentár az Ellentételhez (A megfagyott könnyek tava)

Premiere information
2 October 1999, Berlin; Csaba Klenyán (cl.), György Déri (vlc.), UMZE Chamber Ensemble, László Tihanyi (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest, Z. 14 247 (on hire)
Available here!
BMC CD 027, 1999 - Csaba Klenyán (cl.), György Déri (vlc.), UMZE Chamber Ensemble: Zoltán Gyöngyössy (fl.), Márta Malomvölgyi (ob.), György Lakatos (fg.), Péter Soós (cor.), László Simai (tp.), Péter Burget (tbn.), Tibor Takács (tuba), Andrea Vígh (arpa), Gábor Csalog (pf.), Erika Tóth (keyb.), Aurél Holló (perc.), Zoltán Rácz (perc.), Orsolya Winkler (vl.), Anna Mérey (vl.), Márta Benkő (vla.), Alajos Horváth (cb.), László Tihanyi (cond.)
1 min. sample
1 1. Prelude and Movement
2 2. Commentary on the Movement (The dried-up lake of tears)
3 3. Countermovement
4 4. Commentary on the Countermovement (The frozen lake of tears)


Title Publisher
Shadowplay BMC Records