Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Capriccio, Op. 39


Original / Hungarian title
Capriccio, Op. 39
Foreign language / English title
Capriccio, Op. 39
Farce dansée en un acte / Puppet theater. Ballet on one act
Year of composition

Ballet / Choreographic work
2 fl., 2 ob., 2 cl., 2 fg. - 2 cor., crnt., tr., 2 trb., tuba - perc. - arpa - strings
76 min

Movements, parts
1. Ouverture. Presto molto
2. Complainte et Arlequin consolateur; Panasz és Arlequin, mint vigasztaló. Andantino
3. Marche goguenarde. Csúfolódó induló
4. Isabelle. Molto con moto
5. La marche du Capitan. A kapitány indulója
6. La Serenade de Mezzetin. Mezzetin szerenádja. Allegretto
7. Menuet et Musette (La leçon d´amour)
8. Toccata
9. Rondeau et couplets. Allegro
10. Romance. Andantino
11. Scherzo. Vivace
12. Marche plutot gracieuse pour un empereur le la lune. Kecses induló a "hold-császár" tiszteletére
13. Les Regrets. A megbánás. Andantino
14. Finale. Vivace

Premiere information
2 April 1963, Budapest; János Ferencsik (cond.) (Premiere of the concert version: Movements I, II, III, X and XIV only)

19 April 2017, Pesti Vigadó, Budapest; Gergely Ménesi (cond.), Dóra Barta (choreography) (Staged version, with the title: Lajtha)
Publisher / Source
Unpublished (© Ildikó Lajtha)
Marco Polo CD, 8.223668, 1994 - Pécs Symphony Orchestra, Nicolás Pasquet (cond.)
Hungarian Radio, 23 October 1987 - Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Antal Jancsovics (cond.)
1 min. sample
1 1. Ouverture
2 2. Arlequin
3 3. Marche goguenarde
4 4. Isabelle
5 5. Marche du Capitaine
6 6. Serenade
7 7. Menuet et Musette
8 8. Toccata
9 9. Rondeau
10 10. Romance
11 11. Scherzo
12 12. Marche
13 13. Regrets
14 14. Finale
Remarks, other info
Other versions:

Suite I. for orchestra:

I. Ouverture
II. Arlequin
V. Marche du Capitain
XIII. Regrets
XIV. Finale

Suite II. for orchestra:

IX. Rondeau
X. Romance
XII. Marche
VI. Sérénade
VIII. Toccata

Suite III. for orchestra:

III. Marche goguenarde
IV. Isabelle
VII. Menuet et Musette
XI. Scherzo
XIV. Finale

Version of Capcriccio also available for piano four hands.



Title Publisher
Lajtha, László: Orchestral Works Vol. 2 Marco Polo (Naxos)