Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Jan Jansson´s Trip from Denmark to Denmark, Op. 7


Original / Hungarian title
Jan Jansson utazása Dániából Dániába, Op. 7
Foreign language / English title
Jan Jansson´s Trip from Denmark to Denmark, Op. 7
A transcendent musical travel in five scenes
to Zoltán Gyöngyössy
Year of composition

Instrumental solo
Number of players
fl. (anche picc., fl.a.)
8 min

Movements, parts
1. Első jelenet — a színpadon kívül / First Scene - outside of the stage
2. Második jelenet — a színőad szélén, oldalt / Second Scene - at the rear of the stage, aside
3. Harmadik jelenet — a színpad közepén, elől / Third Scene - in the middle of the stage, in front
4. Negyedik jelenet — a színpad szélén, oldalt (a második jelenettel szemközt) / Fourth Scene - at the rear of the stage, aside (opposite to the second scene)  5. Ötödik jelenet — a színpadon kívül / Fifth Scene — outside of the stage

Premiere information
27 November 1987, Old Academy of Music, Budapest; Zoltán Gyöngyössy (fl.)
Publisher / Source
Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest Ⓒ 2001, Z. 14 079
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1 min. sample
1 Jan Jansson's Journey...
Remarks, other info
Revised: 1995

See also "Epilegomena (Jan Jansson on the Milky Way), Op. 47" for flute and orchestra