Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Dinyés Dániel


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Dániel Dinyés (1980) was a composition student of István Fekete Győr in the Béla Bartók Conservatory and Grammar School. He graduated in 2006 under László Vidovszky from the composition department of the Liszt University of Music. In 2004 as part of an exchange programme his chamber work Septett was premiered in the Juilliard School in New York, and the Hungarian premiere took place the same year in the Budapest Autumn Festival (Liszt Academy).

In 1997 he won the Péter Robitsek Memorial Prize, in 1998 won the MOL music scholarship, and in 2007 the Zoltán Kodály Music’ Scholarship. In 2004 he won first prize in the Gorizia International Choir Competition in the ‘contemporary sacred works for two choirs’ category.

Since 2000 he has played regularly in a twopiano duo with Marcell Dargay, performing contemporary music. The programme of the New York concert series Focus! 2007: The Magyar Legacy (Hungarian music after Bartók) featured his work Vita. He has written several pieces to commission for the Budapest Spring and Autumn Festivals, incidental music to the drama Leonce and Lena by Büchner for puppet director Kata Csató (2007)
and to Ödön von Horváth’s drama Istentelen Ifjúság [Youth without God] for director György Vidovszky (2008).

As a coaching répétiteur he has contributed to opera productions such as the Magic Flute, The Marriage of Figaro, L’elisir d’amor (Gödöllő summer performances 1995-1998), La fanciulla del West (Miskolc International Opera Festival 2002), Gyula Csapó: Phaedra (Műcsarnok 2002), Tom Johnson: Négyhangú opera, (2004, Millenium Park Budapest, Szeged Open-air Festival, Sziget Festival), László Sáry: Négerek (Bárka, 2004), and Hans Pfitzner: Palestrina (2008).

He has been the musical director of many theatre productions eg. the Thália Theatre, the répétiteur of the Hungarian State Opera opera studio, the University of Theatre and Film, and since 2006 an external teacher at the Liszt University of Music. Since 2007 he has been a teacher in preparatory courses in music theory, music history and composition in the Aladár Tóth Music School in Budapest’s 6th district.

From 2004 he was the musical director and composer of numerous theatre productions at the Thália Theatre, the Bárka Theatre, the Radnóti Theatre, the Vígszínház, the Central Theatre, the Pinces Theatre, the New Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Operetta Theatre, the Katona József Theatre in Kecskemét, the Jókai Theatre in Komárom and the Móricz Zsigmond Theatre in Nyíregyháza.

For 10 years from 2002 he was musical director and conductor of several productions at the National Theatre. Between 2003 and 2004, while still a university student, he worked as a tutor and assistant to Géza Oberfrank at the Hungarian State Opera House. He also taught at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, and from 2006 at the Liszt Academy of Music. From 2007 he was a pre-service teacher of music theory, music history and composition at the Aladár Tóth Music School in the 6th district of Budapest. Between 2008 and 2011 he was the musical director of the Bárka Theatre and between 2010 and 2012 of the Csiky Gergely Theatre in Kaposvár.

His Liszt song album with his wife Klára Kolonits was released by EMI in 2009 and nominated for a Fonogram Award, and in 2014 their joint orchestral aria album Bel canto Reloaded received great press coverage both at home and abroad. Since 2010 he has been a regular conductor for Hungarian and international film music recordings at both Hungarian Radio and Tom-Tom Studio. Between 2011-2013 he was the musical director of the Csiky Gergely Theatre in Kaposvár.

He was awarded the Best Musical Performance of the Season for his production of Weill-Brecht: Koldusopera at Vígszínház in 2015, and the Vastaps Award at the Katona József Theatre for his Opera Inauguration series, which he launched with Pál Göttinger in 2013 and continues to this day. Also in 2013, he made his conducting debut at the Hungarian State Opera with Verdi's Traviata. In 2016, he conducted Csárdáskirálynő at the Budapest Operetta & Musical Theatre. As a conductor, he has also conducted several productions at the Győr National Theatre, the Miskolc National Theatre and the Pécs National Theatre.

Since 2017, he has had a permanent series with the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra. From 2016 to 2019, he was principal conductor of the Budapest Operetta & Musical Theatre. From 2017 he is a regular conductor of the CoOpera theatre company. From 2020 to 2023 he is the musical director of the Szeged National Theatre. In 2022, he was awarded the Art is Business Prize, and his work Job was awarded the Artisjus Prize in the category Classical Music of the Year in 2024. Also in 2024, he launched his interview series entitled Voices Among the Hungarian Composers, in which he talks to Hungarian contemporary composers about their oeuvre on the podcast channel of the Hungarian House of Music.

see also: @@SZERZO_3509## - conductor, pianist
Title Type Year
...le silence de l´eau String orchestra 0
...mauvaises pensées String orchestra 0
A Fekete Berta Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2006
AOV #811 Ensemble 2020
Sleep, Prospero Instrumental solo 2024
Andante amoroso Chamber Music 2010
Capriccio Chamber Music 2020
Monsters of an Exhibition Stage work 2018
Freecanon for Chopin Ensemble 2002
Violin Concerto Concerto 0
Hexagon Ensemble 2008
Ibis redibis Computer music 2002
Indomabile Symphony orchestra 2006
Játékok-haladóknak (9-99) Chamber orchestra 2008
Book of Job Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2022
Komment und Zauberflöte Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2006
L´aria si rinnova - For Orchestra Symphony orchestra 2008
La porte Choir and solo instrument(s) 2003
Larghetto Instrumental solo 2009
Liberta, liberta Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2007
Modern Madrigals I. Mixed choir 0
Modern Madrigals II. Mixed choir 0
Music for Dowland Choir and solo instrument(s) 2001
Musica da camera Ensemble 2007
Folksong-variations Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2024
Ouverture, Air, Double Instrumental solo 2008
P. o. E., Poetry or epic – Easy songs over a not an easy subject Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2013
Pierrot hongorise – On the text by Lajos Parti Nagy Ensemble 2020
Preludium Instrumental solo 2003
Prose Instrumental solo 2002
S.U.I.T.E. Chamber Music 2007
Septett Ensemble 2003
Sonatina Grande Chamber Music 2005
Spam Operetta Music for the theater 2014
Tempo lugubre Orchestral work 2021
Troja Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2004
Vita Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2004
Zwei Stück Mixed choir 2004
Új énekek Solo voice(s) with chamber orchestra 2008