EZMM | Liszt Academy Electronic Music Media Concert
Composers and performers:
Dávid Ruben Cséffán
Márton Gollob
Áron Komjáti
Ákos Lovász
Péter Mári
Ágnes Klára Máthé
Bori Sinkó
Petra Szászi
Natalie Szende
Zselyke Tóth
Vendel Vajda
The Electronic Music Media Specialisation is a very special branch of creative music education. Established at the Liszt Academy of Music more than ten years ago, the aim of this specialisation is to enable composers and sound designers using electronic instruments and computers to acquire the knowledge specific to this field at university level. During their studies, students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of electronic music and its related arts. This education, which also pays close attention to individual orientations, will help future electronic music composers to start their careers with a unique, distinctive and mature artistic vision. In putting together the programme for the concert, we aimed to ensure that it reflected the diverse, individual ideas and solutions of the young artists.
The concert includes multichannel pieces, stereo fixed media pieces, live performance and informal free improvisation by students of the programme. The concert will give audiences a glimpse into the work of the next generation of electronic composers, and an insight into the present and future of electroacoustic music.
Free entry! Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.