Evenings of Cinema │ Gábor Reisz: Bad Poems
(Rossz versek)
Hungarian comedy, drama film, 2018, 97 min. - In Hungarian
director, script writer: Gábor Reisz
cinematography: Kristóf Becsey, Dániel Bálint
editor: Zsófia Tálas
producer: Júlia Berkes
music by András Kálmán, Gábor Reisz, András Koroknay, Lóránt Csorba
Cast: Gábor Reisz, Katica Nagy, Zsolt Kovács, Katalin Takács, Donát Seres, Mátyás Prukner, Barnabás Prukner, Schneider Niels, Zsolt Zayzon, Lili Monori, Szabolcs Hajdu
The screening will be introduced by film- and music critic László Kolozsi (in Hungarian).
Guest: Gábor Reisz, director, script writer, composer
33-years old Tamás Merthner is heartbroken, after his girlfriend Anna, who is on a scholarship in Paris, breaks up with him. While wallowing in self-pity, Tamás takes a trip down memory lane to figure out if love only exists when it's practically gone. As he's trying to pick up the pieces, he begins to realize what makes this current society so confused, which gives us a highly subjective view of Hungary's present.
Entry to the program is free, but due to the limited number of seats a primary registration via e-mail (papp.krisztina@bmc.hu) is requested, latest by 12:00 20th September, 2022. Thanks for your understanding!