Evenings of Cinema | Four Souls of Coyote: As Long As the Grass Grows
(Kojot négy lelke)
Hungarian animated film, 2023, 100 min. - In Hungarian
director, script writer: Áron Gauder
writer: Géza Bereményi
director of animation: Géza Baumgartner
producer: Réka Temple
Featuring: Péter Bozsó, Gerda Pikali, János Papp, Tamás Széles, Bálint Vida, Sára Vida, Péter Scherer, Róbert Bolla, Armand Kautzky, Álmos Előd, Csaba Debreceny, Barnabás Szabó Sipos
Four Souls of Coyote is an alternative and more modest creation myth, in which the human being is neither the top creature of nature nor the king of the world, but only one of all the creatures. Surprisingly, these archaic myths depict the interrelated nature of the world quite similarly to modern scientific results; their morals and wisdom resonate with current environmental and green movements. The film goes back to the creation of the world, when Old Man created life from mud. His every creation is new and unknown and affects the rest of the world. Desire and emotions are unknown as well, and with the evolution of those, the world becomes more complicated. Through adventures filled with animals, magic, hunger, greed and the sacred circle of all creations, the story gives us hope that it Is not too late to correct our course - it is the last minute to save Earth...
The screening will be introduced by film- and music critic László Kolozsi (in Hungarian).
Guest: Áron Gauder, director
Entry to the program is free, but due to the limited number of seats a primary registration via e-mail (papp.krisztina@bmc.hu) is requested, latest by 12:00 18th October, 2023. Thanks for your understanding!