Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Dubóczky Gergely


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Gergely Dubóczky conductor was born on the 26th of March, 1981 in Budapest (Hungary). After mathematical studies Gergely Dubóczky studied conducting at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, then continued at BARD College, New York and Vienna, where he studied with Mark Stringer at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien, attending also masterclasses with Simon Rattle, Daniel Harding and Erwin Ortner. He also studied with Peter Eötvös and Jaap van Zweden at the Gstaad Music Festival.

After graduating in Wien, on Zoltán Kocsis’ invitation he started to work as assistant conductor at the Hungarian National Philharmonic, conducting subscription concerts as well in the Palace of Arts Budapest.

In 2014 he began his work with Iván Fischer and the Budapest Festival Orchestra, where he conducted various concerts, subscription concerts like the Rising Stars series at the Music Academy, Shostakovich 5th Symphony, opera projects or the Marathon project at the Palace of Arts. There he also assisted guest conductors Marek Janowski, Robin Ticciati, Pietari Inkinen, Pinchas Steinberg, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Jaap van Zweden and others.

After winning the first prize of the Atlantic Coast International Conducting Competition in 2016 he got many invitations, besides conducting most of the symphony orchestras in Hungary he was invited to conduct at the Maribor Music Festival, became the music director of the Hungarian Alba Regia Symphony Orchestra, led them to a high-success debut at the Budapest Spring Festival, and he became the music director of the Széchényi Festival at Budapest as well.

He made his opera debut with Mozart Don Giovanni, since then he has conducted other stage works of Bartók, Britten, Mozart, Purcell, Johann Strauss and contemporary composers. As repetiteur he worked with various artists, choirs and singers on a wide scale of the oratorio and opera repertoire.

After receiving the Richard Wagner Scholarship in Bayreuth in 2014, in 2015 he started to work with Adam Fischer, assisting him at the Budapest Wagner Days. In 2016 he jumped in for Gennady Rozhdestvensky with Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique, which received highly praised reviews. Among other invitations, he conducted Beethoven 9th Symphony in Gewandhaus Leipzig, and premiered a Hungarian contemporary opera “Creative Connections” at the International Opera Festival Miskolc.

Strongly committed to contemporary music he founded the ensemble Budapest Sound Collective in 2014, performing projects like The Seven Last Words (work by Joseph Haydn and Péter Esterházy), the “Elements” series at CAFé Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival or Haas:in vain at the Transparent Sound Music Festival. In 2021 he premiered the contemporary piece “The Man of Gold” accompanying the silent movie with the same name at the first Bartók Spring International Arts Weeks at the Palace of Arts.