Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Ella Dániel


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

He was born in 1978 in Budapest in a musical family and started to learn to play first the violoin, later the oboe. He completed his studies in Budapest, at the Music Academy of Vienna, at the Universities of Debrecen and Pécs. His teachers included József Kiss, Lajos Lencsés, László Hadady, Gábor Dienes and Günther Lorenz. In 2002 he became member of Concerto Budapest, a year later principal oboe in the MÁV Symphony Orchestra. He gave concerts in several countries of Europe, as well as in China, Japan and the United States. He has been a regular participant in different BFO productions since 2009.
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
2024 Lukács Miklós Cimbiózis Trió - Ligeti Ensemble: Responses to Ligeti BMC Records BMC CD 330