Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Kádár István


Place of Birth
Marosvásárhely (Tirgu Mures - Romania)
Date of Birth

He was born at Marosvásárhely (Roumania) in 1963 and started to learn the violin at the age of five. After having won several prizes at different regional and national competitions, he studied for two years in Bucharest, followed by another two years spent with different symphonic orchestras in Germany. In 1981 he settled down in Hungary and continued his studies at the Franz Liszt Music Academy with Béla Bánfalvi and Péter Komlós. Between 1988 and 1992 he was concert master of the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra. Since 1992 he has been member of the Budapest Festival Orchestra with which he has performed also as a soloist. An active chamber musician, he is founding member of the Aperto Piano Trio.