Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Lőrinszky Attila

double bass

Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Attila Lőrinszky has played in symphony orchestras, but is also a highly adept performer of jazz and folk music. He got to know Kathy Horváth as early as the 1970s playing and recording with György Szabados. He has been frequently performing in duos, and has been a partner of, among others, saxophone player István Grencsó, singer Irén Lovász, and violinist Félix Lajkó. He has also made a recording with the latter.
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1989 György Szabados, MAKUZ-Zenekar: A Szarvassá vált fiak Krém SLPX 37215 LP
1991 Szabados György és a MAKUZ: Homoki zene
(Sand Music)
Hungaroton Adyton 005
1999 Szabados György: Az események titkos története
(The Secret History of the Events)
Fonó Records FA-068-2 2 CDs. Also contains the album Sons Turned into Stags first released as: Hungaroton SLPX 37215, 1989, LP
2001 Kathy Horváth Lajos-Lőrinszky Attila: Vázlatok
X-produkció XP 012
2003 Új Dimenzió Műhely: Contra - Punkt
(New Dimension Workshop: Contra - Punkt)
Periferic Records BGCD 126
2005 Hungarian Jazz Store BMC HMIC BMC PCD 016 Not for sale - only for promotion / 4 CDs
2007 Szabados György és a Magyar Királyi Udvari Zenekar (MAKUZ): Készülődés a csatára GyőrFree HCD 347
2014 Szabados György: Szabad Egyensúlyok GyőrFree