Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Korossy Kvartett

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

The Korossy Quartet was founded in 2018. The founding members are Csongor Korossy-Khayll, Kristóf Tóth, Julianna Albert and Gergely Devich, who started working together in a Music Academy class under the direction of Péter Kováts, and then founded the Korossy Quartet in 2018. One of the aims of the ensemble was to pass on the justly famous Hungarian string quartet traditions and to introduce a broader repertoire to both Hungarian and foreign audiences.

They are supported in this endeavour by such renowned artists as Günter Pichler, András Keller, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Péter Kováts, Katalin Kokas, Barnabás Kelemen, Márta Gulyás, György Pauk and Eberhard Feltz.

In 2019 they won the Leó Weiner National Chamber Music Competition and were invited to the Quartettissimo Festival. Individually, its members have also won numerous professional awards. They have participated in the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) Masterclass in Budapest, as well as in the Festival and Bartók Spring. In 2021, the ensemble was awarded 5 different special prizes at the International Bartók World Competition, including performances at the Festival Academy Budapest and the Auer Festival in Veszprém. In 2022, they were accepted into the class of the legendary Alban Berg Quartet primarius Günter Pichler at the Reina Sofia School of Music in Madrid, and in the same year the Board of Trustees of the Kocsis-Hauser Foundation awarded the quartet the Zoltán Kocsis Prize.

Compared to the original line-up, the ensemble has had two changes of members over the years: in 2019 Éva Osztrosits, violinist and violist, and in 2022 - with the departure of Kristóf Tóth - violist András Kurgyis joined the quartet.

They have performed in many concert halls in Hungary. In autumn 2023, they launched a new series in the Concert Hall of the BMC: the ensemble performed all of Béla Bartók's string quartets in six concerts over two years, accompanied by a selection of works by the greatest composers of music literature, according to different concepts. In addition to their performances at home, they also perform increasingly abroad. They have given concerts at the Hungarian Institute in Vienna and Paris and in Madrid.