Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Veduta Musica

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

The Veduta Musica Chamber Ensemble was founded in 2021 by three early musicians, Tímea Fábián, Csilla Vályi and Noémi Megyery, who have worked together as chamber partners on several projects. In the previous years, they launched two concert series entitled "Kaleidoscope" (2018-2019) and "Musical Dialogues" (2020), in which they combined Mediterranean and German Baroque music with contemporary artworks. These projects and their joint planning have led the founding members to define themselves as an ensemble offering an all-round artistic experience in the concert scene.

This is how Veduta Musica was born, whose name is a reference to the ensemble's image. Their name stands for musical vision/panorama, which includes visual art influences, a broader perspective that can be offered by the arts in unison with music, and the diversity of their repertoire.

Their aim is to present as many rarely heard chamber works from the 17th and 19th centuries as possible to Hungarian audiences, and to create a synthesis of the arts, using the tools of other arts, such as dance, visual arts or prose, to make these works from earlier periods more comprehensible. In addition to authentic performance and authentic period representation, their performances emphasise a creative approach to the music of the past, thus "bridging the gap" between the old and the contemporary. Their repertoire includes both instrumental and vocal chamber music, but they are also open to performing transcriptions and contemporary reflections based on baroque music.