Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Kodály Filharmonikusok Debrecen (Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra Debrecen)

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

(+36 52) 500 200
(+36 52) 412 395
Further contact
4025 Debrecen, Simonffy u. 11/c.

The Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra Debrecen (called Debrecen Philharmonic Orchestra before 2011) can trace its roots back to the Debrecen MÁV Philharmonic Orchestra which was founded in 1923. Conducted by Emli Ábányi, it matured into Hungary's first significant rural orchestra. It became the Debrecen Philharmonic in 1991, but has been a fulltime independent institution since 1952. The orchestra features in symphonic concerts and opera performances in the city. It has given world premieres of numerous compositions by living Hungarian and foreign composers. In the last few decades, it has worked with some highly distinguished conductors, among them the Hungarians János Ferencsik, Iván Fischer, András Ligeti, Ervin Lukács, Ádám Medveczky and TamásVásáry. Foreign guest conductors have included Carlo Zecchi, Lamberto Gardelli, Charles Dutoit, Karel Ancerl and Ken-ichiro Kobayashi. Hungarian soloists to have worked with the Debrecen Philharmonic include Annie Fischer, Dezső Ránki, Zoltán Kocsis and Miklós Perényi, while among foreign guests have been musicians of the calibre of Gidon Kremer, Martha Argerich, György Sándor, Lazar Bermann and Igor Ojsztrakh. The Debrecen Philharmonic Orchestra has performed abroad in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, South Korea and Morocco. The orchestra has been awarded numerous prizes, among them Hungary Best Orchestra Work prize in 1987, the Pro Urbe prize of Debrecen (1989 and 1999) and in 1991, the Béla Bartók - Ditta Pásztory award.

Current performances of Debrecen Philharmonic Orchestra
Koncertkalendárium (
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1999 Északi rapszódia (Grieg / Sibelius)
(Northern Rhapsody (Grieg / Sibelius))
Hungaroton HRC 1034 Own
Echo Collection
2003 Gyászzenék
(Funeral Music)
Hungaroton HCD 32260