Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Sebastian Consort

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

Further contact
Consort Zenei Alapítvány
2600 Vác, Dombay utca 2.

The Sebastian Consort was founded by a Hungarian recorder artist, Imre Lachegyi in the spring of 2003. The aim of establishing such an ensemble in Hungary was to make Renaissance and Baroque consort music more popular and to play 20th century and contemporary pieces on four recorders or two recorders and two string instruments (e.g. viola da gamba). They often play with singers or continuo too.

Apart from the works of early English, German, French and Spanish composers (Jenkins, Scheidt, Pachelbel, Sweelinck, Isaac, Machera, Cabezon), transcriptions take an important part of their programme – especially (as the name of the ensemble suggests) transcriptions of Johann Sebastian Bach's keyboard works. They also play Romantic, 20th century and contemporary music with pleasure, such as transcriptions of C. Franck or Debussy's pieces.