Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Akadémia Vonósnégyes (Akadémia String Quartet)

Orchestra, choir, ensemble

(+36 1) 202 2055
(+36 30) 900 1834
(+36 1) 202 2055

Academy Quartet was founded in 1994 in Budapest.

They owe much in their career to masters Ferenc Rados, BélaBánfalvi, Márta Gulyás, Géza Hargitai, Dénes Zsigmondy, Vilmos Tátrai, András Keller, Sir George Solti and also to the members of New Budapest Quartet, Bartók Quartet, Keller Quartet, Hagen Quartet and LaSalle Quartet.

Their repertoire include famous and rarely played pieces of quartets from Haydn to contemporary music. Their partners in chamber-music are famous artists such as Márta Gulyás, Jenő Jandó, László Mező, Dénes Gulyás and Péter Frankl.

Their first public concert was held in Kyoto, since then they have been appearing in chamber-music festivals (Salzburg, Swetzingen, Prague, Holzhausen, Santander, Porto, Warsaw). Since 1999 they have been the hosts of Nagycenk Artistic Days. They were awarded by many single and chamber-orchestra prizes.

They appeared as guest artists in Japan, Germany, Austria, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Indonesia, England, Croatia and Serbia. Their concerts are regularly broadcasted by Hungarian and foreign radio and television stations. The Quartet received Fischer Annie and Soros Scholarship several times.

They have been regular Participants of Hungarian music life for years and their aim is to bring the beauty of classic music to a wide range of people.

Current performances of Akadémia String Quartet
Koncertkalendárium (