Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Five Csontváry Paintings


Original / Hungarian title
Öt Csontváry-kép
Foreign language / English title
Five Csontváry Paintings
Variations for large orchestra
"to my collegues, the Budapest Symphony Orchestra"
Year of composition

Symphony orchestra
3 fl. (I, II anche picc., III anche fl. in Sol), 3 ob. (III anche, 3 cl. (III anche cl.b.), 3 fg. - 4 cor., 4 tr., 3 trb., tuba - timp., perc. - 2 arpa, cel., pf., org. (grande!) - 14 vl. 1, 12 vl. 2, 10 vla., 8 vlc., 8 cb.
29 min

Movements, parts
1. Önarckép / Self Portrait
2. Mária kútja Názáretben / Mary´s Well in Nazareth
3. A Siratófal bejáratánál Jeruzsálemben / At the Entrance to the Wall of Weeping in Jerusalem
4. A taorminai görög színház romjai / The Ruins of the Greek Theatre in Taormina
5. Magányos cédrus / Lonely Cedar

Commissioned by
Hungarian Radio
Premiere information
1969, Budapest, Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest; Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest © 1973, Z. 10148
Available here!
Hungarian Radio, 1969 - S-11187 - Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank (cond.)
Hungaroton SLPX-12122, 1980 - Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Géza Oberfrank (cond.) (Movements II, IV and V only)
1 min. sample
1 II. Mary´s Well in Nazareth
2 IV. The Ruins of the Greek Theatre in Taormina
3 V. Lonely Cedar