Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Rondo for Two Trumpets and Orchestra


Original / Hungarian title
Rondó két trombitára és zenekarra
Foreign language / English title
Rondo for Two Trumpets and Orchestra
Year of composition

2 tr. solo - 2 fl. (II anche picc.), ob. , 2 cl. (II anche cl.b.), fg. - 2 cor., 2 trb. - timp., 2 perc. - strings: 8 vl. 1, 6 vl. 2, 5 vla., 4 vlc., 2 cb.
4 min

Movements, parts
One movement

Premiere information
1994, Concert Hall, Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest; György Geiger, Sándor Rosta (tr.), Orchestra of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music, Tibor Szabó (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Remarks, other info
Transcription of the 3rd movement from the Concerto for Trumpet and Symphonic Wind Band