Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

The Seven Seasons


Original / Hungarian title
A hét évszak
Foreign language / English title
The Seven Seasons
For alto recorder and piano (and for piano four hands)
Year of composition

Chamber Music
rec.a., pf. (anche ptto. or gong) and pf. 4 hands
Movements, parts
I. Megfagyott fény / VIII. Da Capo al...
II. Hajszálrepedések - Napéjegyenlőség
III. Dalolvadás (Versi e Intermezza)
IV. Fénylavina - Napforduló
V. Átfordulás
VI. Hűs magány - Napéjegyenlőség
VII. Elmerülés - Subsong

Premiere information
29 January 2025, Concert: "364 Days", Transparent Sound Festival, FUGA - Center of Architecture, Budapest
Publisher / Source
Remarks, other info
Composed: 2023 - 2024