Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Cantata Doroghiensis de Eucharistia


Original / Hungarian title
Cantata Doroghiensis de Eucharistia
Foreign language / English title
Cantata Doroghiensis de Eucharistia
For solo voices, mixed choir and chamber orchestra
for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress
Year of composition

Solo voice(s), choir & chamber orchestra
S., A., T., B. soli, narrator - mixed choir (S-A-T-B) - fl. (anche fl.a.), ob., ob. d´amore,, cl., cl.b., fg. - 2 tr., 2 trb. - perc. (ptti., tam-tam, gr.c., gong, bell, 4 tom-tom) - 2 cimb. - strings: vl., vla., vlc., cb.
63 min

Movements, parts
1. Részlet Buchner Antal Bányász miséjéből / Excerpt from the Miner´s Mass of Antal Buchner
2. Teremtés himnusz (Rig véda 10:129) / Hymn of Creation (10:129)
3. Teremtés himnusz (Magyar népi imádság) / Creation Hymn (Hungarian Folk Prayer)
4. 139. zoltár / Psalm 139
5. Naphimnusz (Assziszi Szent Ferenc) / Canticle of the Sun (St. Francis of Assisi)
6. Magnificat
7. Apokrif János evangélium (részlet) / Apocryph Gospel of John (Excerpt)
8. Aria da Chiesa
9. Kínai temlpom / Chinese Temple
10. Ünnepi hangok az oltári szentséghez / Sounds of Solemnity for the Eucharist
11. Dzsajadéva: Gita Govinda / Jayadeva: Gita Govinda 12. Himnusz az oltáriszentséghez (Aquinói Szent Tamás) / Eucharistic Hymn (St. Thomas Aquinas)

Vedic Sanskrit hymn(s); biblical; WEÖRES, Sándor; Jayadeva; St. Thomas of Aquinas; S. Francesco d´Assisi
Hungarian / Latin
Premiere information
7 September 2021, Dorog, Hungary; Anna Molnár (Ms.), Sára Dezső (A.), László Kéringer (T.), Pál Szerdahelyi (B.), Saint Ephraim Male Choir, UMZE Ensemble, Gergely Vajda (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Promotions CD (© 2021 Mayor´s Office of Dorog) - Anna Molnár (Ms.), Éva Leszkovszki (A.), László Kéringer (T.), Pál Szerdahelyi (B.), Lajos Lencsés (ob. solo), Saint Ephraim Male Choir, UMZE Ensemble, Gergely Vajda (cond.)
Remarks, other info
Composed: 2019 - 2020

Psalmus (Movement IV) composed: 1972, revised: 1990 and 2019

Based on Vedic Sanskrit hymns, biblical texts, Sándor Weöres´ poem, Jayadeva´s poem and the hymn´s by St. Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas of Aquinas