Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Zeven pauken en een koperorkest, Op. 69 / Seven Timpani and Brass, Op. 69


Original / Hungarian title
Zeven pauken en een koperorkest, Op. 69 / Hét üstdob és rézfúvósok, Op. 69
Foreign language / English title
Zeven pauken en een koperorkest, Op. 69 / Seven Timpani and Brass, Op. 69
Year of composition

Wind orchestra
Number of players
7 timp., perc. (2 esec.) - 4 cor., 3 tr., 3 trb., tuba
Movements, parts
I - II - III

Commissioned by
Ministerie van O.K. & W.
Publisher / Source
Donemus Amsterdam © 1964, D 04484
Available here!